  • 吃谷类食物和水果多摄取纤维素
    Eating cereal and fruit will give you plenty of fibre in your diet
  • 谷类被抽去淀粉后留下的蛋白质物质,使面团有粘性。
    a protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains; gives cohesiveness to dough.
  • 大脑两半球功不对称性
    functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres
  • 大脑皮层功能等势说
    theory of cerebral cortex equipotentiality
  • 大脑皮层功能定位说
    theory of functional localization on cerebral cortex
  • 中风神经功的突然损害,尤指因脑损伤而导致;中风
    Sudden impairment of neurological function, especially that resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage; a stroke.
  • 神经心理学心理学的分支,研究神经系统特别是脑神经系统与诸如语言、记忆、知觉等脑功或心理功之间相互关系的科学
    The branch of psychology that deals with the relationship between the nervous system, especially the brain, and cerebral or mental functions such as language, memory, and perception.
  • 大脑占据颅腔的大部分的大而圆的脑组织,分成两个在基部由胼胝体相连结的脑半球。起控制和协调运动、感觉和高级心理运行的功,如思想、推理、情绪和记忆
    The large, rounded structure of the brain occupying most of the cranial cavity, divided into two cerebral hemispheres that are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. It controls and integrates motor, sensory, and higher mental functions, such as thought, reason, emotion, and memory.
  • 只要在真诚的艺术形式中所表达的真诚感情够打动人心,柴可夫斯基的音乐就将继续在音乐厅和歌剧院中占据一个很高的位置。
    So long as sincere feeling expressed in sincere artistic form can move the hearts of men. Tschaikovsky's music will continue to hold a high place in the Con- cert hail and opera house.
  • 因为某种原因,我不出席这次会议。
    For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.
  • 有些植物在这个国家不生长。
    Certain plants will not grow in this country.
  • 吸烟的人不在火车的某些地方走动。
    People who smoke cannot travel in certain parts of the train.
  • 每星期都留出一定的数量;到某种程度;某些驯养方式并不造就好的宠物;某些成员没有交费;一定范围内受欢迎的教师;某个琼斯夫人。
    set aside a certain sum each week; to a certain degree; certain breeds do not make good pets; certain members have not paid their dues; a certain popular teacher; a certain Mrs. Jones.
  • 不能确定是否。。。
    Be not certain whether...
  • 我不能肯定。
    I can't be certain.
  • 我肯定能成功。
    I'm certain of success.
  • 这事你能肯定吗?
    Are you certain about that?
  • 这事你能肯定吗?
    Be you certain about that?
  • 我肯定能成功。
    I am certain of success.
  • 我不能肯定。
    I can not be certain.
  • 那是可的,甚至肯定会犯。
    That is probable, even certain.
  • 无疑,他们一定知道这样讲话可产生的后果。
    Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.
  • '你借我一点钱吗?''当然不行!'
    'Will you lend me some money?' 'Certainly not!'
  • 我不确切地说下周我在什么地方。
    I can't say with any certainty where I shall be next week.
  • 的可但又有不确定性的;可
    Liable to occur but not with certainty; possible.
  • 肯定他会成功吗?
    Can you say with any certainty(that) he will succeed?
  • 谁也不肯定自己的将来是什么样子。
    One can't say with any certainty about his future.
  • 又由于宇宙里恒星的数目如此庞大,这种可性就变得确凿无疑了。
    universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty.
  • 肯定他会成功吗?
    Can you say with any certainty that he will succeed?
  • 现在终于有了听起来相当真实的说法:现已证实来自火星的一块陨石携带着一种化学物质,它们可反映出火星上生命新陈代谢的某些特微。
    But here at last, it seemed, was a claim that bad the ring of truth: A meteorite, certifiably from Mars, carried the chemical signature of what could be the by-products of Martian metabolisms.
  • 如果你有一张十分稀有的或很难才得到的证书,他们就会认为你很聪明。
    If you have a very rare or difficult certification, they may think you are bright enough for the job.
  • 该局为建筑机器操作员举办资历证明测试,并为建筑工人举办技测验及中级工艺测试,以提升工地安全及工程质素。
    The authority also conducts certification tests for operators of construction plants, and offers trade tests and intermediate trade tests for construction workers with a view to enhancing site safety and workmanship respectively.