  • 种被翻新过的汽车轮胎。
    an automobile tire that has been retreaded.
  • 说敌人的大规模战略进攻和我们的战略退却在定条件下基本上已经停止,并不是说切进攻的可能和切退却的可能都没有了。
    When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end, we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats.
  • 夹具任何种有相对的、通常可调节的边或部件的工具,用来夹住物体或把它们持在
    Any of various tools with opposing, often adjustable sides or parts for bracing objects or holding them together.
  • 这老头面大喊,面追我。
    shouted the ancient, pursuing my retreat.
  • 个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。
    pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws.
  • 种大型的管扳手,有l型可调的锯齿当手柄压力增大时锯齿变紧。
    a large pipe wrench with L-shaped adjustable jaws that tighten as pressure on the handle is increased.
  • 我们已在城市远郊找到处美丽的安静之地。
    We have found ourselves a beautiful exurban retreat.
  • 节拍器种利用间隙可调的有规律地重复出现的拍打或闪光来标记时间的仪器
    A device used to mark time by means of regularly recurring ticks or flashes at adjustable intervals.
  • 战略退却的所以必要,这也是个理由。
    That is another reason why strategic retreat is necessary.
  • 条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;控制着桅杆的弯曲度。
    a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast.
  • 然而从九二八年五月开始,适应当时情况的带着朴素性质的游击战争基本原则,已经产生出来了,那就是所谓“敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追”的十六字诀。
    By May 1928, however, basic principles of guerrilla warfare, simple in nature and suited to the conditions of the time, had already been evolved, that is, the sixteen-character formula: "The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue."
  • 手摇曲柄种在端带有可调节的孔以抓住和转动钻头的曲柄状把手
    A cranklike handle with an adjustable aperture at one end for securing and turning a bit.
  • 般上,妇女被裁,可能是双收入的家庭少了个收入来源;
    Generally, when women workers are retrenched, families get to lose one of their income earners.
  • 笔者认识位邻国的友人,原本任建筑公司的中层管理,收入不菲,但在情况困难下也难逃裁员的厄运,后来获悉他竟然当了小贩。
    Take, for example, my friend from a neighbouring country. He was working in a construction company, holding a fairly high post and earning good salary when he was retrenched. Today, he is a hawker.
  • 此外,任职3年以上的员工,都享有遣散费,也就可以少领点。
    In addition, an applicant who was paid retrenchment benefit should be entitled to withdraw a smaller sum.
  •  此外,任职3年以上的员工,都享有遣散费,也就可以少领点。
    In addition, an applicant who was paid retrenchment benefit should be entitled to withdraw a smaller sum.  Times are bad now.
  • 他已经设计出种可以调整的激光,它可以针对软、硬组织迅速转换波长进行治疗。
    He has designed an adjustable laser that can switch instantly between soft-tissue and hard-tissue wavelengths.
  • 制订裁员名单时,些公司发现裁掉他们,成本可省得最多;反之找人手时,请年轻人又比请他们便宜。
    Men aged 40 and above are most vulnerable because they are a favourite target for retrenchment. They are also likely to be shunned in any recruitment exercise because their salary is generally higher than young new recruits due to their longer length of service. Management realises that they could lower costs if they replace these older workers with younger but lower-salaried ones.
  • 个可调整的架子上的裱好的划线器;测量飞机表面的精确程度。
    a scriber mounted on an adjustable stand; used to test the accuracy of plane surfaces.
  • 或者再设想这样个世界,在那里,个人的报仇雪恨、赏罚得失以及结清宿怨只需轻轻敲击下键盘。
    Or imagine a world in which personal revenge, retribution,getting even is only a keystroke away.
  • 可为死刑申辩的唯辩词在于:由于来世可以重生,社会有权在今世报应。
    The only arguable plea for capital punishment is the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect
  • 报应近在眼前;有些人相信审判的天即将到来;处在即将发生的险境;他即将退休。
    retribution is at hand; some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand; in imminent danger; his impending retirement.
  • 他张开了温柔的保护之臂。他们象两个孩子同漫游在人迹未曾到过的道路上,完全忘记了世界和它的惩罚。
    Clare held out tender, protecting arms, and together they wandered through the untrodden ways like two children--- the world and its retribution quite forgot.
  • 约翰看到许多法利赛人和撒都该人也来受洗,便对他们说:“你们这伙毒蛇!谁教你们去逃避未来的报应呢?”
    When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism he said to them:"You vipers'brood! Who warned you to escape from the coming retribution?"
  • 夹,钳种有个可调整部分的能把东西夹在起的架子;钳子
    A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp.
  • 为了报复我将不惜切代价。
    Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord--Romans 12:19; For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge--James Garfield; he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him; the swiftness of divine retribution.
  • 我并不认为瑞克斯真的杀了麦肯齐,但也可能让他等死,对老天来说这两种情况是样的,但对法律来说却不样。如果他干了,报应就应验在他身上。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
    I don't think Rex would have actually murdered Mackenzie, but he might have left him to die. The same thing before the Lord, but not the same thing before the law. If he did, retribution's caught up with him. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.
  • 近年来西藏有些僧尼被依法治罪,都是因为触犯了刑律,如参加骚乱,危害社会治安,扰乱社会秩序,搞打、砸、抢、烧、杀等犯罪活动,没有个是因宗教信仰而被拘捕判罪的。
    In recent years, some monks and nuns in Tibet received legal retribution because they infringed on the law. They were involved in riots that endangered social security and disrupted public order, engaged in beating, smashing, looting, burning and killing and carried out other criminal activities. None was arrested and declared guilty because of religious belief.
  • 三脚架种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架
    An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera.
  • 鳄口钳种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口
    A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.
  • 个可以调节的滑行顶点的检验角尺。
    a try square with an adjustable sliding head.
  • 个固定的和个可调的叉口。
    has one fixed and one adjustable jaw.