| - 玛丽亚将永远不会通过驾驶考试。
Maria will never pass her driving test in a month of Sundays. - 现在,他的法国同事将这个昵称升级为‘j6m’,意思就是:我,让·米歇尔,是世界的主宰。
Now his fellow Frenchman have upgraded him to ‘ J6M’ --‘ Jean-Marie Messier, moi-meme, maitre du monde' (myself, master of the world). - 两个男孩因吸大麻烟并将大麻供给其他孩子而被语法学校开除。
Two boys were from the Grammar School for smoking marijuana and offering it to others. - 在哈佛研究小组的后续试验中,大麻吸食者将会在为时28大的“不吸毒”期接受测试,这应当可以提供答案。
The Harvard team's follow-on experiments, in which marijuana users are being tested over a 28-day "dry" period, should provide answers. - 哈里森·波普和他的哈佛大学研究小组将65名每日吸服大麻的学生和最多每两个月抽一次大麻的学生进行对照。
Harrison Pope and his team at Harvard University compared 65 college students who smoked marijuana daily with a control group of students who smoked it most every other month. - 将肉在腌汁里浸一整夜
Let the meat marinate overnight. - 我后悔干涉了我女儿的婚姻问题,现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems; all it's done is to bring trouble about my ears. - 第一行://:property.java采用了我自己的方法:将一个“:”作为特殊的记号,指出这是包含了源文件名字的一个注释行。
The first line of the file uses my own technique of putting a ‘:’ as a special marker for the comment line containing the source file name. That line contains the path information to the file followed by the file name. - 这产品将在巴西有好的销路。
The product will find a good market in Brazil. - 请允许我们收到能出售的货物并将原货寄回。
Please let me have a marketable lot in exchange for them. - 其结果是将在市场上有更多成本有效的传真功能。
The result will be even more cost-effective fax capabilities in the marketplace. - nc也一样,随着技术的进步,nc也将在市场上找到特定的位置,不管这部分市场有多大或多校
Similarly with the NC, as technology evolves, it will find its special niche in the marketplace, no matter how big or small the portion may be. - 最保守的估计是,到世纪之交(距今仅有500天的时间),它将发展成为交易额达两千亿美元的市场,其中大部分是企业与企业之间进行的交易。
Even the most conservative estimates say that it will be at least a $200 billion marketplace by the turn of the century (which is only 500 days away) -- most of that volume is business to business transaction. - 将来,由于有可扩展标记语言(xml),tcl的此能力可以使它更流行。
And that capability may make it still more popular in the future, thanks to Extensible Markup Language (XML). - 最后,因为每个用户都能够使用一个或多个不同的设备访问internet,而每个设备使用不同的标记语言,所以oracle9iaswireless要转换内容,将内容提交给适合所用设备的标记语言。
Finally, since each user has the ability to use one or more different devices to access the Internet and each device speaks a different markup language, Oracle9iAS Wireless transforms the content rendering it to the markup language appropriate to the device being used. - oracle9ias从应用程序收到一个xml格式的响应。(5)将响应转换为用户设备适用的标记语言,——在这种情况下本例中是voicexml。
Oracle9iAS receives a response in XML from the Application, and (5) transforms it into the markup language appropriate for the user's device, in this case VoiceXML. - 为此,服务器要从内容源检索内容,为单个用户进行个性化处理,然后将其转换为所用无线设备使用的特定标记语言。
To do so, it retrieves the content from the content source, personalizes it for individual users, and transforms it to the specific markup language spoken by the wireless device being used. - 可惜,生成xml和文档类型定义(dtd)的工具在1998年姗姗来迟,(dtd是指与标记文档有关的一类文件,它定义应用程序应该如何解释标记的标志,例如,浏览器代表xml文档),但很多公司在即将来临的产品中包含了对xml的支持或计划支持xml。
Unfortunately, tools for creating XML and a Document Type Definition (DTD) -- a type of file associated with markup documents that defines how the markup tags should be interpreted by the application, for example, a browser presenting the XML document -- were slow to arrive in 1998, but a number of vendors have included support for XML or plan to support XML in forthcoming products. - 他们已将一颗人造卫星射进围绕火星的轨道。
They have put a satellite into orbit round Mars. - 他退休前是空军中将。
He was an Air Marshal before retirement. - 资格最老的将军被任命为军队的元帅。
The oldest general was appointed marshal of the armies. - 马歇尔将军是当是的美国国务卿。与其一起参加外长会议的是另个位军人:美国驻苏大使比德尔·史密斯将军。
The then Secretary of State was General Marshall, and attending the conference with him was the US ambassador to Moscow, another military man General Biddell Smith. - 铁路模型展销会将于星期五举行。
A model railway mart will be held on Friday. - 这时,对你而言,考虑供应商为其数据集市客户和数据仓库客户提供不同的工具集,将是合理的。
At this point, it would be reasonable for you to think that a vendor would have separate toolsets for its data mart customers and data warehouse customers. - 沃尔玛的成就还标志着一个更重要的经济转变——从生产商品向提供服务的转变。1953年美国制造业的就业人数占总就业人数的比例达到最高点——35%,从此就开始逐年下降。根据劳工统计局的数字,到2010年底的未来10年间,制造业将创造130万个就业机会,而服务业创造的就业机会将高达2000万个。换一个角度看,今天在服务业中工作的人数大约是其他行业的4倍。即使在制造业中,服务在业务经营中所占的比例也越来越大。
Wal-Mart’s achievement caps a bigger economic shift -- from producing goods to providing services.Manufacturing’s share of U.S.employment peaked in 1953,at 35%.It has been declining steadily since.In the decade that will end in 2010,the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures that goods-producing industries will create 1.3 million new jobs,compared to 20 million for service industries.To look at it another way,today there are about four times as many people working in service jobs as in other kinds of jobs.And even within manufacturing,services are an increasingly large share of operations. - 他将由军事法庭审判。
He was going to be tried by court martial. - 我严重地违反戒严法,但是如果你把它们交给警方,政府将会原谅你的无知。
it's a serious offense against the martial law, but the government will forgive your ignorance if you turn them in to the police. - 是的,是严重地违反戒严法,但是如果你把它们交给警方,政府将会原谅你的无知。
Yes , it is a serious offense against the martial law , but the government will forgive your ignorance if you turn them in to the police. - 任何一个不懂得这点也不再会对此感到神奇、为之惊叹的人,就如行尸走肉一般,他的眼睛将毫无神采可言。
Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder,no longer marvel,is as good as dead,and his eyes are dimmed. - 打麻将是消磨时间的一种很棒的方法。
Playing Majiang is a marvelous way to pass the time. - 炉墙倒坍将那老人压倒在旧房屋里。
The fall of masonry crushed the old man in the old house. - 以斯帖在旧约圣经中波斯犹太人的皇后,曾经将人民从大屠杀中拯救出来
In the Old Testament, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre.