  • 美国南部对美国北方居民的称呼(尤指战期间的联邦军队的士兵)。
    used by southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States (especially a Union soldier).
  • 农民在心里仍是守旧的小资产者;也许有比我们所乐于承认的数目更多的守旧的南方人。
    peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart; there are probably more unreconstructed Southerners than one would like to admit.
  • 克服目前西南党的不良倾向
  • 它散布了许多种子在十一个省,发芽、长叶、开花、结果,将来是会有收获的。
    In the eleven provinces it has sown many seeds which will sprout, leaf, blossom, and bear fruit, and will yield a harvest in the future.
  • 在十年内分期付款。
    Payment can be spaced out over a period of ten years.
  • 例如,一组微型卫星原本分散分布以提供全球雷达监测,但在几个小时之就可以靠拢到一起,对小区域进行更细致的测绘。
    For example,the same group of microsatellites could be initially widely spaced to provide worldwide radar coverage,and then within hours moved closer together to conduct finetoothed searches of smaller areas.
  • 有命令要我们必须在一小时挖好战壕。
    Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour.
  • 欧洲及亚洲产的一个大草本属;通常具心叶状及一个大佛焰苞以其边缘基部卷。
    any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe.
  • 这些开发小组能够冲破企业部开发团队的限制,接纳合作伙伴、外部开发人员、承包人和容提供商。
    These development groups can span beyond the corporations internal development team to include partners, external developers, contractors, and content providers.
  • 能提供给燃机火花塞以高电压的变压器。
    a transformer that supplies high voltage to spark plugs in a gasoline engine.
  • 用来移走或上紧燃机汽缸盖上的火花塞的扳手。
    a wrench for removing or tightening spark plugs into the cylinder head of an internal combustion engine.
  • (代表州政府或联邦政府在管区执法的)地方检察官
    Device that passes electric current to the sparking-plugs in an engine
  • 蒙古自治区,那里有广大的草原,人口又不多,今后发展起来很可能走进前列,那里有不少汉人。
    For example, take Inner Mongolia, with its vast grasslands and sparse population. In future, it may become one of the most developed areas, and there are quite a few Han people there.
  • 由于潮湿而导致的跗节肿。
    spavin caused by collection of fluids.
  • java是炙手可热的internet软件技术中的一种,而这些技术孕育了worldwideweb、“部网”一类令人敬畏的词儿以及名片上和电视广告中那些怪模怪样的地址。
    Java is one of the hyped-up Internet software technologies that have spawned the World Wide Web, awful words like "intranet", and those strange-looking addresses on business cards and TV commercials.
  • 因养殖或者其他特殊需要,捕捞有重要经济价值的苗种或者禁捕的怀卵亲体的,必须经国务院渔业行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府渔业行政主管部门批准,在指定的区域和时间,按照限额捕捞。
    Catching fry of aquatic animals of important economic value or spawning aquatic animals under protection for artificial breeding or for other special purposes must be approved by the department of fishery administration under the State Council or by departments of fishery administration under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and it must be conducted in the designated areas and times and strictly in accordance with the quotas assigned.
  • 另一问题是在德语区,流行的日常用语是多种方言德语,与(学校教导的)标准德语有别,这使讲德语的人,与讲法、意语的人沟通产生困难。
    Another problem is that within the German-speaking areas, the people speak a variety of German dialects called Swiss German, which is different from the Standard German (or High German) taught in schools. This has created some communication problems between German-speaking and non-German-speaking Swiss.
  • 在意语区,街道上看到的都是意大利文,人们也说意语,但也听得懂德语或法语。
    In the Italian-speaking areas, the street signs are in Italian and the people there speak Italian, but they are also able to understand German or French.
  • 所有的生物都在其种进行繁殖。
    All species will breed inter se.
  • 扩网访问需要有专门为解决此问题而设计的产品。
    Extranet access requires products specifically designed for this purpose.
  • 三三制政权具体的容是什么呢?
    Specifically, what does the three-thirds system mean?
  • 在cms编辑程序中,规定一个数目范围,该范围指定每一数据行能够被扫描和编辑的位置。
    In the CMS Editor, specifying a number range that indicates the positions within each data line that can is scanned and edited.
  • 在3790或分布式处理控制执行程序(dpcx)应用程序中,一组程序设计语句,它通过规定页、页中行、行中字段、字段中项的办法确定数据单元的容和结构。
    In a3790 or DPCX application program, a set of programming statements that define the contents and structure of a data unit by specifying pages, lines in pages, fields within lines, and items within fields.
  • 2.本协议的规定,不应阻止成员在其国立法中具体说明在特定场合可能构成对知识产权的滥用,从而在有关市场对竞争有消极影响的许可证贸易活动或条件。
    2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Members from specifying in their legislation licensing practices or conditions that may in particular cases constitute an abuse of intellectual property rights having an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market.
  • 场地,室运动场进行体育活动或公开表演的大型现代建筑
    A large modern building for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.
  • 环形全景画一种放在圆柱形房屋墙上的大型组合画,以使站在房屋中间的观看者好象在自然景色中
    A large composite picture placed on the interior walls of a cylindrical room so as to appear in natural perspective to a spectator standing in the center of the room.
  • ,在大球场举行的活动有49项,观众逾754500人次。
    In 1997, more than 754500 spectators participated in 49 events at the stadium.
  • (物理学)非常细或薄,象在光谱线可以分成两个或多个的成分。
    (physics) extremely fine or thin, as in a spectral line split into two or more components.
  • 出卖关于赌博或投机买卖的部消息的人。
    one who sells advice about gambling or speculation.
  • 我们从不能拘泥于课程容上,而可以任凭思绪遨翔天地。
    We could never stick to the subject. Our speculation ranged the world.
  • 而那位画家确信,他在短时间就能靠投机发财。
    The artist had no doubt that within a short time he would be making a fortune by speculation.
  • 告密者向赌徒或投机者等贩卖部情报或消息的人
    One who sells tips or information, as to bettors or speculators.