  • 全国人大女代表、政协女委员、党代会妇女代表别比上届提高了0.8、2.0和1.1个百点。
    Women deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC), the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the National Congress of the Communist Party are increased respectively by 0.8, 2.0 and 1.1 points of percentage.
  • 这不仅仅是为了a找工作,它对你的一生都是有意义的。一个刚进入一家咨询公司的人告诉我,如果你有很好的在咨询公司实习或兼职的工作经验,那对你找工作是十有帮助的。
    Someone who is a freshman of a consulting company told me that if you have a good intern or part-time experience in a consulting company, it would be very helpful for you to hunt for the job.
  • 耗油较少的发动机;耗尽我大部时间和精力的计划
    Engines that consume less fuel; a project that consumed most of my time and energy.
  • 第一部是有余钱剩米的,即用其体力或脑力劳动所得,除自给外,每年有余剩。
    The first section consists of those who have some surplus money or grain, that is, those who, by manual or mental labour, earn more each year than they consume for their own support.
  • 他十妒忌我的成功。
    He was consumed with envy at my success.
  • 她把大部的时间花在阅读。
    She consumed most of her time in reading.
  • 这对孪生姐妹对集邮十着迷。
    The twin sisters are consumed with a great interest in stamp collecting.
  • 要等持卡人搭车后,此部的预收收入才变成车资收入。
    Revenue is considered realized only after the bus service is provided and consumed.
  • 个别教授在“重视顾客”的行政负责人的唆使下,抬高数。
    Individual professors inflate grades after consumer-conscious administrators hound them into it.
  • 国民收入的大部用于消费。
    A good part of the national income was spent on consumer goods.
  • 大部美国人对未来充满希望,消费者信心保持高涨。
    Most Americans are hopeful about the future, and consumer confidence is high.
  • 我们必须解决这些社会问题,特别是解决占去我们大部业余时间的费时的家务劳动问题。
    We must solve the social problems, especially the time-consuming house-work that takes up most of our spare time.
  • 完善基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、城市居民最低生活保障制度,普遍建立职工工伤保险和生育保险制度,散职业风险。
    We will consummate the basic insurance for the elderly, health care, unemployment insurance and the system of insuring basic living standard for city residents; widely set up working safety insurance and reproduction insurance to relieve the working risks;
  • 触电感十强烈的有感染力的兴奋感
    Intense, contagious emotional excitement.
  • 医疗水平有了很大提高,自治区及地州的一些大医院已装备了一大批现代化诊疗设备,医疗专业科日趋完善,很多疑难病症已能在区内得到诊治。全区有卫生防疫站207个,地方病等专科防治所(站)17个,历史上遗留下来的危害各族群众健康的地方病、传染病已基本被消灭。
    The medical treatment level has been greatly enhanced. Major hospitals at the regional or prefectural level are equipped with modern medical instruments, and the medical branches they can offer for disease treatment have grown more complete. Many difficult and complicated illnesses can be treated within the region, which has 207 sanitation and anti-epidemic stations, and 17 prevention and control centers (stations) specializing in the treatment of endemic diseases. Endemic and contagious diseases that afflicted people of all ethnic groups in the past have been basically wiped out.
  • 生铁可含百之四的碳。
    Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon.
  • 含有,包括包括;含有…为一部
    To contain as a part; include.
  • 监狱的一部,内设医院
    section of a prison which contain the hospital
  • 决议稿中阐述毛泽东思想的这一部不能不要。
    It must contain a section expounding Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 他对这食品作了析,发现有毒。
    He analysed the food and found it contained poison.
  • 二环的包含由两个结合的环组成的子的
    Containing molecules consisting of two fused rings.
  • 在计算机安全学中,自动数据处理系统中的用户和资源的相关牵制关系,也就是用户和进程彼此开,且和操作系统的保护控制也开来。
    In computer security, the containment of users and resources in an ADP system in such a way that users and processes are separate from one another as well as from the protection controls of the operating system.
  • 执行这个方针,有兵力的散和集中、进和合击、攻击和防御、突击和钳制、包围和迂回、前进和后退种种的战术或方法。
    There are various tactics or methods for giving effect to this principle, such as dispersion and concentration of forces, diverging advance and converging attack, the offensive and the defensive, assault and containment, encirclement and outflanking, advance and retreat.
  • 这一章包含著作者论证的主要部.
    This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument.
  • 在几乎所有的案件中,使用一个被充污染的样本以改变鉴定结果的结果将会被裁决为非决定性的。
    In almost all cases, the results of using a specimen sufficiently contaminated to alter test results simply would be ruled inconclusive.
  • 样本可能被污染的一种途径是来源于进行析操作的技术人员或者搜集证据的工作人员的遗传物质。
    One way a specimen might be contaminated is by genetic material from the technician performing the analysis or from the person gathering the evidence.
  • 其他部只是污染之物而已。
    The other part is just contamination.
  • 这个裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。
    The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
  • 入定与某人的物质环境所离,如在冥思或白日梦中
    Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.
  • 我的同龄人大部早已去世,不过我想人活到80岁时就会发生那么一回事。
    Most of my contemporaries are dead and gone, but I suppose that's what happens when you are in your eighties.
  • 然而,当这一代华文知识子的精神追求随着意识形态的破灭而破灭,当他的同道们在遭受摧残后成批地消沉退隐,或转身投向名利场,郭宝崑经历了一个怎样的内省过程,他如何咬断脐带浴火重生?
    However, after they were beaten and their intellectual and ideological struggles were shattered, many of Kuo Pao Kun's contemporaries either retreated into oblivion or channelled their energy into making money and achieving fame.
  • 人口过快增长是当今世界面临的一个十严重的问题。
    Excessive population growth is an extremely serious problem facing the contemporary world.