  • 种有可调的靠背的扶手椅。
    an armchair with an adjustable back.
  • 有可以调节的高度的种桌子。
    a table with adjustable top.
  • 挡板,调节风门种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流
    An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.
  • 种机读目录,用于通过blaise(英国大不列颠图书馆自动化信息系统)和sdc(系统发展公司)信息检索系统检索数据库。machinereadablecatalog,libraryofcongress的缩写。
    A machine readable catalog designed for retrieval of a database through the BLAISE and the SDC information retrieval system.
  • 在情报检索中,将相关联的检索词区分归类的种方法。
    In information retrieval, a method of sorting the associated key terms.
  • 风车靠风力旋转带有可调节的叶片或梯级横木的轮子所产生的能量来运转的种机器
    A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.
  • 种具有号码的卡片,记录在信息检索系统中使用的文件的位置。
    A card with numbers which record the location of documents used in an information retrieval system.
  • 扳手种有固定或可调整的钳口的手用或机械工具,用来咬合、转动或扭转如镙钉、镙铨或管子的物体
    Any of various hand or power tools with fixed or adjustable jaws for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes.
  • 分离允许通过将mdn或min做为个键检索用户数据库信息。
    This separation allows the retrieval of subscriber-database information by using either the MDN or MIN as a key.
  • 在情报检索中,种提供文献完整副本而不仅仅是引文或参考书目的系统。
    In information retrieval,a system that provides a complete copy of the document instead of just a citation or reference.
  • 描述符在信息的存取系统中标识条信息的单词、词组或数字串
    A word, a phrase, or an alphanumeric character used to identify an item in an information storage and retrieval system.
  • 超文本种计算机的文本查寻系统,此系统能够给使用者提供与某特定文本相关的信息
    A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.
  • 用作描述符的种字、符号或数,用于从某集合中,特别是从某配位标引系统中检索信息
    A word, symbol, or number used as a descriptor for retrieval of information from a collection, especially in a coordinate indexing system.
  • 在手工信息检索操作中使用的种金属针,可以穿过卡片小孔或切口,用来帮助对卡片进行排序或选择。
    A probe in a manual information retrieval operation that may be passed through holes or notches to assist in sorting or selecting cards.
  • 操作杆用来调节或操作某机械装置的突出把手
    A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.
  • ,调整和优化农业结构。
    First, we should adjust and optimize the agricultural structure.
  • 结构化查询语言(sql)的个语句,用于从数据库的表或图中检索数据。查询以sql的保留字select开始。
    A SQL statement used to retrieve data from database tables or views. Queries begins with the SQL reserved word SELECT.
  • 当这位年轻女子从棕色的大文件袋中取出有关文件时,张纸条掉了出来。
    As the young woman reached into a large brown envelope to retrieve the documents, a piece of paper fell out.
  • 我只是个般水平的计算机用户,有时知道通过正确的键盘组合帮助恢复"丢失的"文件而已。
    I was just your average computer user who sometimes knew the right combination of buttons to help retrieve a “ lost” paper.
  • 工作流软件的第次高潮是图像处理产品,它们能使各公司用电子方法存储、编索引和重新得到被扫描的文档。
    The first wave of workflow software consisted of image-processing products that enabled companies to electronically store, index and retrieve scanned documents.
  • 数据媒体的初始化,使某特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。
    The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
  • 种存取方式,其检索数据的时间是个与数据的存储位置无关的常数。
    A method of providing or achieving access where, the time to retrieve data is constant and independent of the location of the item addressed earlier.
  • 它允许用户的投递或回收消息,这些消息不是针对某个具体的用户发送的,它就像在办公室的公告牌上发布通知样。
    It allows users to post and retrieve messages that are not directed to a specific user, much like announcements are posted on an office bulletin board.
  • 种指定的使用方式,它给某个运行单元以改变数据库某个区的能力,而别的运行单元可同时作数据检索。
    A specified usage mode that gives a run unit the capability to make changes to an area of the database while other run units concurrently retrieve data.
  • 它也是单的进入点,用户从那里能检索所有电子报文(如声音邮件、传真和电子邮件)。
    It is a single point of access where users can retrieve all of their electronic messages, such as voice mail, faxes, and e-mail.
  • 系统为执行种对象操作(如检索个文件)时,用户进程必须具有完成该作业的许可。
    Permission which the user process must possess for the object in order to carry out an operation on the object(i.e. to retrieve a file).
  • 您可以自己调节下房间的温度。
    You can adjust the room temperature by yourself.
  • 设想下你在编制个人事资源管理的应用程序,该程序允许依据姓名、年龄、雇佣日期、工资、工作地点和部门等数据来检索和更新记录。
    Imagine you are building a human resources application that allows retrieve and update of records based on data such as name, age, date of employment, salary, location and department.
  • 我两手抓住瓶子,将瓶颈放在固定的墙上的厚铜开瓶器下,瓶盖立即掉在个老木箱里,我伸手将它捡了出来,感觉好凉,中间已经弯曲,但我知道我需要拥有这个纪念品。
    With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it. I was cold and bent in the middle, but I knew I needed to have this souvenir.
  • “通过精心的策划,他已经挽回了……个十分严重的损失”(塞缪尔·巴特勒)
    By a brilliant coup he has retrieved... a rather serious loss?Samuel Butler).
  • 套控制结算表已经在库中定位可以通过名字重新得到。
    a set of control statements that have been placed in a library and can be retrieved by name.
  • 先进先出存储器组存储数据,其中最先输出的项目是最先存入的
    A set of stored data in which the first item to be retrieved is the one stored earliest.