| - 取消前誓撤回(一个誓言),经常是通过发另外一个誓
To retract(an oath), often by swearing another oath. - 轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回。
The undercarriage on light aircraft do not always retract in flight. - 轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回.
The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight. - 她调整了一下头上的帽子。
She adjusted her hat on her head. - 我们要把仪器调整一下。
We 'll have the instrument adjusted. - 我们要把仪器调整一下。
We'll have the instrument adjusted. - 美洲的原住民;这本书还是保持着最初的装帧;把房子恢复到最初的状态;这一歌剧的首演;首演;收回他最初的声明。
the original inhabitants of the Americas; the book still has its original binding; restored the house to its original condition; the original performance of the opera; the original cast; retracted his original statement. - 第四十八条著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。
Article 48 A dispute over copyright infringement may be settled by mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, or if one of the parties retracts from his promise after a mediation agreement is reached, proceedings may be instituted in a people's court. - 一个包含入口和出口的通气管;它可以让一艘潜艇在海底下呆更长的时间。
retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes; permits a submarine to stay submerged for extended periods of time. - 调整一下长袍的下垂式样
Adjusted the drape of the gown. - 使调整或者成为一条直线
To become adjusted or aligned. - 他不得不参加一期的再培训。
He have to attend a retrain session. - 一个完全适应环境的新生
A well-adjusted new student. - 纽约市哥伦比亚长老会医学中心的威廉·戴维斯博士指出:"婴儿出生后第一年是免疫系统形成的时期,这时有一件事非常重要――我们能锻炼免疫系统避开过敏反应。
"There's something very important in that first year of life when the immune system is developing that we can retrain it away from an allergic response," said Dr. William Davis of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. - 但塔卡奇煞费苦心,改用左手重新练习射击——结是工夫不负有心人,他荣获了一枚奥运会奖牌。
Takacs painstakingly retrained himself to shoot with his left hand-well enough to win an Olympic medal. - 我相信,定期举办一些再培训计划,能够提高新加坡人掌握华文与英文的能力。
I believe that regular retraining programmes can help "level up" Singaporeans' proficiency in Chinese and English. - 此外,雇员再培训局在一九九九年共提供超过77000个学额,比一九九八年增加了24%。
In addition, the Employees Retraining Board has offered over 77 000 training places in 1999, representing an increase of 24 per cent over that of 1998. - 政府于一九九二年注资3亿元成立雇员再培训基金,资助雇员再培训计划,其后又三度注资共13亿元。
The Employees Retraining Fund was set up in 1992 to support the operation of the Employees Retraining Scheme (ERS). The Government injected an initial start-up capital of $300 million into the fund in 1992, with three further injections totalling $1.3 billion. - 星座一览图天体球的一半或多半在平面图上的极投影图,这种图具有可调节的遮蔽物以显示在给定时刻和位置可见的恒星
A polar projection of half or more of the celestial sphere on a chart equipped with an adjustable overlay to show the stars visible at a particular time and place. - 然而,技术经常否认工作场所需要人类,这一点值得仔细考虑,而且,为受到影响的个人推出再培训项目是必需的。
Nonetheless , the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced. - 光圈光学仪器上的一个可调开口,如照相机或望远镜,它控制穿过镜头的或到镜面的光的数量
A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or a telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror. - 对於那些可以帮助自己的人,我们必须向他们提供在职训练或再培训,使他们能够对香港的成就出一分力,并分享这些成果。
For those who can help themselves, we must provide them with on-the-job training or retraining so they can participate in, and benefit from, the fruits of our success. - 用来旋转大的管道的扳手;一个可以调整的链条其头尾部连在管道头部锯齿合在管上。
a wrench used for turning large pipes; an adjustable chain circles the pipe with its ends connected to the head whose teeth engage the pipe. - 由财政司司长领导的就业专责小组,自一九九八年六月成立以来,采取了四十多项措施纾缓失业情况,包括提前展开政府工程项目、加强就业服务、提供更佳的职业训练和雇员再培训,以及采取更严厉措施遏止非法雇用劳工。
The Task Force on Employment, set up in June 1998 and led by the Financial Secretary, has implemented over 40 measures, including advancing government projects, strengthening employment services, enhancing vocational training and employees' retraining and tightening measures to combat illegal employment to ease the unemployment situation. - 几乎所有政府部门都在申诉专员的职权管辖范围,只有香港警务处和廉政公署,因为本身设有独立机制处理市民的投诉,所以不在管辖之列。另有18个主要公营机构也属于申诉专员的管辖范围,其中雇员再培训局、香港考试局、香港康体发展局和强制性公积金计划管理局由一九九九年六月四日起纳入受管辖行列。
The Ombudsman has jurisdiction over practically all government departments except the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which have their own separate bodies to deal with complaints from the public, and also 18 major public organisations including the Employees Retraining Board, The Hong Kong Examinations Authority, the Hong Kong Sports Development Board and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority, which have been put under the jurisdiction of The Ombudsman since June 4, 1999. - 斜角规组合在一起作为可调节臂的两把刻度尺,用以测量或描划任意大小的角或以某一角度固定一平面
Two rules joined together as adjustable arms used to measure or draw angles of any size or to fix a surface at an angle. - 多个网络传输重迭发生在同一物理信道上,它导致数据被破坏,因而必须重传。
Multiple network transmissions overlapping in the physical channel, resulting in garbled data and necessitating retransmission. - 耳套一对套住耳朵的物体,通常附在可调节的头带上用来保护耳朵,尤指用来御寒的
Either of a pair of ear coverings often attached to an adjustable headband and worn to protect the ears especially against the cold. - (iv)传播或二次传播没有进一步传送到接收所在设施以外的场所;
(iv) the transmission or retransmission is not further transmitted beyond the establishment where it is received; - 一个设施传播或二次传播从一个得到像联邦通讯委员会这样的机构许可的广播或电视站播放的(如果是视听传输,则通过有线系统或卫星电波来播放)、旨在让大众接收到、含非戏剧音乐作品的表演或展示的行为,如果--。
communication by an establishment of a transmission or retransmission embodying a performance or display of a nondramatic musical work intended to be received by the general public, originated by a radio or television broadcast station licensed as such by the Federal Communications Commission, or, if an audiovisual transmission, by a cable system or satellite carrier, if- - 美国版权法110节第5段经1998年10月27日颁布的《音乐许可公平法案》修正,规定了,在一定条件下,传播或传送含有公众可以在一种在私人家庭中经常使用的单一接收装置上接收到的一件作品的表演或展示(a小段称为"家庭免除);以及在一定条件下,一个设施传送或二次传送旨在让公众接收的含有非戏剧音乐作品的表演或展示,可以不必获得分别的版权持有人的授权。
Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act, as amended by the "Fairness in Music Licensing Act" enacted on 27 October 1998, exempts, under certain conditions, the communication or transmission embodying a performance or display of a work by the public reception of the transmission on a single receiving apparatus of a kind commonly used in private homes (sub-paragraph A, referred to as "homestyle exemption") and, also under certain conditions, communication by an establishment of a transmission or retransmission embodying a performance or display of a non-dramatic musical work intended to be received by the general public (subparagraph B, often referred to as "business exemption") from obtaining an authorization to do so by the respective right holder. - 瞄准器的后部有一个带有小孔的可调整目镜,通过它前方的景物和目标能够排成一条线。
rear gunsight having an adjustable eyepiece with a small aperture through which the front sight and the target are aligned.