  • 挑战者被击倒在地,在规定时间内未起身。拳王卫冕成功。
    The challenger is down for the count and the King of Boxer wins.
  • 这场比赛可是挑战者获胜,他只要再得两分就获冠军了。
    This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.
  • 尽管现在希拉里对这个问题保持低调,并表示不会参加2004年的总统竞选,但许多人认为到2008年总统选举时她最有可击败共和党候选人。
    Until recently, Senator Clinton had maintained a fairly low profile in Washington but she is now being identified as the most likely opponent to the Republican challenger.
  • 在这样一个不断发展壮大的公司,本人可以干份具有挑战性的工作,充分发挥我的潜
    With such a growing company, I can take a challenging job to exploit my potential.
  • 成为贵公司在...地区的业务代表是非常吸引人的。何时我会见您并做一自我介绍?
    The offer to become your representative in... is challenging. When can I introduce myself to you?
  • 直到最近,经过了几十年的平庸表现以后,英国才设法推出几个向世界冠军发起挑战的网球选手。
    Only recently, after decades of mediocrity, has Britain managed to find itself a couple of tennis players capable of challenging for top honors.
  • 开发无线internet应用程序是一种挑战,原因主要有四个方面:(i)与台式个人电脑相比,无线设备有着不同的形式因素和输入力;
    ? Developing wireless Internet applications is challenging for four reasons: (i) Wireless devices have very different form factors and input capability than desktop personal computers;
  • 莫扎特的室内乐,在多功厅。
    Chamber Music by Mozart, at the multi function room.
  • 此阶段中,国际形势将变到更于日本不利,虽可有张伯伦一类的迁就所谓“既成事实”的“现实主义”的调头出现,但主要的国际势力将变到进一步地援助中国。
    The international situation will become still more unfavourable to Japan and the main international forces will incline towards giving more help to China, even though there may be talk of "realism" of the Chamberlain type which accommodates itself to faits accomplis.
  • 只要安上一个“变色龙”牌水龙头,你就一眼看出自来水的温度。
    A single glance will tell you how hot or cold your tap water is with the Chameleon faucet.
  • 但中国政府似乎相信控制局面,以政府目前所拥有的政治控制手段,是绝不致于让入世对政治生活的冲击泛滥的。
    Given its means of control, it is unlikely to allow the political impact of its WTO entry to lead to chaos.
  • 但是,全国范围的干部接替问题,如果再过三五年还不解决,那就可造成一种混乱。
    Nevertheless, if we don't solve the problem of succession on a nationwide scale within three to five years, chaos may ensue.
  • 它在很长的一段时间内将仍是一个主要的问题,内部网要花很多年才从混乱中脱颖而出。
    It will remain a major problem for a very long time, and intranets will take many years to emerge from the chaos.
  • 中国的历史启示了我们,国家不乱。
    We learn from history that a chaotic country will not do.
  • 在大混乱的现局之下,只有积极的口号积极的态度才领导群众。
    In the present chaotic situation we can lead the masses only by positive slogans and a positive attitude.
  • 以上14种情绪,正是你人生计划成功或失败的关键,他们的组合,既意义非凡,又够混乱无章,完全由你决定。
    These fourteen emotions are the letters of the alphabet with which you will write your plan for success or failure.They can be combined meaningfully or chaotically.
  • 朗费罗那家伙很可写了无数本诗集呢。
    That Longfellow chap most likely had written countless books of poetry.
  • 可怜的老兄,他再也不打网球了-他已失去了原有的技
    Poor chap, he's no longer able to play tennis – he's past it.
  • 那可怜的小伙子不来参加招待会,因为他最好的衣服拿去当了。
    The poor chap can't come to the reception; his best suit is up the spout.
  • 这个行动起了作用,无疑这种办法将来还会再用。由于大学的考生中女生占61%,在查拍尔希尔男女生人数上的差距不大可很快缩小。
    The campaign worked, and it doubtless will be tried again in the future: With females accounting for 61 percent of the university's pool of applicants, the gender gap at Chapel Hill is unlikely to close soon.
  • 卓别林扮演的这个小流浪汉是一个爱捅漏子而又无依无靠的人,总是遇到麻烦但又摆脱困难,但其自尊心又不受伤害。
    Chaplin acted the part of his tramp as an insecure fellow, always running in trouble but coming out of each situation with pride nuhurt.
  • 任何堆心菊属引起喷嚏的植物。
    any of various plants of the genus Helenium characteristically causing sneezing.
  • 秧鸡一种秧鸡科的生活在沼泽中的鸟,特点为羽毛呈棕色,翅膀短,只短距离飞行
    Any of various marsh birds of the family Rallidae, characteristically having brownish plumage and short wings adapted only for short flights.
  • 这些东西本身没有所谓好坏,只是一些和典型的人类生活不分离的天赋的东西而已。
    In and for themselves, these are neither good nor bad, but just something given and inseparable from the characteristically human life.
  • 群居昆虫,生活在有组织的群落中;特征是雄性和有生殖力的蚁王在繁殖季节有翅膀;没有翅膀、不生育的雌性为工蚁。
    social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers.
  • 萤火虫几种夜间活动的萤科昆虫中的任意一种,明显的特征是腹部的后端内有发冷光的物质,产生闪烁的亮光
    Any of various nocturnal beetles of the family Lampyridae, characteristically having luminescent chemicals in the posterior tip of the abdomen that produce a flashing light.
  • 金属力学性能的表征
    characterization of mechanical properties of metals
  • 直到最近之前,人类还无法将有缺陷基因从正常基因里分离出来,也不对其做出精细的描绘,只有当人们发病时才得知它们的存在。
    Until recently, there was no way to isolate and characterize bad genes. They were known only by their consequences: disease.
  • 如果请国际化大公司的执行官们描述来自不同国家的商务人士和经理人的特点,他们的描述可会是这样的:
    If you ask a group of international executives to characterize business people and managers from different countries, their descriptions may be something like this:
  • 这项控告可要判三年徒刑。
    The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.
  • 如果偷窃就可被控偷窃罪.
    If you steal, you are chargeable with theft.
  • 他因那件罪行而可被指控。
    He is chargeable with the crime.