  • 他以不断催促逼得她嫁他。
    He nagged her into marrying him.
  • 她不停地央求他她买件新外套。
    She nagged him to buy her a new coat.
  • 他的父亲了他一包钉子并对他说,他每发一次脾气,就在后栅栏上钉一个钉子。
    His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.
  • 她的大衣钩子钩住了。
    Her coat caught on the nail.
  • 她的衣服钉子挂住了。
    Her dress got caught on a nail.
  • 他天真地相信她会把钱留他。
    he believed, naively, that she would leave him her money.
  • 他们孩子取名迪克。
    They named the child Dick.
  • 亚当说,“我的主,我已为这个王国里所有的动物命名,好的名字全用完了,我找不出一个名字这个新动物。”
    And Adam said,” But Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and all the good names are taken and I cannot think of a name for this new animal.
  • 她父亲她取名基蒂。
    Her father named her Kitty.
  • 他们这个男孩起名为查理。
    They named the boy Charlie.
  • 他们小孩取名叫约翰。
    They named the child John.
  • 他们婴孩取名为约翰。
    They named their baby son John.
  • 你,让我把月饼为您放在大塑料口袋里,萨其玛放在另一个口袋里,这样好不好?
    Here you are. Let me put the moon cakes in the big plastic bag and Sa-qi-ma into another one, will that do?
  • 我想吐,请我一个袋子。
    I feel nauseous. please give me a bag.
  • 围在腰部的腹带(如婴儿穿肚兜,一直到他的脐带脱落)。
    a cloth band that is worn around the waist (as on infants until the navel has healed).
  • 我几乎给吓死了。
    dead with fright.
  • 他们正附近医院安装电线。
    They are wiring up the hospital nearby.
  • 如果你卷面整洁,将阅卷人留下好印象。
    If you set you answers out neatly, the examiners will be influenced in your favours.
  • 在空碟子的旁边整整齐齐摆着15分--那是男孩她的小费。
    There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies -- her tip.
  • 请赐我们以人生的奢侈品吧,我们将会扔掉一切必需品的。
    Give us the luxuries of life and we will dispense with necessaries.
  • 这些国家的政府,虽然会因君主的个人品质不同而在好坏上有所不同,但却很少耕作者留下除生活必需品以外的东西,甚至常常连生活必需品也拿走,以致在拿走了他们的全部产品以后,不得不再把其中的一部分借耕作者,以使他们有种子种地,能把生命维持到下一个收获季节。
    The government, in those countries, though varying in its qualities according to the accidents of personal character, seldom leaves much to the cultivators beyond mere necessaries, and often strips them so bare even of these, that it finds itself obliged, after taking all they have, to lend part of it back to those from whom it has been taken, in order to provide them with seed, and enable them to support life until another harvest.
  • 不知我是否可以您一串项链。
    I wonder if I may give you a necklace.
  • 不知我是否可以您一串项链。
    I wonder if I might give you a necklace.
  • 她一张100镑的支票以赔偿她丢失的项链。
    He tendered a check for 100 pounds for her lost necklace.
  • 这是一条金项链,是我女朋友的。
    It is a gold necklace. It is for my girl friend.
  • 如果您喜欢我可以您开个圆领口。
    I can give you a round neckline if you prefer.
  • 如果您喜欢我可以您开个圆领口。
    I could give you a round neckline if you prefer.
  • 提供必要的刺激物
    provide the needed stimulus for.
  • 姐姐把垃圾桶递彼得,说:“干你的活儿去吧。”
    Sister handed Peter the rubbish bin and said,"go and do the needful."
  • 姐姐把垃圾桶递彼得,说:“干你的活儿去吧。”
    Sister handed Peter the rubbish bin and said, “go and do the needful.”
  • 那位富翁了穷人很多食物。
    The rich man gave much food to needy people.
  • 他们贫苦学生奖学金。
    They awarded scholarships to needy students.