  • 他已证明了自己经受风雨出人头地的力,这是成为名流的关键。
    He has proven his ability to weather a storm and come out on top,important for any celebrity.
  • 他们还可克隆他们自己,或者克隆他们孩子中的某一个,或者克隆一位他们敬慕的名人,甚至可在我们死后把我们克隆出来。
    They could clone themselves,or one of their kids,or a celebrity they admire,or maybe even us after we've died.
  • 支持政协围绕团结和民主两大主题履行职
    We will support CPPCC committees in performing their functions by centering on the two major subjects of unity and democracy.
  • 坚持开发式扶贫的方针,就是以经济建设为中心,支持、鼓励贫困地区干部群众改善生产条件,开发当地资源,发展商品生产,增强自我积累和自我发展力。
    Adhering to the policy of development-oriented aid means centering efforts on economic construction, supporting and encouraging cadres and ordinary people in poor areas to improve their production conditions, exploit local resources, develop commodity production, and strengthen their ability to accumulate funds and develop by themselves.
  • 我们必须继续围绕在新的历史条件下建设一个什么样的党和怎样建设党这个基本问题,进一步解决提高党的执政力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险力这两大历史性课题,全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程。
    We must continue to forge ahead with the new great project of Party building centering round the basic issue of what kind of Party to build and how under the new historical conditions so as to further revolve the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.
  • 压强单位;在海平面和摄氏度的条件下支持毫米汞柱。
    a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade.
  • 尔格量或功的单位:厘米-克-秒,相当于一达因的力在移动一厘米时所作的功
    The centimeter-gram-second unit of energy or work equal to the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter.
  • 厘米克秒制功或单位;一个一达因的力使物体沿力的方向通过一厘米的距离所做的功。
    a cgs unit of work or energy; the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter.
  • 地,他拂去那一只蜈蚣。
    Instinctively, he pushed off the centipede.
  • 只要有了这种联系,就把许多性质相同的地方性的斗争汇合成全国性的斗争,汇合成阶级斗争。
    It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes.
  • 无产阶级将利用自己的政治统治,一步一步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家即组织成为统治阶级的无产阶级手里,并且尽可快地增加生产力的总量。
    The proletariat will use its political supremacy top wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible.
  • 事实确是这样,没有民主,就没有集中;而这个集中,总是要在民主的基础上,才真正地正确地实现。
    Here we are face to face with the stark fact: without democracy, there can be no centralism, and centralism cannot be truly or correctly realized unless it is based on democracy.
  • 没有了民主,就不可有集中,从而也就不可有认识的统一,行动的统一。
    Without democracy there can be no centralism and thus no way to unifying thinking and action.
  • 在这些上面的不协调、不统一、不集中,是有害的,应该尽可地求得其协调、统一和集中。
    Here lack of harmony, unity and centralization is harmful, and every effort must be made to ensure all three.
  • 在一个有组织的结构中,统一进行决策。为了最佳地使用以计算机为基础的信息系统,常常要求集中化。集中管理兼顾所有的相关数据,而分割系统则做不到。
    Concentration of problem solving within an organization structure; often takes p lace to make optimum use of a computer-based information system. Centralization enables management to weigh all the relevant data, whereas a fragmented system cannot.
  • 我们认为贵党二中全会所决定组织的国防会议,以及贵党和贵党政府正在召集中的国民大会,是不完成集中统一抗日救亡的任务的。
    We hold that the national defence council, which the Second Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of your party has decided to organize, and the national assembly, which your party and your party's government are in process of convening, cannot achieve centralization and unification for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 必须着重地指出,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指挥,是不可取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削弱党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都充分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • 另一方面,行政权力的集中化是必要的;当人民要求的政策一经通过民意机关而交付与自己选举的政府的时候,即由政府去执行,只要执行时不违背曾经民意通过的方针,其执行必顺利无阻。
    On the other hand, the centralization of administrative power is also necessary, and once the policy measures demanded by the people are transmitted to their own elected government through their representative body, the government will carry them out and will certainly be able to do so smoothly, so long as it does not go against the policy adopted in accordance with the people's will.
  • 我们现在正告诸位先生,如果你们不根本改变自己的错误方针,如果不把仇恨之心放到日本帝国主义身上去,而依旧放在自己同胞身上的话,那末你们即欲勉强维持现状,也是不可的,集中统一以及所谓‘现代国家’的说法,更是完全的空谈。
    We wish to warn you gentlemen that if you do not make a fundamental change in your erroneous policy, and if you do not direct your hatred against the Japanese imperialists but continue to direct it against your own countrymen, you will find it impossible even to maintain the status quo, and any talk about centralization, unification and a so-called "modern state" will remain idle chatter.
  • 但所谓正规战争是中国型的,只表现在集中兵力打运动战和指挥上、组织上的某种程度的集中性和计划性方面,其他则仍是游击性的,低级的,不和外国军队一概而论,也和国民党的军队有些不同。
    But this regular warfare was of the Chinese type, regular only in its concentration of forces for mobile warfare and in a certain degree of centralization and planning in command and organization;in other respects it retained a guerrilla character and, as regular warfare, was on a low level and not comparable with the regular warfare of foreign armies or, in some ways, even with that of the Kuomintang army.
  • 这一时期粮食生产的快速增长,主要得益于中国政府在农村实施的一系列改革措施,特别是通过实行以家庭联产承包为主的责任制和统分结合的双层经营体制,以及较大幅度提高粮食收购价格等重大政策措施,极大地调动了广大农民的生产积极性,使过去在农业基础设施、科技、投入等方面积累的量得以集中释放,扭转了中国粮食长期严重短缺的局面。
    This second phase saw the highest increase rate in the country's grain production, which was made possible mainly by a series of reform policies and measures initiated in the rural areas by the Chinese government, including, among others, the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, the two-layer management system featuring the integration of centralization and decentralization, and raising, by a fairly large margin, of the prices of grain purchased by the state. These important policies and measures greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the farmers, brought into full play the potential for agricultural production accumulated through years of efforts to improve agricultural infrastructure, the level of science and technology and the amount of investment. In this way an end was put to the situation of China's chronic grain shortages.
  • 否定权威,该集中的要集中,否则至少要耽误时间。
    We should not deny the importance of authority and should centralize power wherever necessary. Otherwise, time will be wasted, at the least.
  • 如果你实现管理功集中化,同时继续提供雇员已习惯了的独立性,那么你就解决了令全世界信息系统经营人员头痛的问题。
    If you can centralize the administrative functions while continuing to provide the independence employees have become accustomed to, you solve a major headache for IS managers worldwide.
  • 首先,它允许系统管理员把多个应用程序合放在一台物理服务器中,这有助于集中化管理、节省空间,而且还有可降低行政和管理的费用。
    For one thing, it allows system administrators to consolidate multiple applications into one physical server box, which helps to centralize management, save space and potentially lower administrative and management costs.
  • 然而游击战争不是不要任何的集中指挥就够顺利地发展的。
    However, guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command.
  • 增加替煤液化气和轻柴油115万吨,折合164万吨标煤,约占终端源结构的4.0%;
    Urban centralized space heating area will increase 55 million square meters, and total will reach 0.1 billion square meters;
  • 有一天,这种陶瓷一定改进各种各样的产品例如餐刀和汽车马达。
    The ceramic could one day improve such diverse products as kitchen knives and automobile engines.
  • 但日本国家材料科学研究所的b·n·金和他的同事们研究出一种在到达破碎极限之前可以不断被拉长的新型陶瓷,可会解决这一问题。
    But B. N. Kim and his colleagues at Japan's Nation-al Institute for Materials Science may have solved this problem with a ceramic that stretches-and stretches-before it breaks.
  • 在学做陶器之前,最好请教一下某位制陶手。
    Before trying to make any pottery, it is better to get advice from someone who knows his way about in ceramics.
  • 他还说,其他人虽然也生产了可延展的陶瓷,但是只有金的陶瓷拉伸得如此之快——这一特征不仅对材料本身而言十分重要而且也给生产提供了方便。
    Others, he says, have come up with stretchy ceramics, but Kim's can be stretched much more quickly--an important characteristic not only in the material itself, but also for ease in manufacturing.
  • 复合材料由两种或多种不同的基本物质,特别是金属、陶瓷、玻璃、聚合物混合生成的具有新结构或功特性并且不再保留单个元素性质的材料
    A complex material, such as wood or fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual component.
  • 你可会以为一个生活节奏缓慢的人将会比身兼数职者更易于组织,事实上,由于单一惯性者注重按某一程序完成任务,因而他们难于共同行动并有拖延倾向。
    While you might expect that a leisurely paced person would be better organized than a multitasker, in fact monochronic folks actually have trouble getting their act together, and tend to put off things because of their focus on accomplishing tasks in a ceratin order.