  • 他们付我的薪水不太高。
    The salary they pay me is none too high.
  • 我两张直北京的9点分的一等票。
    Two first class on the 9: nonstop train to Beijing,please.
  • 我自己来个小份肠粉,大份炒牛河我的朋友。
    A small portion of the Rice Noodle Rolls for myself and a large portion of the Fired Rice Noodles with Beef for my friends.
  • 吃午饭时他们喝了一种味道很好的鸡肉面条汤。
    At lunch they were served a delicious chicken noodle soup.
  • “新儿,你好好的这里坐,妈去煮面你吃。
    "Xin-er, you be a good boy and stay here. Ma is going to prepare some noodle for you to eat.
  • “看你讲话的这个样子,真象一个呆子,朋友,”卡德鲁斯说,“这位是腾格拉尔,他是一个诡计多端的智多星,他马上就能证明你错了,证明他看,腾格拉尔。
    You talk like a noodle, my friend," said Caderousse; "and here is Danglars, who is a wide-awake, clever, deep fellow, who will prove to you that you are wrong. Prove it, Danglars.
  • “先新儿长命吧,我刚才吃过饭来的。”
    "Let Xin-er have his birthday noodles first. I've only just eaten."
  • 打活结…安上活结绳圈或使…在绳圈之中
    To make a noose of or in.
  • 某事物制定标准或规格。
    make standard or the norm.
  • 寒冷的北风本星期将苏格兰带来雨水。
    Cold northerlies will bring rain to Scotland this week.
  • 他在选举中以些许之差败了一个较年轻的人。
    He was nosed out in the election by a younger man.
  • 您添麻烦了。”“不必客气,我乐意为你帮忙。”
    ‘Thanks for your trouble.’‘Not at all, I enjoyed it.’
  • 好。这项工程将你们带来明显的效益。
    Ok. This project will bring you notable benefit.
  • 画疑问号(一款项)标上记号,来就其有效性或精确性提出质疑
    To mark(an item) with a notation in order to question its validity or accuracy.
  • 给某人留个条子
    leave a note for sb.
  • 玛丽她妈妈送了一个条子。
    Mary sent her mother a note.
  • 我两张元的和一张元的。
    You're giveme two twenty yuan notes and one fifty yuan note.
  • 他匆忙地我写了一张条子。
    He scribbled me a note.
  • 我从汤姆那儿借了一本笔记本,我又把它借玛丽了。
    I borrowed a notebook from Tom and I lent it to Marry.
  • 与投资者更多的优惠。
    noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds.
  • 某人提供信息或让某人注意。
    give information or notice to.
  • 新来的运动员这个队以鼓舞的力量,这个队明显地有了起色。
    The new player was a shot in the arm for the team, which played noticeably better.
  • 需要与官方报告的:须报告的疾病。
    requiring that official notification be given: a notifiable disease.
  • 那辆汽车尽你带麻烦,你受骗了。
    That car's caused you noting but trouble-you were sold a real pup there.
  • 原本荒唐的说法带来真实性的证词
    Testimony that lends color to an otherwise absurd notion.
  • 我们供婴儿营养只需喂奶就够了。
    Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby.
  • 他给地里施肥。
    He nourished the field.
  • 农民已土地施肥了。
    The peasants nourished the soil.
  • (六)必须用一切办法和尽一切可能供友军以文化食粮即书报和宣传品,考究输送的技巧。
    6) To do everything possible and use the best possible means to supply friendly armies with cultural nourishment, i.e., books, newspapers and other propaganda material.
  • 如果彼得-李已经把这个“中子弹秘密”泄露了中国,那么中国的中子弹设计者们要做的事情就是装备他们的nova设施了,而pg&e在北加利福尼亚的整个发电量相当于一个导弹头了。
    If Peter Lee had given that "cherry bomb secret" to the PRC, then the PRC bomb designer would only have had the problem of fitting the entire NOVA facility and some significant fraction of PG&E's electrical generating capacity for Northern California into a missile warhead.
  • 那个美国小说家为了自己的语言增添色彩,在每一页中都塞进了许多俚语。
    To goose up his language, the American novelist sprinkled each page with slang words.
  • 乘飞机比其他交通工具有着巨大的优越性,它不仅速度快得多,而且轻松得多,但不利的一面是空中飞行令人感到乏味,它剥夺了旅行人的一切新奇兴趣。
    Flying has enormous advantages over other means of transport; it is not only much faster but much less tiring. The other side of the coin is that it is boring and takes all the novelty out of travelling.