  • 汤姆的数与哈利的数比起来算是上乘的。
    Tom's marks by contrast with Harry's marks were excellent.
  •    (三)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,对全国人民代表大会制定的法律进行部补充和修改,但是不得同该法律的基本原则相抵触;
    To enact,when the National People's Congress is not in session, partial supplements and amendments to statutes enacted by the National People's Congress provided that they do not contravene the basic principles of these statutes;
  •  不言而喻,本联盟国家在与本公约的规定不相抵触的范围内,保留有相互间别签订关于保护工业产权的专门协定的权利。
    It is understood that the countries of the Union reserve the right to make separately between themselves special agreements for the protection of industrial property, in so far as these agreements do not contravene the provisions of this Convention.
  • 交纳或交付(个人年收入)的十之一
    To contribute or pay a tenth part of(one's annual income).
  • 今天,超过百之七十的工作人口受雇於服务行业,占本地生产总值超过百之八十。
    Today, over 70 per cent of our work force is employed in the service sector, contributing to over 80 per cent of GDP.
  • 工资总额国民生产总值的一部,表示付给所有有价值的工作或服务的报酬总额,以用来区于因管理或再投入到货币资本的那部国民生产总值
    The portion of the national product that represents the aggregate paid for all contributing labor and services as distinguished from the portion retained by management or reinvested in capital goods.
  • 尽责,尽本朝向整体目标而做出个人的贡献
    To make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.
  • 讲按劳配,无非是多劳多得,少劳少得,不劳不得。
    Distribution according to work means just this: the greater the contribution, the higher the pay; the less the contribution, the lower the pay; no contribution, no pay.
  • 神经调节和内泌调节系统
    nervous control and endocrine control system
  • 管制员的记忆是atc系统的一个重要组成部
    The controller''''s memory is a critical element in the ATC system.
  • hdm是指驱动程序与特定的控制器和硬件设备连接的部
    The HDM is the part of the driver that interfaces with the particular controller and hardware device.
  • 在3791控制器中,磁盘存储器的一个扇区内存储的一部3790程序或数据。
    In a3791 Controller, a portion of a3790 program or of data stored in one sector of disk storage.
  • 如果在这种低工作负荷下工作超过一个小时,即使是经受过高水平训练的管制员也容易神,被周围的环境所干扰。
    If required to work under these low workload conditions for more than an hour, the highly trained and highly motivated controller's attention can wander and be captured by some extraneous element in the environment The fact that this happens is not the controller's "fault."
  • 为初始化磁盘和常常执行与传送相关的功能所使用的一种装置或一种装置的一部(如外设控制器的一部)。
    A device or section of a device(say, of a peripheral controller) used to initialize magnetic discs and, often, to perform transfer-related functions.
  • 由于管制员具有同时处理不同信息的能力,因此合理配时间是可行的。有时在很短的一段时间内,时间的配与即时的管制状况存在矛盾,可用的时间较少,这就要求管制员清轻重缓急。
    Timesharing is possible because of the controller's ability to process different kinds of information in parallel. At some point, timesharing comes up against the limits of parallel processing.
  • 仪表,仪器用于记录、测量或拉制的装置,特别是作为控制系统部的此类装置
    A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system.
  • 裁判员的职责是控制比赛和评
    The referee's responsibilities are controlling the bout, and for awarding points.
  • 意见歧不一致或有争议
    A disagreement or controversy.
  • 意见歧的原因不一致或有争议的原因
    A cause of a disagreement or controversy.
  • 对流式加热机一个部被封闭,暖空气在其直接加热的表面上通过对流进行循环的装置
    A partly enclosed, directly heated surface from which warm air circulates by convection.
  • 十二点五十分行吗?
    Would ten to one be convenient?
  • 我们有很方便的期付款办法。
    We have a convenient easy-payment installment plan.
  • 拥有六个位于便利地点之行的银行
    A bank with branches at six convenient locations.
  • 这家饭店位于高速公路旁,交通十便利。
    The hotel is conveniently located near the motorway.
  • 饭店毗邻火车站,交通十便利。
    The hotel is conveniently situated next to the railway station.
  • 把一个大的数据块(例如一个矩阵)划为若干较小的子单元块以便于处理的过程。
    Subdividing one large block into smaller subunits that can be handled more conveniently, e.g., partitioning a matrix.
  • 能方便地作为一个单位来处理的某部数据以及存储这部数据的介质。
    A certain portion of data, together with its data carrier, that can be handled conveniently as a unit.
  •  北京的32个比赛场馆均位于交通干线附近,为四个主要的赛区,奥林匹克公园、西部社区、大学区和北部风景区。
    The 32 venues in Beijing are conveniently located along the main transportation routes within the city in four primary clusters: The Olympic Green, the Western Community Area, the University Area and the North Scenic Area.
  • 随着小家庭越来越普遍,人们越来越富裕但也越来越少闲暇的时间,新年的庆祝活动可能被浓缩成三个部:限于核心家庭的团圆饭、派红包和捞鱼生。
    This is because, with smaller families, more wealth and less leisure time,the New Year celebrations could be conveniently telescoped into three components: the nuclear family reunion dinner, giving of hong bao and eating yu sheng (raw fish).
  • 最常见的同时也是最方便的区方法,也许是将每一种只能用一次并使用一次后就损坏(至少是作为服务于眼前目的的工具来说)的生产工具看作是原料。
    Perhaps the line is most usually and most conveniently drawn, by considering as a material every instrument of production which can only be used once, being destroyed (at least as an instrument for the purpose in hand) by a single employment.
  • 对于这个定义,唯一的反对意见看来是,它留下了一个引起很多争论的问题未能予以解决,即所谓非物质产品可否视作财富,是否可将工人的技能或任何其他天生的或后来获得的体力或智力称为财富。这个问题并不十重要,因而有关这个问题的讨论,为方便起见可放在另一个地方。
    To this definition, the only objection seems to be, that it leaves in uncertainty a question which has been much debated -- whether what are called immaterial products are to be considered as wealth: whether, for example, the skill of a workman, or any other natural or acquired power of body or mind, shall be called wealth, or not: a question, not of very great importance, and which, so far as requiring discussion, will be more conveniently considered in another place.
  • 曾为修道院或修道院之一部的大教堂或大宅第。
    a church associated with a monastery or convent.