| - 我们的办公室在这幢楼的七楼。
Our office is on the 6th floor of the building. - 然而,替换可能会很困难,因为一个公司为制造新产品而推出的每100个方案中只有2%证明是有利可图的,其他绝大多数(95%)经市场测试后会被筛掉,而少数(3%)尽管开始似乎不错,但其实根本不行。
Yet replacement can be difficult because for every one hundred ideas a company has for new products, only 2 percent will ever prove profitable. Most of the others (95 percent) are screened out after market testing, while a few (3 percent) will flop despite all initial signs to the contrary. - 佛罗伦萨大公科西莫曾用极其强烈的言辞谴责朋友的背信弃义或忘恩负义,他似乎认为这类恶行不可饶恕。
Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable; - 科斯谟斯,佛罗棱司底大公,曾有句锋锐的话是说无义和忘恩的朋友的。他底意思好象这些罪过是不可恕似的,他说:“你可以在圣书中读到基督教我们饶恕我们底敌人的话,可是你永远读不到有教我们饶恕我们底朋友的话”。
Cosmus, Duke of Florence, had a desperate saying, against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable: You shall read (saith he) mat we are commanded to forgive our enemies; but you never read, that we are commanded to forgive our friends. - 庆祝节目精彩缤纷,包括来自本港18区共1100人所进行的30分钟陆上巡游、直升机及定翼机飞行表演、海事界船队巡游、青屿干线亮灯仪式,以及由本港的国际团体和公益金受惠团体组成的车队沿青屿干线巡游。
The colourful programme featured a 30-minute land parade by 1 100 people representing Hong Kong's 18 districts, a fly-past by helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, a flotilla of boats representing the marine community, lighting-up of the Link, and a car procession over the Link by members of the international community in Hong Kong as well as beneficiaries of the Community Chest. - "威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。"
Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office. - "自从主任工程师到我们公司来了以后,公司真正地兴旺起来了。"
The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us. - 他挥舞著一封投诉信冲进了办公室。
He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint. - 她经营着一家生意兴隆的旅游公司。
She runs a flourishing tour company. - 因此,尽管在目前的经济形势下公司30%的业务受到影响,另外70%仍然生机勃勃。
So while 30% of our company gets hit in an economy like this, 70% is still flourishing. - 瓜达拉哈拉西班牙中部一城市,位于马德里东北。建于一繁荣的罗马殖民地旧址上。公元714年到1081年被摩尔人占领。人口58,436
A city of central Spain northeast of Madrid. Built on the site of a flourishing Roman colony, it was held by the Moors from714 to1081. Population,58, 436. - 你也可能注意到,在编制流程图的当中,很大一部分精力是放在描述公共的行为,如数据库访问有关的故障侦查问题。
You might also notice that, in building the flowchart, a great deal of effort has gone into describing common behaviors such as troubleshooting problems with database access. - 长黄花的小形草本植物,像美国中部和东南部的药蒲公英。
small yellow-flowered herb resembling dandelions of central and southeastern United States. - 大牌服装设计师为航空公司设计制服已经不是第一次了。
It's not the first time big-name designers have flown their fashions. - 当时公司的编制正处於不稳定状态。
Organization of the company is then in a state of flux. - 当时公司的编制正处於不稳定状态.
Organization of the company was then in a state of flux. - 镇子角落里一家落满蝇卵的酒吧;城里最穷的地方的一个肮脏、拥挤的公寓;肮脏的生活环境;肮脏的棚户区。
a flyblown bar on the edge of town; a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town; squalid living conditions; sordid shantytowns. - 她飞也似地奔进办公室。
She came flying into the office. - 一条横跨青山公路,连接荃景围与沙咀道的天桥,已于一九九七年年中动工,预计在二零零零年初完成。
Construction of a flyover across Castle Peak Road connecting Tsuen King Circuit and Sha Tsui Road started in mid-1997 for completion in early 2000. - 54公斤级,也就是某些划分方法所说的特轻量级。
54 kilograms, that is, flyweight according to some categorization. - 欧洲市场价格坚挺,建议贵公司出价在fob10。75美元。
European stiffen market suggest your bid indication usd 10.75 fob - 我公司可订购二万吨化肥,fob(离岸价)大阪,每吨二百美圆。
We can book 20000 tons of fertilizers at US $200 per ton FOB Osaka. - 我公司可供一千吨兽脂,每吨300美圆,fob(离岸价)悉尼。
We can supply 1000 tons of tallow at US $300 per ton FOB Sydney. - 请注意,贵公司报价务必以日本任何港口的fob价为基本计算单位。
Please note that the price you quote shall be on an fob Japanese port basis. - 我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为250法郎左右,您觉得怎么样?
What do you say if I suggest somewhere around 250 france per metric ton fob marseilles. - 效率促进组全力推行公营部门改革,推广最佳管理模式,务使政府服务,精益求精。
The unit serves as a focal point to direct and secure improvement through promoting best practice. - "他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。"
"Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office." - 公司主张奖励主动性,使员工专注于业务。
Companies talk about rewarding initiative and keeping workers focused on business. - 眼下公众的注意力集中在产业问的关系问题上。
Public attention at the moment is focused on the problems of industrial relations. - 最近一项研究表明,办公桌整齐有序的工作人员更平静且更能集中精力工作。
A recent study found that office workers with tidydesks felt calmer and more focused. - 梁智强的最新电影——《小孩不笨》尖锐地说出许多社会弊病,重点描述了三个em3学生所面对的压力和不公平待遇。
Focusing on the pressure and unfair treatment faced by three EM3 pupils, Jack Neo's latest movie “I Not Stupid”, puts many negative social consequences of our education system under the spotlight. - 对于威廉来说,在大学,他会有比在伊顿时更多的事情被公之于众:女朋友、晚会,甚至他的分数都会成为小报的素材。
At a university,there's a lot more potential than there was at Eton for William to be exposed in a compromising position;girlfriends,parties,even his grades could all be tabloid fodder.