  • 十字路控制交通的可见信号。
    a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections.
  • 头报道;这部电影声誉很好。
    a viva-voce report; the film had good word-of-mouth publicity.
  • 发声:口头表达
    The act of uttering; vocal expression.
  • 我从来没有把我的爱情说出
    I `never told my love' vocally;
  • 教育儿童并不仅仅是一种挣钱糊的手段,它更是一项使命。
    Teaching children is more than just a way of making money; it's a vocation.
  • 这次什么号都出来了,但是没有打倒改革的号。
    This time there are all kinds of slogans but none voicing opposition to reform.
  • 我看到火山喷出黑烟。
    I saw the volcano vomit black smoke.
  • 古比雪夫苏联欧洲部分中部偏东一城市,位于伏尔加河上、莫斯科东南偏东。1586年,作为保护河上贸易和东部边境的堡垒而建立。人1,257,000
    A city of east-central European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River east-southeast of Moscow. It was founded in1586 as a stronghold to defend river trade and the eastern frontier. Population,1, 257, 000.
  • 他像发连珠炮似地破大骂。
    He let out a volley of oaths.
  • 在门停下来说了临别的最后一句话;比利舅舅离开时迸发出来的咒骂——布瑞特·哈特。
    paused to deliver a parting shot at the door; a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy- Bret Harte.
  • 她破大骂她的丈夫。
    She vomits out abuses at her husband.
  • 这是我们常听一般人们中所说的流行语。
    It is a common saying which we often hear in the mouths of the vulgar.
  • 多数涉水鸟,经常出现在海滨和河
    any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries.
  • 矿车、煤车煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢
    A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.
  • 爱丽丝也没有感到离奇,虽然过后,她认为这事应该奇怪,可当时她的确感到很自然,但是兔于竟然从背心袋里袭里掏出一块怀表看看,然后又匆匆忙忙跑了。
    (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondere.d at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on.
  • 这时,爱丽丝跳了起来,她突然想到:从来没有见过穿着有袋背心的兔子,更没有见到过兔子还能从袋里拿出—块表来,她好奇地穿过田野,紧紧地追赶那只兔子,刚好看见兔子跳进了矮树下面的一个大洞。
    Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.
  • 他边走边吹口哨。
    He whistled while walking.
  • 入口已用墙封住了。
    The entrance has been walled up.
  • 我从袋里拿出钱包。
    I take my wallet out of my pocket.
  • 埃尔蒙特市美国加利福尼亚州南部,洛杉矶以东一城市。是一个工业中心,以核桃树林著称。人106,209
    A city of southern California east of Los Angeles. It is an industrial center in an area noted for its walnut groves. Population,106, 209.
  • 而此路由器可以通过高速(t-1或者更快)的广域网接接到因特网上。
    The router can be connected to the Internet via a high-speed (T-1 or faster) WAN interface.
  • 欲运行窗上的条码控制面板需要ivreged.exe文件
    You need ivreged.exe to run the wand control panel on window.
  • 我在入处等你,你魔杖一挥就可以弄张入场券让我进去。
    I can meet you at the entrance and you can wave your magic wand and get me a pass in.
  • 我完全相信你能设法从他中套出这项情报来。
    I'm sure you can wangle the information out of him.
  • 美国人民是否能很好地与别国人民携手合作,来共同防止人过剩、资源枯竭、污染的灾害和恣意挥霍浪费人类财富(这一系列问题正是解决许多突出的经济、社会和政治问题的基础)?
    Are the Americans apt enough to cooperate with other peoples to prevent over-population, resource exhaustion, the catastrophe of pollution and the wanton waste of wealth-problems which are basic to the solution of many outstanding economic, social and political problems?
  • 被看作数据库管理的一个特定应用的数据仓库,实际上就是内部网的首批实例之一——各种各样的用户通过标准接可以访问极大型服务器。
    Data warehousing, which is considered a niche application of database management, is actually one of the first examples of an intranet -- a very large server, accessible to a variety of users through standard interfaces.
  • 然而他们却不是医生中需要我们特别照顾或感到害怕的人。
    They are not those who, according to the doctor, require extra care or special wariness on our part.
  • 我们的出产品有3个月的保质期,从装船之日算起。
    There is a three-month warranty for our export product from the date of shipment.
  • 他谁的话都不听,你只是在白费舌。
    He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 他谁的话都不听,你只是白费舌。
    He won't listen to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 让我们的号定为自由
    Let our watchword be freedom.
  • 我一边等着吃晚饭,一边饿得直淌水。
    My mouth watered as I waited for dinner.