  • 保护民的权利也是法庭的职责。
    It is the duty of the courts also to forfend the rights of citizens.
  • 一个文明的社会需要我们每个人品质优良,尊重他人,为人平和宽宏大量。
    A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.
  • 正能够使我们有忍耐力和慈悲;一个遇事不乱的人。
    injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving; a man patient of distractions.
  • 共汽车站再向左转。
    Fork left at the bus station.
  • 兄弟几个组建了一个新司。
    The brother have forme a new company.
  • 兄弟五人共同组织合营司。
    The five brother forme a partnership.
  • 我们相信,本司5月3日及本月20日的函件会消除贵司产生的疑虑。
    Our communication of the 3rd May and 20th inst., will, we trust, remove the unfavourable opinion you appear to have forme.
  • 我们数人联合组建了一个司,并开设总代理,取名d。c,特此通告。
    We inform you that we have forme a partnership and establish a house of general agency, under the title of D.& C.
  • ”apple司的前任ceo如此评价说。
    '" said a former Apple exec.
  • 他以前为政府工作;他以前是务员。
    He formerly worked for the government.
  • 现在一个社有几百人吃粮,这个问题很大。
    At present hundreds of people are fed with public grain in each commune, so this is a formidable problem.
  • 这家商业司建立于1724年。
    This business company was founded in 1724.
  • 这家司创办于1724年。
    This company was founded in 1724.
  • 有一群孩子在园的喷泉中玩耍。
    A group of children are playing in the fountain in the park.
  • 第四,美中关系自九一一恐怖攻击事件后已大为改善,如果陈水扁然追求法理上独立等于挑战美国“一个中国”底线;
    Fourthly, Sino-US ties have been on the mend since the Sept 11 terrorist attacks on the US. Any attempt by Chen to seek independence is tantamount to a challenge to the US' “one China” bottom line.
  • 四是是继续加强预防保健工作,建立综合性疾病预防、保健体系,指导开展共卫生、疾病控制和预防保健工作,提供技术咨询并调查处理卫生突发事件。
    Fourthly, the prevention and health care should be further strengthened. A comprehensive system for disease prevention and health care is to be established, in order to give guidance for public health, disease control and preventive care, as well as to provide technical advice and to investigate and deal with unexpected health incidents.
  • 饭店大厅里有一部用电话。
    There's a public phone in the hotel foyer.
  • 饭店大厅里有一部用电话。
    There 's a public phone in the hotel foyer.
  • "他从共汽车上下来时跌了一跤,左腿骨折了。"
    He fell off the bus and fractured his left leg.
  • 康利医生对《时代》杂志说:“我决定顺从,因为我要达到我的事业目标。我当时实在想做一个神经外科医生。我认为我可以做一个很好的脑神经外科医生。如果我做实习医生时对某些发生的事(性骚扰)然反抗,我今天就没有这样的成就。”
    Dr.[Frances] Conley told Time magazine: "I decided that I would go along because I wanted to get to there I wanted to be. I really wanted to be a neurosurgeon. I thought I could be a good neurosurgeon. Had I made an issue of some of the things that were happening during the time I was a resident, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am."
  • 这个姐姐一看到证人写信通知她说可以继承到五万法郎的遗产时,惊得呆若木鸡。
    The sister's eyes had opened wide when the agent had written telling her that she had come into fifty thousand francs.
  • 她仔细审核司的帐目,查找欺骗作弊的证据。
    She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.
  • 这家美国司营私舞弊极为严重。
    This American company is steeped in fraud up the armpits.
  • 他被宣判犯有一系列针对保险司的欺诈罪。
    He is convicted of a series of fraud against insurance company.
  • 他被宣判犯有一系列针对保险司的欺诈罪
    He was convicted of a series of fraud against insurance company
  • 决不能容忍滥用款的现象。
    Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated.
  • 拥挤的交通堵塞了高速
    Heavy traffic clogged the freeways.
  • 开车走高速公路上班
    Drive the freeways to work.
  • 高速公路上的快行线
    Express lanes on a freeway.
  • 这条路通往高速公路
    This road feeds into the freeway.
  • 高速路的地面入口。
    grade-constructed accesses to the freeway.
  • 我的车在高速路上抛锚了。
    My car broke down on the freeway.