  • 头上演讲中或写作攻击。
    attack verbally, in speech or writing.
  • 我会将你的看法头转达给委员会成员。
    I will communicate your view verbally to the member of the committee.
  • 他们头上同意了条件,然后起草合同。
    They agree to the term verbally, and then start to draft the contract.
  • 这样的代码能使其可以用于各种各样的应用程序,从授文本变成字处理的文档、到说话控制计算机的功能。
    Such code makes it possible for a variety of applications, from dictating text into a word processing document to verbally controlling a computer's functions.
  • 为了通过商谈妥善解决两岸同胞交往中所衍生的具体问题,一九九二年十一月,海峡两岸关系协会与台湾的海峡交流基金会达成在事务性商谈中各自以头方式表述“海峡两岸均坚持一个中国原则”的共识,在此基础上,两会领导人于一九九三年四月成功举行了“汪辜会谈”,并签署了几项涉及保护两岸同胞正当权益的协议。
    To properly solve the concrete issues arising from the people-to-people contacts between the two sides through consultations, in November 1992 the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation reached the common understanding during talks on routine affairs that each of the two organizations should express verbally that "both sides of the Taiwan Straits adhere to the One-China Principle." On this basis, the leaders of these two organizations successfully held the "Wang Daohan-Koo Chen-fu talks" and signed several agreements on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in April 1993.
  • 但是爱玛虽然认为邱吉尔想要开向她表白爱情,却没有鼓励他把心事说出来。因为在爱玛的想象中,自己总是拒绝邱吉尔的求婚,总是把两人的爱情归结为平静的友谊。
    But she, believing him to be on the verge of a declaration of love, did not encourage him because in her daydreams she always saw herself refusing him and their love ending in quiet friendship.
  • (一)由粟裕、张震两同志率三野统率机构,直接指挥三野第八、第十两兵团之主力,共六个军及三个独立旅,由张黄港至龙稍港段及由岸、三江营、京段实行渡江,另以第八兵团之三十四、三十五两个军,于战役发起同时,以积极佯攻的手段,吸引和箝制两浦之敌。
    1) Comrades Su Yu and Zhang Zhen will be in command of the headquarters of the Third Field Army and directly lead the main force of the Eighth and Tenth Armies of the Third Field Army, which comprises six corps and three independent brigades, in crossing the Yangtze River from the section between Zhanghuang Port and Longshao Port and from the Kuo'an-Sanjiangying-Jingkou section respectively, and when the campaign begins, the 34th and 35th corps of the Eighth Army will make a feint to draw enemy fire and tie down the enemy troops operating in Pukou and Puzhen.
  • 本宁顿美国佛蒙特州西南部的一城镇,位于布拉特尔伯勒以东。是旅游中心及本宁顿大学(建于1925年)所在地。人16,451
    A town of southwest Vermont east of Brattleboro. It is a tourist center and the seat of Bennington College(established1925). Population,16, 451.
  • 蒙彼利埃佛蒙特州首府,位于该州中北部。建于1780年,1805年成为该州首府。人8,247
    The capital of Vermont, in the north-central part of the state. Founded in1780, it became the state capital in1805. Population,8, 247.
  • 伯灵顿美国佛蒙特州西北部一城市,在蒙彼利埃西北偏西,位于的尚普兰湖边,是该州最大的城市,在1812年的战争期间曾是陆军和海军基地。人39,127
    A city of northwest Vermont on Lake Champlain west-northwest of Montpelier. The largest city in the state, it was the site of a military and naval base during the War of1812. Population,39, 127.
  • 如果你想去的话,可以搭火车从撒伯利到通顿,走车站的北面出,再问“维侬大和”,差不多走五分钟就到了。
    If you'd like to go there, take a train from Salisbury to Taunton. Leave the station by the North Exit and ask for "Vernal Yamato". It's only about a five-minute walk.
  • 然而,如果使用uddi,公司就需要以某种方式组织那些用于设计他们所提供的服务的软件接规范及相应版本信息,并将其发布。
    However, within a UDDI registry, businesses need a way to publish information about the specifications and versions of specifications that were used to design their advertised services.
  • 说话声,声脊椎动物用发音器官制造的声音,尤指人类
    The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human being.
  • 今天港有许多船只。
    There were many vessels in the harbor today.
  • 他将花放进袋,迅速脱下大衣,挽起了衬衣袖。
    He put it into his vest pocket, threw off his coat and pulled up his shirt sleeves.
  • 这回我可是守如瓶啦。上回之所以失败,是因为在我还没有准备好行动之前,许多人就知道了我的计划。
    I'm playing it close to the vest this time. I failed last time because too many people learned of my plans before I was ready to act.
  • ,山门寺庙或建筑群的入
    An entrance or vestibule to a temple or group of buildings.
  • 商检局将出具动物检疫证明书以证明货物符合出标准。
    Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.
  • 这座港城市的维多利亚式建筑和用圆石铺成的街道真是美丽如画。
    The Victorian architecture and cobbled streets of this port town are truly picturesque.
  • 维多利亚女王时代的风尚维多利亚时代状况或特点,如在态度、风格或味上
    The state or quality of being Victorian, as in attitude, style, or taste.
  • 就在我们对这艘船的安全返回几乎放弃了希望时,船驶进港,虽然晚了,但总算胜利归来了。
    We had almost given up hope of the ship's safe return when she sailed in, late but victorious.
  • 当小偷从窗带着偷窃的电视机及录像机爬出来的时候,被等候着的警察当场抓到。
    As the thief was climbing out the window with the stolen TV set and a videotape recorder, the police were waiting for him and caught him red-handed.
  • 格拉茨奥地利东南部一城市,位于维也纳西南偏南的穆尔河上。它可能始建于12世纪。人243,166
    A city of southeast Austria on the Mur River south-southwest of Vienna. It was probably founded in the12th century. Population,243, 166.
  • 胡志明市,西贡越南最大的城市,位于越南南部,靠近南中国海。是古代高棉人的居住地,1954年成为南越首都,越战中被严重破坏。人2,441,185
    The largest city of Vietnam, in the southern part of the country near the South China Sea. An ancient Khmer settlement, it became the capital of South Vietnam in1954. The city was heavily damaged during the Vietnam War. Population,2, 441, 185.
  • 如果说年轻一代还未能开说话,我们也一样。是不是我们这些知识分子又失败了一次?这是不是知识分子的又一次背信弃义?然而我们是否真的为了维护理智和文明的价值而坚持了这一主张?
    If the younger generation has not yet found a voice, neither have me. Is it we, the intellectuals, who have once again failed? Is this one more trahison des clercs? Yet have we really pressed the case for the vindication of reason and civilized values?
  • 狂犬病一种大多数温血动物所患的急性,可传染的通常致命的病毒性疾病。尤指狼、猫或狗的。这种疾病破坏中央神经系统并通过被传染动物的咬伤的伤传播
    An acute, infectious, often fatal viral disease of most warm-blooded animals, especially wolves, cats, and dogs, that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals.
  • 塞勒姆美国弗吉尼亚州西南部一自治市,为罗阿诺克市郊工业区和住宅区。人23,756
    An independent city of southwest Virginia, an industrial and residential suburb of Roanoke. Population, 23,756.
  • 诺福克美国里士满东南汉普顿公路上弗吉尼亚州东南的独立城市。建于1682年,现为弗吉尼亚最大的城市,自从美国革命之后成为主要的海军基地。人261,229
    An independent city of southeast Virginia on Hampton Roads southeast of Richmond. Founded in1682 and today the largest city of Virginia, it has been a major naval base since the American Revolution. Population,261, 229.
  • 塞勒姆美国弗吉尼亚州西南部一自治市,为罗阿诺克市郊工业区和住宅区。人23,756
    An independent city of southwest Virginia, an industrial and residential suburb of Roanoke. Population,23, 756.
  • 维也纳美国弗吉尼亚东北部一城镇,华盛顿特区的居住郊区。人15,469
    A town of northeast Virginia, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population,15, 469.
  •  按照这个学派的说法,一个养猪的是社会中具有生产能力的成员,一个教育家却反而不是生产者,供出售的风笛或琴的制造者是生产者,而大作曲家或音乐名家,却由于他表演的东西不能具体地摆在市场,就属于非生产性质。
    The man who breeds pigs is, according to this school, a productive member of the community, but he who educates men is a mere non-productive. The maker of bagpipes or jews-harps for sale is a productive, while the great composers and virtuosos are non-productive simply because that which they play cannot be brought into the market.
  • 才或机智的炫耀辉煌灿烂,天花乱坠,尤指在才或才智,以及艺术表演中的艺术表现能力
    A brilliant display, as of rhetoric or wit, or of virtuosity in the performing arts.