  • 第三,有大批好的骨干,包括大批新的积极子。
    Third, a large contingent of good backbone members, including a large number of activists who have just come to the fore.
  • 美国的天才荒,是由过欺负蚊子之故。
    The dearth of genius in America is owing to the continual teasing of mosquito.
  • 长时期受压或磨擦造成厚和硬的一部皮肤(如脚板)。
    an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot).
  • 我方要求你方继续订货,对此,我方总是给予充重视。
    We request a continuance of your orders, to which we shall always give our most careful attention.
  • 现在翻到第88页,看这个故事的下一部
    Now, turn to page 88 for the continuation of this story.
  • 在上衣的前边;是衣领的延长部
    at the front of a coat; continuation of the coat collar.
  • 电话铃声连续响了五钟。
    The telephone rang continuously for five minutes.
  • 函数是连续可微的。
    The function is continuously differentiable.
  • 弗兰克·法利(frankfarley)是费城的坦普尔大学的一位心理学家,他就人们参加冒险行动的不同程度来类,把布赖恩特和我大概归在人群的上半部。他说:“研究极端行为是我的长项。”他提出了一种理论,认为人类行为可基于参加冒险的愿望而被描写为一个由不同程度构成的统一体。
    This puts Bryant and me somewhere in the upper half of the human race in terms of risk-taking behavior, according to Frank Farley, a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia "Extreme behavior is my beat," he said, and he has developed a theory that human behavior can be described as a continuum based on a willingness to undertake risk.
  • 过分扭转身体的动作
    exaggerated contortion of the body
  • 数控机床可为三种:1)点位控制,2)直线控制,3)轮廓控制。
    NC machine tools may be classified into three classes: a) point to point, b) straight line, c)contouring.
  • 为了答复因伊朗军售及援助尼加拉瓜叛军所引起的每一项批评,韦伯斯特先生又说:他已具备新法规以确保对国会证词坦诚,情报析公正,并定期检讨秘密行动。
    Mr.Webster, seeking to address each of the criticisms leveled against the agency (CIA) during the Iran-contra affair, also said he had in place new rules to assure candid testimony to Congress, untainted analysis and regular review of covert actions.
  • 此外,本港申请人须拥有最少1.5亿元的实收股本,曾作为认可机构经营最少十年,以及符合总资产(减去对销项目)及公众存款别为40亿元及30亿元的最低要求。
    A local applicant must also have a paid-up capital of at least $150 million and a minimum trading period of 10 years as an authorised institution. The minimum requirements for assets (net of contra items) and public deposits are $4 billion and $3 billion, respectively.
  • 政府十重视依靠科技进步,研究开发计划生育、避孕节育的技术和方法,以满足育龄群众多方面、多层次的需求。
    The Chinese government attaches great importance to meeting the various and multi-level needs of people of child-bearing age by relying on progress in science and technology, and the study and development of the methods of family planning and contraception.
  • 肌原纤维一种线状的纤维,它组成了有条纹肌肉的可收缩部
    Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber.
  • 第一阶段管理改革于一九九七年七月十一日展开,将泊位外批给大部现有经营者承办,为期3年。
    The first phase of the management reform, i.e. contracting out berthing spaces to a majority of existing operators for three years, was implemented from July 11, 1997.
  • 中小型企业与大型工厂一向保持十紧密的伙伴关系,他们互相依靠,作出有效的判安排,令整个制造业能够灵活迅速地应付不断转变的市场需求。
    Many SMEs are linked with larger factories through an efficient and flexible sub-contracting network. This arrangement has enabled the manufacturing sector to respond swiftly to market changes.
  • 本港有许多小型企业,在广泛的本地包合约制度下互相联系,大大协助生产商应付变化多端的海外市场需求。
    The existence of many small establishments, connected under an extensive local sub-contracting network, has greatly facilitated producers to cope with variations in demand in the overseas markets.
  • 许多小型工厂均通过灵活有效的判网络,与规模较大的工厂建立合作关系,使本港的制造业能够迅速回应市场的最新需求。
    Many small establishments are linked with larger factories through an efficient and flexible sub-contracting network. This arrangement has enabled the manufacturing sector to respond swiftly to changes in demand.
  • 神经效应器一种带动转送到肌肉、腺体或器官并刺激肌肉伸缩或腺体泌的神经末梢
    A nerve ending that carries impulses to a muscle, a gland, or an organ and activates muscle contraction or glandular secretion.
  • 承包人所建房屋的样式部取决于地形情况。
    The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on how the land lies.
  • 这个巧克力厂在圣诞节前的繁忙时期常常把一些生产任务给转包人去做。
    The chocolate factory would often hive off some of its production to a sub-contractor during the busy period before Christmas.
  • 这次故障发生后,中国国际商业发射的主承包商中国长城工业总公司于1996年2月18日对外公布了由中国航天专家组成的故障析小组、故障调查委员会和故障审查委员会主要成员名单。
    After the failure launch, the China Great Wall Industry Corp, the major Chinese contractor of international commercial launching services, released the list of main Chinese astrophysicists who comprised the failure analysis group, failure investigation committee and failure examination committee.
  • 青马管制区(管制区)包括全长17公里的快速公路网,由青葵公路、长青隧道、长青公路、西北青衣交汇处、青屿干线、汀九桥及部北大屿山公路组成,由私营管理承办商负责营运和维修。
    The Tsing Ma Control Area (TMCA), a 17-kilometre expressway network comprising Tsing Kwai Highway, Cheung Tsing Tunnel, Cheung Tsing Highway, North-West Tsing Yi Interchange, Lantau Link, Ting Kau Bridge and part of North Lantau Highway, is operated and maintained by a private management contractor.
  • 税务局:但另一方面,税法规定总承包人有义务在支付给包商时要代扣营业税。如果没扣,不仅要自己补缴,还要接受罚款。
    Tax official: Yes, that is true. On the other hand, the business tax law stipulated the general contractor is obliged to withhold the tax due from the subcontractors. If your company fails to fulfil the obligation, it will be subject to the penalty, plus the payment of the tax due.
  • 我们把大自然完全排除在我们的生活之外了,我们居住在没有屋顶的房屋,屋顶是一座建筑物中被忽略的部;当实利的目的已经达到的时候,当建筑师有点疲倦,想快点结束工作的时候,屋顶成个什么样子,便没有人去管了。
    We have quite successfully shut nature out from our lives, and we are living in houses without roofs, the roofs being the neglected end of a building, left in any old shape after the utilitarian purposes have been served and the building contractor is a little tired and in a hurry to get through his job.
  • 截至2001年6月底,西部地区吸收外商直接投资的项目数、合同外资金额和实际使用外资金额,在全国总量中所占比重别为7.3%、6%和5.3%。
    Up to the end of June 2001, the project number, contractual value and actually utilized value of FDI in the west accounted for 7.3%, 6% and 5.3% of the national total.
  • 此指示和以前(8月16日)贵电所提方案有部矛盾之处。
    Instructions partially contradict your earlier suggestion dated 16th August.
  • 那律师析证词,以显示证人们自相矛盾之处。
    The lawyer dissect the testimony to show where the witness have contradict themselves.
  • 兼有相反性质的人或物兼有根本不同的或相互对立的成的结合体
    Something that is a combination of disparate or contradictory elements.
  • 在一个部的一个音调在另一部里有确切的模仿的有对立效果的音乐作品。
    a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts.
  • 由于相反方向的拉力而裂开的。
    disrupted by the pull of contrary forces.