  • ,巴黎已成为我人生中挑战自我并战胜自我的一个象征,现在只要我遇到困难,我就对自己说:如果我能够去巴黎,我就能去世界的任何地方。
    Certainly Paris became my metaphor for addressing life's challenges on my own. Now when I meet an obstacle I just say to myself: If I can go to Paris, I can go anywhere.
  • 本体论对自存在的研究,属于形而上学理论的分支
    The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being.
  • 科学法国怪诞学派关于一种哲学或科学概念,致力于研究超于形而上学的存在物,倾向于模仿现代的科学方法和理论,常用毫无意义的语言来表达思想
    The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language.
  • 而,梵蒂冈竟以“超级绝罚”相威胁,极大地伤害了中国天主教徒的感情,中国天主教从此坚定地走上了自选自圣主教、独立自主自办教会的道路。
    However, the Vatican refused to recognize them threatening to mete out extraordinary punishments, greatly hurting the feelings of the Chinese Catholics. Since then the Chinese Catholic church has firmly taken the way of selecting and ordaining its own bishops and independently managing the churches.
  • 一颗流星突掠过天空。
    A meteor suddenly shot across the sky.
  • 当地球绕着太阳作循环往复的公转时,流星团如果遭遇地球大气层上层时,就会出现"流星雨"这种"大自烟火"的壮丽景观。
    Nature's spectacular fireworks show, a "meteor shower," comes into view when the swarms encounter the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere during the earth's perpetual revolution around the sun.
  • 研究者们知道至少少量能形成膜的化合物是在宇宙中形成的:从1969年坠落在澳大利亚的陨石中提取的富碳化合物在水分解时会自地释放出小泡泡来。
    And investigators knew that at least small amounts of compounds that can give rise to membranes are created in space: carbon-rich compounds extracted from a meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969 spontaneously formed vesicles when the compounds were dissolved in water.
  • 在自界中很少能找到纯铁,除非是把陨星这个天外来客也算上。
    It is rarely found in nature except as a visitor from other worlds in the form of meteorites;
  • 气象学家认为这一气压的突升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制。
    Meteorologist believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storm and tornado.
  • 这项工作,当要有步骤地进行,但是太慢了不行。
    We should, of course, proceed with this work methodically but not too slowly.
  • 自然科学方法论
    methodology of natural science
  • 资源的开发和生态环境的保护都要本着科学的态度和方法,不该开发利用的绝不开发,需要开发的必须目标明确、方式科学,坚决防止对生态功能造成不必要的负面影响。
    A scientific attitude and methodology must be adopted in exploring natural resources and protecting the ecological environment. Natural resources that are not to be explored and used should be strictly protected, while the exploration and utilization of needed resources should be done scientifically with a definite goal, to prevent any unwanted impact on the ecological functions.
  • 休止,中断几行诗文之间的停顿,受意义和自韵律而非节奏的支配
    A pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm rather than by metrics.
  • 他给几张载玻片上染了色,后放到显微镜下观察。
    He stained some slides and looked at them under the microscope.
  • 而,斯蒂芬o凯斯在该年的高明之举也使netscape公司与美国sun公司签订了42亿元的销售协议。
    Case's smartest move of the year, however, was the $4.2 billion Netscape acquisition tied to a marketing agreement with Sun Microsystems.
  • 在众多的商业产品中都有微处理器芯片存在,包括计算器、微波炉、立体声收音机、电视,当还有家庭电脑。
    There are an abundance of microprocessor chips in many commercial products, including:calculators, microwave ovens, stereos, televisions and, of course, home computers.
  • 他期中考试不及格是必的。
    His failure in his mid-term exam was matter-of-course.
  • 布什说:"我突发觉米德兰是我需要去的地方。
    “ It occurred to me that Midland was the place I needed to go,” Bush says.
  • 许多董事们认识到现在的董事长没有能力克服公司由于不景气而带来的种种困难,但是他们觉得最好不要中途换人。
    Although many of the board members saw that the president was ill equipped to handle the company's recession-related difficulties, they felt it best not to change horses in midstream.
  • 演讲人中途停下来咳嗽,後又继续讲。
    The speaker stopped in midstream, coughed, then started up again.
  • 仲夏下雪是非常奇怪的自现象选
    A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.
  • 此后不久的一天,简正在果园里欣赏可爱的仲夏黄昏,罗切斯特突前来找她,告诉她说他不久即将结婚。
    One day soon after, Jane is enjoying the lovely midsummer evening in an orchard when Rochester comes upon her and informs her he is shortly to be married.
  • 他讲到一半时突截住了话头;打算削减开支
    Chopped off his sentence midway; are going to chop expenses.
  • 而,在美国东北部和中西部城市居民状况泾渭分明的市区内,旧有的模式依存在。
    But in the isolated urban neighborhoods of the U.S. Northeast and Midwest, the old pattern remains.
  • 现在进入5月分已经好长时间了,而天气还象仲冬一样冷。
    It is well on in May,yet,it is almost as cold as midwinter.
  • 我也许可以帮得上忙的
    Otherwise I might have helped.
  • 这句话虽短小,但它能展开巨大的翅膀翱翔。
    It's small, but it flies on mighty wings.
  • 一个仍可以使用很多时间的录音机
    A tape player that still has a lot of mileage left.
  • 不过是三十多年前的事,而且是新加坡历史上的大事,居有好多学生不知道。
    Merger was a significant milestone in our history and it happened only 30 over years ago, yet quite a number of students did not know about it.
  • 记住,要发展自我激励意识,庆祝较小的进步比庆祝大成就更为重要--它们当更有回报。
    Don't forget that for developing self-motivation, it is more important to celebrate the smaller milestones than the major achievements -- they are naturally more rewarding.
  • 我们也注意到宗教极端主义逐渐在本区域扩张影响力,恐怖主义甚至在一些亚细安成员国形成威胁势力,与当地政府公展开对抗。
    It has been noted that the influence of religious militancy has been growing in the region. Some terrorist forces have even become threats to some Asean members by openly opposing the governments of these countries.
  • 半个世纪以前,日本军国主义在亚洲,德国法西斯在欧洲的残暴行径,半个世纪以后竟在一个非战争环境下的印尼重演。
    Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists commited all kinds of atrocities in Asia and Europe. Half a century later, the same tragedy was to occur in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.