  • 施舍物送那些需要者的食物、衣服或钱
    Food, clothing, or money given to the needy.
  • 需要帮助的人提供帮助的机构。
    an institution set up to provide help to the needy.
  • 施舍慷慨的,慈善的在穷人钱或其他帮助时慷慨大方的
    Generous in giving money or other help to the needy.
  • 把前、食物或衣服捐需要的人。
    giving money or food or clothing to a needy person.
  • 她总是毫不犹豫地掏出零用钱穷苦人。
    She had never hesitated to give her pocket money to the needy.
  • 我叔父他穷困的邻居做了一张桌子和几只凳子。
    My uncle carpenter a table and a few stool for his needy neighbor.
  • 上个星期职总宣布要成立贷款合作社,需要钱的工友提供低息贷款。
    Last week, the NTUC announced that it will set up a loan cooperative that can provide low-interest loans to needy workers.
  • 上个星期职总宣布要带头成立贷款合作社,借钱工友。这无疑是好消息。
    Last week, the NTUC announced that it will set up a Thrift and loan cooperative that can provide low-interest loans to needy workers.
  • 这些牲口瘦弱有病,因为农场主没予足够的关心。
    The animals were thin and ill because the farmer had neglected them.
  • 他们忽视(忘了)他去信。
    They neglect to write to him. they neglect write to him.
  • 不要忘了你母亲写信。
    Do not neglect writing to your mother.
  • 他们忽视给他去信。
    They neglected to write to him.
  • 他忘了给钟上弦。
    He neglected to wind up the clock.
  • 医生以自己对白种病人只会以额外照顾,而不会照顾不周的态度,来说明医疗过程没有失误的立场。
    The doctor was giving a testimony to prove that he and his colleagues were not guilty of negligence. In treating a Caucasian patient, he pleaded, the doctors could only have worked with extra care rather than commit any negligence.
  • 货一发运,我们就寄你方一套单据副本。
    We'll send you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods are loaded.
  • 我们并不想将我们的文化、意识强加别人,但是,美国将一如既往地、永不妥协地追求人类文明的期待:法制、国家权力的制衡、妇女的权益、保护私有财产、言论自由、平等公正、以及宗教宽容。
    We have no intention of imposing our culture - but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity: the rule of law...limits on the power of the state...respect for women...private property...free speech...equal justice...and religious tolerance.
  • 我们并不想将我们的文化、意识强加别人,但是,美国将一如既往地、永不妥协地追求人类文明的期待:法制、国家权力的制衡、妇女的权益、保护私有财产、言论自由、平等公正、以及宗教宽容。
    We have no intention of imposing our culture - but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity: the rule of law... limits on the power of the state... respect for women... private property... free speech... equal justice... and religious tolerance.
  • 把小孩留给邻居照看
    Left the child in the care of a neighbor.
  • 友好的邻居关系;我的邻居把票投了布什。
    it is a friendly neighborhood; my neighborhood voted for Bush.
  • 邻近单位应当予支援。
    Neighboring units shall provide support.
  • 甲方予乙方的最惠国待遇不包括他予邻国的特殊待遇。
    Party a shall grant party b mfn treatment which do not include privilege accord the neighboring countries.
  • 于是她就把这封信交了一位邻居。
    Then she left the message with a neighbour.
  • 她还教附近毡房的人看书写字。
    She also teaches reading and writing to the people in the neighbouring yurts.
  • 也许问一问邻国的华族朋友,他们能够我们一个较心平气和的判断。
    Perhaps we should ask Chinese friends in our neighbouring countries who will be able to give us a more objective assessment.
  • 我认为这些新词不值得教初学者。
    I don't think these neologisms worth passing on to beginners.
  • 他把股份转让了他的外甥。
    He transferred the shares to his nephew.
  • 那寡妇决定在去世前把房子立契转让她侄子。
    The widow decided to deed the house over to her nephew before she died.
  • 为了主管的儿子让位,我们有一位最好的工人被解雇了。
    One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's nephew.
  • 医生正在我妻子动手术,我不得不焦急地坐在外面等结果。
    The surgeon was operating on my wife. I had to wait it out nervously sitting outside.
  • 请原谅您病刚好我就你增加新的负担,但确实没有别人能做这项工作。
    I am sorry to impose a new burden on you soon after your ill ness, but there is no one else who is capable of doing this work.
  • “上周我叔叔来伦敦,到我那简陋不堪的家里来看我,恰好我不在,外出找工作去了。我猜他见到我那一贫如洗的境况后,会感到应该寄点什么我。”
    "Last week my uncle came to London and called on me at my horrible rooms when I was out, looking for a job. I suppose when he saw the naked ness of the land, he felt he ought to send me something."
  • 时间一天天过去,这对小恩爱鸟终于长大成熟可以自己成个家了。我们提早在鸟笼里它们准备了一个做窝的位置和许多做窝的材料。
    Time passed, and when our young lovebirds finally seemed mature enough to start a family of their own, we went ahead and prepared a nest area and lots of nesting material for them.