| - 其他财政、经济、文化、教育、锄奸各方面的政策,为着抗日的需要,均必须从调节各阶级利益出发,实行统一战线政策,均必须一方面反对右倾机会主义,一方面反对“左”倾机会主义。
As for our policies on other matters, whether financial, economic, cultural or educational or anti-espionage, for the sake of resistance we must follow the united front policy by adjusting the interests of the different classes and must oppose both Right and "Left" opportunism. - 两种黄到红的视网膜色素中任一种,由视紫红质在光的作用下形成。
either of two yellow to red retinal pigments formed from Rhodopsin by the action of light. - 随行人员一群陪同和随行的人;随从
A group of attendants or associates; a retinue. - 这一情况表明,经过全国上下的一致努力,大力调整经济结构,克服亚洲金融危机带来的困难,我国外贸出口正在走出谷底,出口下降局面即将得到根本性扭转。
This evidences that our export is bottoming out and the export decline would soon be turned around fundamentally after the whole nation has made joint endeavor in adjusting the economic structure and overcoming the difficulties brought about by the Asian financial crisis. - 随从一群随从,尤指声名显赫者的随从;随行人员
A train of attendants, as of a distinguished person; a retinue. - (一批)随员,随从,侍从
Group of people attending an important person, eg a ruler; retinue - 首先对政府机构进行重大改革,主要是进一步把综合经济部门改组为宏观调控部门,调整和减少专业经济部门,加强执法监管部门。
First, we carried out major reforms of government institutions, which included reorganizing comprehensive economic agencies into macroeconomic control authorities, reducing the number of industry-specific economic agencies and adjusting their functions, and strengthening law enforcement and regulatory authorities. - 伦敦市的市长大人,一个神气十足的大员,在特恩安森林被一个翦径的强徒喝住,只好乖乖地站住不动。那强盗竟当着众随员的面把那个显赫人物掳了个精光。
that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; - 结合产业结构调整,集中力量尽快开工一批能够提高技术水平、促进产业和产品升级、有市场的项目。
On the basis of industrial structure adjusting, we will launch some new projects that can improve technological level, promote industrial upgrading and the production of new products, and that will have a market after operation. - 随从他奔赴疆场的有他的儿子:恐怖、战栗,惊慌和畏惧,还有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(纷争的母亲)、女儿毁城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。
In the fray his sons attend him, - Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, - also his sister Eris, or Discord (the mother of Strife), his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons. - 那些工人退休领取一点点退休金过活。
Those workers retire on a little pension. - 虽然我们的社会还是英文独尊的社会,不过世界在变,一些讲求实际的社会精英正在调整视角。
English is still the dominant language in our society. But the world is changing and the more practical among the top talent in our society are adjusting their view. - ·作者是一名退休律师。
The writer is a retired lawyer. - 他是一个退休的部队军官。
he's a retired army officer. - 被罚出局的人在此一击被罚出局的运动员
The player retired in such a play. - 他现在住在一个偏僻的地方。
He is now living in a retired spot. - ·作者是一名退休人士。
(The writer is a retiree.) - 于是班纳特先生接下去说:“让曼丽仔细想一想再发表意见吧,我们还是重新来谈谈彬格莱先生。”
"While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley." - 建立了基本养老金正常调整机制,在全国范围内,连续两年按当地职工上一年平均工资增长率的40%至60%调整企业离退休人员的基本养老金,保障了企业离退休人员的基本生活。
Meanwhile, a mechanism for regular adjustment of basic pensions has been established nationwide, which has enabled the basic pension of enterprise retirees to grow for two consecutive years by 40 to 60 percent of the rate of the salary increase of local enterprise employees in the previous year, thus helping ensure the basic livelihood of enterprise retirees. - 定音鼓一种大的半球形红铜或黄铜鼓,面为羊皮纸,能通过调整拉力调音
A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension. - 患上“邻居冷感症”的,多数是上班一族,退休人士、家庭主妇大部分时间都在组屋周围活动,所以还较有可能跟邻居打交道。
Those who feel frigid towards their neighbours are mostly the working people. By comparison, retirees and housewives are more sociable, as they spend more time about the housing estates. - 1999年以来,三次提高机关事业单位职工基本工资标准和离退休人员离退休金,实施年终一次性奖金制度,建立艰苦边远地区津贴制度。
Since 1999, we have raised the basic salaries of government employees and retirees' pensions three times. We have also introduced the systems of year-end, one-time bonuses and hardship-post allowances for employees in remote and inhospitable areas. - 原定去年下半年增加机关事业单位职工工资及离退休人员离退休金,考虑到要优先解决城镇低收入者的生活困难问题,协调各方面利益关系,这一措施推迟到今年出台。
Our original plan to raise the salaries of government employees as well as retirees' pensions in the second half of last year was postponed in order to first solve the problems of the urban poor and to harmonize relationships among the interests of all quarters. This measure, however, will take effect this year. - 1995年3月,国务院颁布《关于深化企业职工养老保险制度改革的通知》,建立了社会统筹与个人帐户相结合的基本养老保险模式,进一步扩大了养老保险的实施范围,同时确定了基本养老金定期调整的机制,以保障企业离退休人员的基本生活。
In March 1995 the State Council issued the Circular Concerning the Deepening of Reform of the Endowment Insurance System for Workers and Staff of Enterprises. A basic form of endowment insurance that combines social overall planning with personal accounts has been established, thus further expanding the scale of endowment insurance. At the same time a mechanism has been adopted to adjust the basic pension regularly, so as to guarantee the basic livelihood of retirees from enterprises. - 混频录音,混音机通过混合和调整两种或更多的音轨或频道而产生的一种录音
A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels. - 引退前最后一次出现或表演。
a final appearance or performance before retirement. - “他们在退休计划上作了一个特别报道”。
they ran a feature on retirement planning. - 调整机器部件用规一种测量并调节机器部件的仪器;量规
An instrument for gauging and adjusting parts of a machine; a tram. - 一个好的工作应该能够保证退休员工的福利。
A good job should lead to security in retirement. - 他退休时获赠一块金手表。
He was given a gold watch on his retirement. - 音量调控器一个调控器,如在收音机上,用来调节声音的响度或强度
A control, as on a radio, for adjusting amplitude or loudness. - 再一次调整(来改变环境)。
the act of adjusting again (to changed circumstances).