  • 大部的曲子都是由盖宜、艾欧丝(均为棒辣妹成员)与当代的新世纪音乐作曲家原创的。
    Most tunes are original compositions by Westerhoff,Eos and contemporary New Age songwriters.
  • 一个十可恶,可耻的家伙
    A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
  • 顽固子,实际上是顽而不固,顽到后来,就要变,变为不齿于人类的狗屎堆。
    Actually, the die-hards may be hard, but they are not hard unto death, and in the end they change into something filthy and contemptible, like dog's dung.
  • 害怕知识子被看作理智的倡导者,这是知识子对知识和道德价值的最终贬低。在炮火袭击下畏缩尚可理解,而面对一个需要教导(也可从中学习)的世界却当懦夫则是卑鄙的。
    The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks. To be cowardly under fire is understandable, but to cower when there is a world to be taught (and to learn from) is contemptible.
  • 你滞你的分数吗?
    Are you content with your grade?
  • 他的论证不充分。
    The content of his argument was weak.
  • xhtml的工作原理是把内容与风格开。
    XHTML works by separating content from style.
  • 父亲财产的配套,是兄弟俩发生争执的原因所在。
    The division of their father's property was a bone of contention between the two brothers.
  • 两位队友从高低杠上掉了下来,因此得很低,以致整个团与名次无缘。
    A couple teammates fell of the uneven bars and were given scores so low that it becomes impossible for the team to remain in contention.
  • 这本书关键的、也是有争议的部——提姆·w·菲佛森。
    a central and contentious element of the book- Tim W.Ferfuson.
  • 你的生日牢记在我心里,感谢你的爱使我们的家庭温馨美丽。只有和你在一起,我才找到真正的满意,没有什么可以使我们离。祝你生日快乐!
    A joyful date to keep in mind and make a note of, is when a birthday comes around to you. Thank you for your love which makes our home warm and beautiful. It is only with you that I find true contentment. Nothing will ever come between us. Happy birthday to you!
  • 平手不分胜负的比赛
    A contest ending without either side winning.
  • 下一个参加比赛的人使我吃惊,她在半钟之中跳了139下(指跳绳)。
    The next contestant surprised me. She made139 jumps in half a minute.
  • 下一个参加比赛的人使我吃惊,她在半钟之中跳了139下(指跳绳)。
    The next contestant surprised me. She made 139 jumps in half a minute.
  • 进行析;常用于医学方面。
    subject to an analysis; usually used in a medical context.
  • 是非一事件事实内容的是非,不包括感情、法律、正式考虑等成
    The factual content of a matter, apart from emotional, contextual, or formal considerations.
  • 对于某些类类别和标识符,提供对应校验服务的第三方实体可能可能会限制在消息中传入的某些实体对某个类类别或标识符的使用,或者是因为有某些上下文的限制因而限制对某个类类别或标识符的使用
    For certain categorizations and identifiers, the party providing the validation service may further restrict the use of a value to certain parties based on the identifiers passed in the message or any other type of contextual check that is possible using the passed data.
  • 一种地址连续的、定长的存储区,每个区是一个独立的地址空间。
    A contiguous fixed-sized area of storage. Each partition is a separate address space.
  • 以通常是相邻的要素的开为特征的。
    marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements.
  • 作为一个单位来记录的相连记录的集合。各块由块间间隙开,而每块可以包含一个或多个记录。
    A collection of contiguous records recorded as a unit. Blocks are separated by interblock gaps and each block may contain one or more records.
  • 在可视图文系统中的一种显示模式,在这种模式中,显示字符采用哪一种图形组,取决于所用的是相连图形还是离图形。
    In videotex, the display mode in which the display characters are those of one or other of the graphics sets, depending on whether contiguous or separated graphics are used.
  • 在操作系统dpcx中,相关数据集的两部之中的一部,它不必被存储在相邻的区域内,但必须含的是相邻的存储记录。
    In DPCX, one of two parts of a relative data set that does not have to be stored contiguously with the other extent, but must contain contiguously stored records.
  • 内容的主要部分
    The mass of the continent.
  • 大陆与大陆沿俯冲带的碰撞使大陆扩大,而沿扩张中心的断陷使它们再次开。
    Continent to continent collisions along subduction zones makes continents larger, while rifts along spreading centers break them apart again.
  • 该大陆的三之二地区在冰河时代被冰覆盖著。
    Two thirds of the continent is covered in ice during glacial period.
  • 在欧洲大陆各国,大于9999的数字中的各个千位用点开。
    In continental European countries the thousands in numbers larger than9999 are pointed off.
  • 落基山脉成了隔开这两大水系的大陆水岭。
    The Rocky Mountains form the continental divide separating these two river systems.
  • 布于吐露港的二叠纪砂和泥质岩,均属于海陆沉积形成的产物。
    The sandy and muddy Permian rocks of Tolo Harbour are of marine and continental origins.
  • 一部税前利润留出供急用。
    A proportion of the pretax profit is set aside for contingency.
  • 为预防万一,应留出部税前利润。
    A proportion of the pre - tax profits is set aside for contingency.
  • 维护和平的力量包括一支英国小队。
    the peace-keeping force includes one British contingent.
  • 本届政府十重视队伍和作风建设。
    This government has attached great importance to building a contingent of public servants with a fine work style.