  • 泉水从地下涌出。
    Spring boiled from the land.
  • 学生们冲出校门。
    The students boiled out of the main gate.
  • 煮器在全压的情况下散发的蒸汽。
    steam coming from a boiler at full pressure.
  • 锅炉里放的蒸汽老是使我的眼镜模糊不清。
    My glasses kept misting over in the steam from the boiler
  • 那里的工作人员立即拿碎布,在锅炉后面给小鹿铺了张床。
    Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn.
  • 下水道入孔一种常带有盖的孔道,人可以由此孔进排道、锅炉、下水管或类似设施
    A hole, usually with a cover, through which a person may enter a sewer, boiler, drain, or similar structure.
  • 工作人员轮流喂奶,小鹿晃晃悠悠的腿很快长得有劲,好奇心也随之增长,开始从锅炉后面的床来。
    With the men taking turns feeding the fawn, the little deer's wobbly legs and curiosity soon grew strong enough to bring it out from its bed behind the boiler.
  • 沸腾的水放出蒸汽。
    Boiling water emits steam.
  • 煮开了的牛奶从锅中溢了来。
    The pan overflowed with boiling milk.
  • 注意!牛奶煮开泼来了。
    Watch out! the milk boiling over.
  • 熬,煎通过煮把味道熬
    To extract the flavor of by boiling.
  • 注意!牛奶煮开泼来了。
    Watch out! The milk is boiling over.
  • 或需要有勇气的和坚韧的;大胆的
    Showing or requiring courage and fortitude; bold.
  • 有一次他大胆提了自己的看法。
    Once he made bold to air his views.
  • 我决心大胆把真话讲来。
    I determined to be bold and speak the truth.
  • 一般来说,我们不能想象自己会提什么建议,但这一点地大胆提来了。
    Generally we can't imagine suggesting anything, but we boldly suggested this.
  • 现在正是坦白、勇敢地说实话,说全部实话的最好时刻。
    This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly.
  • 他们敢讲来就好,可以开展辩论嘛!
    It's good for them to air their views boldly, because then we can talk things out.
  • 现在看来,一年多的时间里步子太慢了一点。所以,我们现在提要大胆一些。
    Now it looks as though the pace has been a little too slow, so we are proposing to proceed more boldly.
  • 拥有或者表现不适当的勇敢或者大胆。
    having or showing undue valor or boldness.
  • 后来,他又飞到玻利维亚,为本国争夺1997年美洲杯场。
    He then flied to Bolivia to play for his country at the Copa America 1997.
  • 玻利维亚的计算机科学家ivan·guzmanderojas研究一种独一无二的方法。
    A unique approach has been developed by Bolivian computer scientist Ivan Guzman de Rojas.
  • 肋骨端头伸甲板用作系柱的一块木料的上端
    An upper end of a timber that projects above a deck and is used as a bollard.
  • 此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。
    Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed, typically found off northern China and Japan, bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters.
  • 特区政府会尽一切力量,巩固本港现有经济支柱,例如金融服务业,中小型企业,旅游和进口行业,以及利用国家持续发展带来的机会。
    The Government will do all it can to bolster the established pillars of our economy such as the financial services sector, small and medium enterprises, tourism and import and export. We will also capitalise on the opportunities as a result of China's sustained economic growth.
  • 同时,我们要巩固本港经济的重要支柱,例如金融服务业、中小型企业、旅游业和进口行业等等,此外,也要积极提高本地劳动人口的技术水平。
    We will also encourage businesses to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Mainland, and we will bolster the established pillars of our economy such as the financial services sector, small and medium enterprises, tourism and import and export. We must also upgrade the skills of our workforce.
  • 被发射;射出或发射
    To become catapulted; spring or bolt.
  • 去前把所有门窗都拴起来
    He bolt all the doors and windows before he left
  • 修水管的工人拿一把扳手拧紧了螺栓
    The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt
  • 去前把所有门窗都拴起来。
    He bolt all the door and window before he leave.
  • 听到射击声,马脱缰逃跑。吓坏了的孩子从屋子中飞跑
    The horse bolted at the sound of the shot. The frightened child bolted from the room.
  • 请救我去!我被闩在屋里头了。
    Please let me out! I'm bolted in.