  • 般情况下,累算权益须保存至退休方可提取。
    In normal circumstances, benefits must be preserved until retirement.
  • 她存了笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用.
    She's put aside a tidy sum for her retirement.
  • 他在乡下买了栋房子以备退休后居住。
    He bought a house in the country, preparatory to retirement.
  • 敲了三下;退休前最后次在议会演讲
    Knocked three times; addressed Congress for the last time before retirement.
  • 垫版印刷过程中的个准备步骤,即通过调理和平整版面以确保印刷清晰
    The operation of preparing a form for printing by adjusting and leveling the plates to ensure a clear impression.
  • 先生,临睡前喝杯,好吗?
    A night-cap before retiring, sir?
  • 量规;卡尺种有来测量并调节机器部件的仪器;椭圆规
    An instrument for gauging and adjusting machine parts; a trammel.
  • 个即将退休经理的告别辞
    A retiring executive's farewell message.
  • 退役后,她成为名医生。
    After retiring, Albright became a surgeon.
  • 不,我点儿不反对早些退休。
    No, I don't mind retiring early in the least.
  • 不,我点儿不反对早些退休。
    No, I do not mind retiring early in the least.
  • 情绪或态度谦逊;使人想起谦让的温和甚至是牛般的柔顺。
    humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.
  • 现正计划为杰克逊小姐举行次聚会,因她即将退休。
    Plans have been set on foot for Miss Jackson, because she is retiring.
  • 晚祷入睡前背诵或唱颂的七次日课经中的最后
    The last of the seven canonical hours recited or sung just before retiring.
  • 这个委员会正在寻找位有经验的教师接替退休的校长的位置。
    The committee was casting about for an experienced teacher to take the retiring principals place.
  • 谦逊的对待错误,怀疑他的作品的价值;个害羞而谦逊的女孩。
    unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work; a shy retiring girl.
  • 正在计划为杰克逊小姐举行次聚会,因为她即将隐退。
    Plans have been set on foot for a party for Miss Jackson, because she is retiring.
  • 那位女演员认为要将那抑郁而缄默的角色演好并非易事。
    The actress didn't think it is an easy job to play the part as melancholic and retiring.
  • 发言人这反驳博得了片支持的欢呼声。
    The retort raised a cheer in support of the speaker.
  • 在他们的辩论中他那句机智的反驳击中了要害。
    He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort.
  • “我并不以为然地应道:“我要的只是要扇红的门,不是红的灯!”
    "Look! " I retort, I asked for "red doors", not "red lights"!
  • 你决定后明早再拨电告诉我。“我并不以为然地应道:“我要的只是要扇红的门,不是红的灯1
    he pleads, "Please check the color in the morning and let me know." "Look!" I retort, I asked for "red doors", not "red lights"!
  • 罗纳德·里根那句著名的回击吉米·卡特总统的话:"thereyougoagain",成为1980年总统选举中观众和评论家的句口头禅。
    “ There you go again” ,Ronald Reagan's memorable retort to President Jimmy Carter,was a line that stuck with both viewers and commentators in the l980 presidential campaign.
  • 我说这是我向所渴望的。“别去管你向所渴望的是什么,皮帕先生,”他反驳说。“谈正题吧。”
    I said I had always longed for it. "Never mind what you have always longed for, Mr Pip," he retorted. "Keep to the record."
  • 他撰写、更可能是重写《泰特斯和安德洛尼克斯》,部残酷复仇的悲剧,显示他构思恐怖情节的能力,甚至超过《西班牙悲剧》和《马耳他犹太人》的作者。
    He wrote, or more probably retouched, Titus Andronicus, a tragedy of atrocious vengeance which reveals an imagination even more fertile of horrors than those which conceived the Spanish Tragedie and the Jew of Malta.
  • 擅长手工;个熟练的变戏法者;份内行的工作;名好机械工;个熟练的射手;个工程师专家;位不很著名但也不很熟练的作曲家;反复熟练的使用才会达到效果。
    adept in handicrafts; an adept juggler; an expert job; a good mechanic; a practiced marksman; a proficient engineer; a lesser-known but no less skillful composer; the effect was achieved by skillful retouching.
  • 你必须折回原来走过的路;你必须重来次。
    You must retrace your steps.
  • 和善的夫子同我站在块不动,而且允许我往后退回些。
    My leader also stopped, and was so kind as to allow me to retrace my steps.
  • 我把钥匙丢失了,结果只得顺原路折回,走了差不多英里才找到。
    I dropped my keys and had to retrace my steps for nearly a mile before I found them.
  • 他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后班缆车。
    He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day.
  • 他们的步调非常致。
    I followed in his steps; he retraced his steps.
  • 他们发觉正在朝着错误的方向前进,就马上折回原路。
    As soon as they realized that they were going in the wrong direction, they put about and retraced their path.