  • ?尽管只在考克斯委员会报告中占据很小篇幅,但题为“中国‘偷窃’美国热核弹头设计情报”一章在国会、媒体及众中掀起一场轩然大波。
    Although comprising but a small part of the Cox Committee Report, the Chapter entitled "PRC Theft of US Thermonuclear Warhead Design Information" has created something of a firestorm within Congress, the Media and the Public.
  • 这家司大量生产汽车。
    This firm manufactures cars.
  • 公司的商务代理人
    Field representatives of a firm.
  • 我们司有二十条电话线路。
    Our firm has twenty lines.
  • 这家司与别家司合并了。
    The firm incorporated with others.
  • 他为一家大司到各地推销商品。
    He travels for a large firm.
  • 第一,除非一名新加坡人赶紧在1999年的诺贝尔得奖名单上出现,不然我那“预言”的第二半部将会在元2000年之前实现。
    Firstly, unless a Singaporean quickly appears on the 1999 Nobel Laureate list, the second part of my "prediction" would come true before the year 2000.
  • 审慎理财,严格控制共开支;
    prudent fiscal management with firm control of public expenditure;
  • 一个是渔民码头,另一个是金门园。
    One is the Fisherman's Wharf and the other is the Golden Gate Park.
  • 上午的半日游倒是渔民码头,但我们的半日游都不包括金门园。
    The morning tour does include a stop at Fisherman's Wharf, but I'm afraid our tours don't include the park.
  • 在罗马奥斯提亚港口发现的元前一世纪的还愿浮雕表现了渔夫们用渔网抬起一座赫拉克勒斯希腊雕像的情景一学者们认为这一场景描述了一个真实的事件。
    A first-century B.C. votive relief found at the Roman port of Ostia shows fishermen lifting a Greek sculpture of Hercules in their nets -- a scene scholars believe depicts an actual event.
  • 农作物受害面积2.2万顷,污染鱼塘7338顷。
    There were 22000 hectares of agriculture crops affected and 7338 hectares of fishery ponds polluted.
  • 1994年黑人男青年在监狱里的人数竟比入大学读书的人还多。位于纳什维尔的菲斯克大学,71%是女生,该校的招生办室主任安东尼·琼斯说:“符合入学条件的黑人男青年越来越少了。
    "You've got fewer and fewer black males who are eligible for college," says Anthony Jones, director of admissions at Fisk University in Nashville, which is 71 percent female.
  • 缔结一项禁止生产核武器用的裂变材料约;
    A convention banning production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons has been
  • 通过谈判缔结一项禁止生产核武器用的裂变材料约;
    a convention banning production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons be negotiated and concluded;
  • 中国支持尽早缔结一项“禁止生产核武器用裂变材料约”(“禁产约”)。
    China supports the early conclusion of the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices (FMCT).
  • 中国代表团正在积极参加《全面禁止核试验条约》和《禁止生产核武器用裂变材料约》的谈判工作。
    A Chinese delegation is currently actively participating in the negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons.
  • 中国代表团正在积极参加《全面禁止核试验条约》和《禁止生产核武器用裂变材料约》的谈判工作。
    A Chinese delegation is currently actively participating in the negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices.
  • 布什说:“作为我的首场表演,我有一点紧张和兴奋,但是我一旦出场——音乐响起,万事具备——就感到充满乐趣了。”她在《时尚》、《妇女》和《名利场》杂志上亮过相,还在阿伯克龙比和菲奇司的广告活动中扮演过重要角色。
    " Being my very first show, I was a little nervous and excited, but once I go out there with the music blaring and all it was actually a lot of fun," said Bush, who has appeared in Vogue, W and Vanity Fair and has been featured in an ad campaign by Abercrombie & Fitch.
  • [27]在1996年,北园小学40%的学生通过了健康测试。
    [27] In 1996, 40 percent at North Park passed the fitness tests.
  • 他们在办室安装了一台电话。
    They fitted up a telephone in the office.
  • 王安司的电子计算机,现在已成为美国各地办室里的必备之物。
    In America Wang computers have become a fixture in offices throughout the country.
  • 墨洛维王朝由墨洛维(约元5世纪)创建的法兰克王朝(元450-751年),在克洛维一世时期达到鼎盛阶段
    A Frankish ruling dynasty(c. a.d.450-751) founded by Merovech(fl. fifth century) and brought to prominence by Clovis I.
  • 两个认的真细菌目之一;革兰士阴性螺旋形球形或杆形细菌,通常通过极性鞭毛移动;有的含有光合色素。
    one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella; some contain photosynthetic pigments.
  • 路上一个想搭乘便车的人挥手叫我停车。
    A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.
  • 可耻的审判不;政府最高阶层罪恶的勾当
    A flagrant miscarriage of justice; flagrant cases of wrongdoing at the highest levels of government.
  • 一些国家以"人道"和"人权"为借口,然违背《联合国宪章》和认的国际关系准则,动辄使用武力或以武力相威胁,特别是北约绕开联合国安理会,向南斯拉夫联盟发动军事攻击,对国际形势和国际关系产生了重大消极影响。
    Under the pretexts of "humanitarianism" and "human rights," some countries have frequently resorted to the use or threat of force, in flagrant violation of the UN Charter and other uni-versally recognized principles governing international relations. In particular, the NATO, by-passing the UN Security Council, launched military attacks against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, producing an extremely negative impact on the international situation and relations between countries.
  • 我们能够允许这种开反对宪法原则的“言论自由”吗?
    Can we tolerate this kind of freedom of speech which flagrantly contravenes the principles of our Constitution?
  • 生产“给他力”饮料的司和乔丹联盟推出一流的运动饮料,从而控制了80%的市场,取得15亿美元的收益。
    Gatorade aligned Jordan with its flagship sports drink, controls 80% of the market, with $1.5 billion in revenues.
  • 我深信港元债务工具发行计划将会成为按揭证券司另一集资的旗舰,而按揭证券司日后亦将发展成为港元债券市场其中一个最主要的发行人。
    I believe the Debt Issuance Programme will develop into another flagship of HKMC's funding programme. I am also confident that in time to come, the HKMC will emerge as one of the largest issuers in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 五月间,“商业车箱”在曼哈顿麦迪逊大道与四十四街处开了“旗舰店”,向男顾客推介自己。一般“车箱”店很久以来就卖男士用的皮制钱包以及其他小件商品,不过新店以及在波士顿的另一家是该司首次以男士用商品为主的门市店。
    In May, the flagship Coach for Business store opened on the corner of Madison Avenue and 44th Street in Manhattan, and became the company's calling card to men. Regular Coach stores have long carried leather wallets and other small items for men, but the new store and another in Boston are the company's first with mostly men's goods.
  • 他从一开始就已经显露出从事共关系工作的天赋。
    She has shown a flair for public relations from the beginnings.