  • 白白地浪费时间
    To spend time idly.
  • 闲荡悠闲地消磨时;闲荡
    To spend time idly; loiter.
  • 鬼混懒散地打发时;闲逛
    To spend time idly; putter.
  • 虚度无所事事或在想入非非中消磨时
    To pass(time) idly or in reverie.
  • 浪费时;无益地或者无效力地花费时
    waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently.
  • 为了消磨时,他打开了照相簿懒洋洋地一页页翻过去。
    By way of killing time, he opened the photo album and ran idly through it.
  • 你们(彼此之)是什麽亲属关系?
    What relation are you (to each other)? ie How are you related?
  • 岩盖一种侵入沉积岩岩层之的火成岩,它会产生隆起
    A mass of igneous rock intruded between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift.
  • 形成侵入岩的属于或关于融入岩石裂缝或岩层之时直接生成火成岩的
    Of or relating to igneous rock that is forced while molten into cracks or between other layers of rock.
  • 我忘了时间。
    I was ignorant about the time.
  • 我们既不要忽视双方之的问题,也不要夸大这些问题。
    We must neither ignore our problems nor overstate them.
  • 她管这叫做人与人之的差异,或根本不屑一顾。
    She called them personal differences,or ignored them entirely.
  • 二战期, 李将军统率空军部队。
    In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force.
  • 空肠小肠位于十二指肠和回肠之的那部分
    The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum.
  • 中肠脊椎动物胚胎中消化道的中部分,回肠、空肠、部分十二指肠和节肠均属此部位
    The middle section of the digestive tract in a vertebrate embryo from which the ileum, jejunum, and portions of the duodenum and colon develop.
  • 表变动得如此频繁, 似乎没有什麽道理.
    It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.
  • 全息照像术一种再现物体三维空形象的方法,在底片或版片上记录由分裂的激光光束干扰下的图案,然后再用普通光或感激光显示出该图案
    A method of producing a three-dimensional image of an object by recording on a photographic plate or film the pattern of interference formed by a split laser beam and then illuminating the pattern either with a laser or with ordinary light.
  • 富爸爸解释说人生实际上是在无知和幻觉之的一场斗争。
    Rich dad went on to explain that a human's life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination.
  •  私人经济里的一些例子,是最足以说明生产力理论与价值理论之的差异的。
    Examples from private economy will best illustrate the difference between the theory of productive powers and the theory of values.
  • 他喜欢翻翻书,看看中的插图。
    He likes to turn the pages and look at the illustrations.
  • 12点活字的字行长度排版计量的等义单位,相当于12点活字长度,用来确定行与行之、插图与插图之或打印页之的距离
    An equivalent unit of composition measurement used in determining the dimensions of lines, illustrations, or printed pages.
  • 例如,联合国参与了欧洲航天局、法国、国家空研究中心和欧洲核研究组织的价值120万美元的项目,以便能为联合国机构和非政府组织进行人道主义援助或冲突后恢复与重建项目的所在地连续不断地提供上网可得的卫星图像、图像处理服务、地图和其他地理资料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 联邦调查局局长刘易斯·弗里称汉森先生的所作所为是"能想象到的最恶劣的背叛行径"。情报专家说,这个双重谍为国家安全造成了"极为严重的"损害。
    FBI Director Louis Freeh called Mr.Hanssen's behavior “ the most traitorous actions imaginable” and intelligence experts say the double agent did “ extremely grave” damage to national security.
  • 由虚拟的或真实的一维空所定义的空区域。
    a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent.
  • 谍卫星国家侦察局和五角大楼计划投入600多亿美元,在未来10年左右的时内更换几乎所有的成像卫星。
    Spy SatellitesThe National Reconnaissance Office and the Pentagon are planning to replace virtually their entire inventory of imaging satellites during the next decade or so at a cost of more than $60 billion.
  • 按照这个计划,将购买一批比现有光学成像卫星更加敏锐的航天设备,并最终购买能够提供目标的不断图像数据的设备,这是现有卫星所做不到的。
    The plan is to buy a fleet of birds with much keener eyes than today’s optical imaging satellites and eventually to purchase equipment that can, unlike current satellites, provide continuous visual data about a target.
  • 缺乏比例;事物的各个部分之不均衡。
    lack of proportion; imbalance among the parts of something.
  • 看来,我们的经济,我们的农业、工业、基建、交通、内外贸易、财政金融,在总的前进的过程中都还需要有一段调整的时,才能由不同程度的不平衡走向比较平衡。
    It appears that in the general process of advance, our economy -- that is, our agriculture, industry, capital construction, transport services, domestic and foreign trade, and banking and finance -- needs a period of readjustment in order to change from varying degrees of imbalance to relative balance.
  • 融洽给我们带来巨大好处,但这种融洽又源自我们之的成熟的差异。
    Immature people imitate without harmonizing." The great benefits come from harmony, yet with mature respect for our differences.
  • 在抗日战争期,国民党反动派模仿德意法西斯的办法,从中国西北的兰州、西安至东南的赣州、上饶等地,设立了很多集中营,用以囚禁大批的共产党员、爱国人士和进步青年。
    Imitating the German and Italian fascists, the Kuomintang reactionaries established during the anti-Japanese war many concentration camps which extended from Lanchow and Sian in the Northwest to Kanchow and Shangjao in the Southeast.Large numbers of Communists, patriots and progressive youth were interned in them.
  • 准确无误的逻辑;说标准法语;时和方法是无误的;无过失的记录。
    faultless logic; speaks impeccable French; timing and technique were immaculate; an immaculate record.
  • 这个房一尘不染;穿着她那一尘不染的白制服;整洁的厨房;他们那整洁的、红色帽檐的帽子。
    the apartment was immaculate; in her immaculate white uniform; a spick-and-span kitchen; their spic red-visored caps.