  • 可是前一晚格罗斯先生接受哥伦比亚电视广播司访问时,把楼宇情况一部分责任归咎于房客。门警说:“那次访问以后,他饱受抨击。他再也不多嘴了。”
    The night before, however, Mr. Gross was interviewed by WCBS-TV and blamed tenants in part for the condition of the building. "He took a lot of flak after that interview," the guard said. "He's not talking anymore."
  • (唐)玄奘在元628年翻过火焰山。
    Xuanzang crossed the Flaming Mountain in the year A.D.628.
  • 一列金色的光束在静静的夜空中盘旋成"v"字,吸引了新泽西州收费路上司机驻足观看,以至于阻塞了新泽西州这段路的交通。那么,司机们看到的是外星的来客吗,或者只是一些用于发送军事信号的飞行物突然冒出了火焰?。
    A set of golden lights hovering silently in the night sky in a "V" formation stopped traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, but were the drivers seeing visitors from outer space or just a set of military flares flaming out?
  • “那真是好看呀!不过今天是一出寓意剧,特意为弗朗德勒的主编写的。”
    “It was a very pleasant sight,” continued the young man, unabashed. “But the Morality to-day was composed expressly for Madame the Lady of Flanders.
  • 最头痛的事:处于美国在线司(americaonline)与微软司(microsoft)因特网浏览器的两面夹击之中。
    Headaches: America Online on one flank, Microsoft's Internet browser on the other.
  • 牛看到一件红色的斗篷便受惊了。
    The bull flared up at the sight of the red cloak.
  • 我们后来了解到,当时正在广播简短的新闻快讯--“共汽车在六十六号路上受堵。道路受阻。旅客处于危险之中。”
    We found out later that news flashes were being broadcast-"Bus stuck on Highway 66. Road blocked. Passengers in danger!"
  • 然反抗法令;完全碎了
    Went flat against the rules; flat broke.
  • 他的公寓就在附近.
    His flat's very near.
  • 他住在寓的套房里。
    He lives in a flat.
  • 我住在寓的套房里。
    I live in a flat.
  • 我们对这套寓的估价少了5000英镑.
    We had undervalued the flat by 5000.
  • 这套寓房间每月租金30元。
    The flat lets for30 yuan a month.
  • 同时,几家司正在开发内装有java解释程序的廉价web终端,可能成为功能齐全但价廉的计算机。
    Also, with a built-in Java interpreter, inexpensive Web terminals, which several companies are developing, could become full-fledged but inexpensive computers.
  • (本文作者为怡富投资管理司投资经理。
    (The writer is the Investment Manager of Jardine Fleming Investment Management.
  • 我住的地方靠近贵司,工作可以说是更加方便有利。
    My proximity to your office adds flexibility.
  • "我们可以在星期一或星期二到你们司来,我们的计划是相当灵活的。"
    We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly flexible.
  • 由一九九三年起,司注册处成为以营运基金运作的部门,可保留大部分收入,并可因应需要、营业额及客户需求,灵活运用收入。
    Since 1993, the Companies Registry has operated as a trading fund department. As a trading fund, the Registry can keep most of its income and apply it flexibly, having regard to its needs, business turnover and its customers' demands and expectations.
  • 我们飞往雅典,然后再乘共汽车去饭店。
    We flied to athens, and then take a bus to the hotel.
  • 我们飞往雅典,然后再乘共汽车去饭店。
    We flied to Athens, and then took a bus to the hotel.
  • 这家司的经理马上就去参加这个会。他上午刚从香港飞回来。
    The manager of this company, who just flied back from Hong Kong this morning, is going to attend the meeting soon.
  • 联合公司怎么样?
    What about United flight?
  • 她匆匆穿上大衣就向共汽车站跑去。
    She flung on her coat and ran to the bus-stop.
  • 查塔胡奇河发源于美国佐治亚州北部的河流,流程约702里(436英里),流向大致为西南向,然后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河
    A river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about702 km(436 mi) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.
  • 鸟儿在园小树林里的树枝间飞来飞去。
    The birds flitted from branch to branch in the woods of the part.
  • 现在是向开放市场推出我们新司的时候了。
    It is time to float the new firm on the open market.
  • 何时才是将新司投资债券投放市场的时机呢?
    When will it be time to float the new firm on the open market?
  • 但桑德拉毕竟还是个聪明的女人,她创建了自己的制片司fortis影业,她的第一部作品是《真情告白》。尽管此片只获得了小范围的成功,但她与妮科尔·基德曼联袂主演影片《超异能快感》,使她的演艺生涯又重振旗鼓。
    Being the smart woman that she is, however, Sandra began her own production company called Fortis Films. Her first project was Hope Floats, and even though it only achieved a minimal amount of success, her career came back in full force when she starred opposite Nicole Kidman in Practical Magic.
  • 他拼命地劝人不要使用路而去使用运河,真是枉费口舌。
    He's flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads.
  • 申请书像潮水般涌进办室。
    Applications flooded into the office.
  • 第三十四条 大中城市,重要的铁路、路干线,大型骨干企业,应当列为防洪重点,确保安全。
    Cities, economic development zones, industrial and mining areas and important state agricultural production bases under the threat of floodwater should be protected as key areas and necessary flood control works constructed.
  • 我们的办室在一楼。
    Our office is on the first floor.