| - 在这段时间里,我和摄制组的成员们都被泰国的灵性以及佛教这一概念在泰国各个领域的无所不在而深深打动。
By the concept of Buddhism immanent in every walk of life. - 从1840年到1949年的110年间,英、法、日、美、俄等帝国主义列强先后对中国发动过大小数百次侵略战争,给中国人民的生命财产造成了不可估量的损失。
During the 110 years from 1840 to 1949, the British, French, Japanese, US and Russian imperialist powers waged hundreds of wars on varying scales against China, causing immeasurable losses to the lives and property of the Chinese people. - 附近,时间临近
Immediate proximity in time or space. - 在星际空间中的一种无边的由气体(主要成分为氢)和灰尘组成的云。
an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space. - 为了不去想她,我把自己的全部时间都投放到工作当中去了。
I immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her. - "不过我全身心都投入到自己的4个子女身上和所肩负的政务中,每天24小时的时间简直不够用。
"But I am completely immersed and devoted to my four children and my duties in politics; that consumes me 24 hours a day. - 哈里逊又促使立法规定外国移民所开商号悬挂英语招牌。此举令亚裔商人异常愤怒,但深为长久居住此间的白人所喜。
Harrison also has promoted legislation to require immigrant businesses to post signs in English, which infuriated Asian business people but played well among longtime white residents. - 联航:你有足够的时间通过移民局和海关。
You'll have enough time to go through the immigration and the customs. - 狂欢一段不加限制的,过分自我放纵的时间
A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence. - 尽管她像克罗斯一样,为了防止新肝脏的排异性,将终身服用抑制免疫力之药物。但对于能有更长的时间同她儿子在一起,她仍感到很兴奋。
And though she, like Cross, will take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of her life to prevent rejection of the new liver, she's thrilled to have been given more time with her son. - ·1990年代期间自然灾害所有受灾人口中75%以上的人是遭到水灾的危害,水灾也造成了自然灾害全部估计损失中的33%以上。
· Floods affected more than 75 per cent of all people impacted by natural disasters during the 1990s and caused over 33 per cent of the total estimated costs of natural disasters. - 混淆对时间、地点或人物缺乏分辨能力;心理混乱的状态
Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state. - 如果说,苏联共产党领导的革命战争是在三个年头里完结了的话,那末中国共产党领导的革命战争,过去已经花去了很长的时间,而要最后地彻底地解决内外反革命势力,我们还得准备再花一个应有的时间,像过去那样地过分的性急是不行的。
Seeing that the revolutionary war led by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union took three years to conclude, we must be prepared to devote to the already protracted revolutionary war led by the Chinese Communist Party the longer time necessary to dispose of the domestic and foreign counter-revolutionary forces hnally and thoroughly. The kind of impatience that was formerly displayed will never do. - 随着时间的推移,他变得越来越不耐烦。
As time went on, he grew more and more impatient. - 你离开的日子里时间过得真慢;我只有焦躁地等待,别无他法。
Time hangs so heavy when you're away; all I do is wait impatiently. - 你离开的日子里时间过得真慢;我只有焦躁地等待,别无他法。
Time hangs so heavy when you're away; all I do is to wait impatiently. - 可是,但前克林顿面临的弹劾指控却使得政府和选民之间的这种裂痕发生了戏剧性的变化。国会把弹劾指控搞到了这种程度,是在进行一场冒险,会使它本应当代表的民众与它的关系更加疏远。
But now Bill Clinton's threatened impeachment has dramatised this gap between government and country, by pushing impeachment this far, Congress has risked further alienating the people it is meant to represent. - 我完全同意陈云同志的意见,今后一段时间内,重点是要抓调整,改革要服从于调整,有利于调整,不能妨碍调整。
I fully agree with Comrades Chen Yun that for a time we should make readjustment our main job, with reform subordinate to readjustment so as to serve it and not impede it. - 中国即将加入世界贸易组织,这将为中国和其他发展中国家之间的合作带来更多新的机会。
China's impending entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will usher in more new opportunities for co-operation between China and other developing countries. - 他接通泛光灯,漆黑的夜间一下子像白昼一样通明。
He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day. - 这就是为什么你必须在每个训练期间都要百分之一百的投入的原因。
This is why it is imperative that you give one hundred percent during every training session. - 我相信,科学研究难度的日益增进迫切要求人们采取新的措施,以保证国际间交流活动向更有组织、更有计划的机制迈进。
I believe that the rising complexity of scientific research is HOW imperatively demanding new steps, which can ensure that international involvement moves to more organized and better-planned structures. - 这两种颜色之间的差别很难区别。
The difference between the two colors is imperceptible. - 瞬间,顷刻几乎觉察不到的时间段
An almost imperceptible space of time. - 因此,我们的世间免不了是一个不完美的世界。
This being the case, our world is necessarily an imperfect world. - 在一九三八年和一九三九年间,英美帝国主义曾经几次酝酿出卖中国来换取同日本帝国主义的妥协。
In 1938 and 1939, British and U.S. imperialism made several moves to reach a compromise with Japanese imperialism by sacrificing China. - 不但全世界帝国主义国家没有一国有这种现象,就是帝国主义直接统治的殖民地也没有一处有这种现象,仅仅帝国主义间接统治的中国这样的国家才有这种现象。
Such a phenomenon is to be found in none of the imperialist countries nor for that matter in any colony under direct imperialist rule, but only in a country like China which is under indirect imperialist rule. - 两次世界大战之间帝国主义各国经济的不平衡发展
unblanced economic development of imperialist nations in the inter-war period - 中国和日本以外其他帝国主义国家之间的矛盾亦然。
The same is true of the contradictions between China and the imperialist powers other than Japan. - 暂时的只存在、坚持或忍受一段有限的时间;非永久性的
Existing, persisting, or enduring for a limited time only; impermanent. - 所以无论是在生产建设以前,生产建设过程中间,还是在生产建设得到了产品以后,都不允许有丝毫的大手大脚。
Thus, even the slightest degree of extravagance, whether before, during or after production and construction, is impermissible. - 让大家有时间互相了解一下,会议的气氛就能亲切些。
Give people time to get to know one another will make the meeting less impersonal.