  • 每当我无所事事、虚度时光时,我能看出我这样浪费时深深地刺痛了他的心。
    When I am idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply.
  • 畜牧业生产发展迅速,在过去的20年,年均增长9.9%,1992年以来,更达到年均增长11.6%。
    Animal husbandry has developed quickly, registering an average annual growth of 9.9 percent over the past 20 years and 11.6 percent since 1992.
  • 里一下子安静了下来。
    A hush fell over the room.
  • 别浪费时! 快把工作做好!
    Come on, now! H-!
  • 不要浪费时!快把工作做好!
    Come on , now ! hustle!
  • 他们中一些人强卖土产品。
    Some of them hustle souvenirs.
  • 病人抱怨他们的医生看病敷衍了事。很多医生都同意。可是,他们问道,若不如此他们怎样弥补与保险公司及政府机关纸上作战(公文往返)所费时呢?
    Patients complain that their doctors hustle them through appointments. Many doctors agree. But what, they ask, are they supposed to do to make up for the time they spend fighting paper battles with insurance companies and government agencies?
  • 他们把那旧草屋拆掉了。
    They tore down that old hut.
  • 小屋因无人看管而渐渐破损。
    The hut is suffering from neglect.
  • 几乎一夜之小茅屋就搭起来了。
    The little hut was thrown up almost overnight.
  • 我们发现那茅舍很脏。
    We found the hut in a dirty state.
  • 山顶上有间小棚屋。
    A hut stood at the summit of the hill.
  • 那个可怜的老头住在一小木屋里。
    The poor old man lives in a little wooden hut.
  • 我们大干起来,很快搭起一简单的棚屋。
    We all set to and soon built a rough hut.
  • 我们沿著他在雪地上留下的足迹走到一小屋旁。
    We follow his track in the snow to a hut.
  • 在回家的路上,我偶然看见一孤立的茅屋。
    I happened to see a lone hut on the way home.
  • 为了维持生活,他在一茅屋里办了一所学堂。
    To support himself, he started a school in a thatched hut.
  • 杂交种动物(植物)杂交不育的品种,如在金丝鸟和其他鸟类之杂交出的不育品种,也可指在植物之
    A sterile hybrid, as between a canary and other birds or between certain plants.
  • 品种杂交一另一类或另一物种杂交;杂交
    To breed with another kind or species; hybridize.
  • 我的房俯视海德公园。
    My room overlook Hyde park.
  • 中国建立了劳动安全卫生监察体系,实行国家监察制度,包括劳动安全、劳动卫生、女工保护、工作时与休假制度等。
    China has established a state supervision system insuring labor safety, hygiene, protection for female workers and a work-hour and vacation schedule.
  • 公众洗手和街市的卫生程度必须提高至国际认可的水平;
    the hygienic condition of our public toilets and markets should be up to an acceptable level by international standards;
  • 一旦宣传热潮降下温来,我们就能更客观地区分数据仓库和数据集市之差别的说法。
    Once the hype fades away, we can more objectively sort through the claims for the differences between data warehouses and data marts.
  • 虽然分析师们对隐蔽的成本和管理负担提出了警告,但对一个大肆广告宣传和言过其实的做法而出名的行业来说,用户们在短短时内接受了内部网是惊人的。
    And although analysts warn of hidden costs and management burdens, the acceptance of intranets in a short time among users is remarkable in an industry notorious for hype and exaggeration.
  • 这家超大型连锁加油站有各种名牌食品、洁净的卫生、友好的服务并且结帐迅速。
    The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.
  • 研究人员对7万名女性进行了长达8年的跟踪调查,在综合考虑其他引发高血压的因素的同时,如体重、体育活动、年龄、吸烟和口服避孕药等,确定了饮酒与高血压之的关系。
    The researchers followed the women for 8 years to see whether they developed hypertension, taking into account other factors known to be associated with high blood pressure, such as weight, physical activity, age, smoking and the use of oral contraceptives.
  • 浪费时与那个一无所知的伪君子交换意见真是荒唐。
    It's ridiculous to waste your time exchanging word with such an ignorant hypocrite.
  • 原来认为是介于猿和人之的假设生物体。
    hypothetical organism formerly thought to be intermediate between apes and human beings.
  • 一种假想的气体,其分子的大小可以忽略,不会产生分子力。
    a hypothetical gas with molecules of negligible size that exert no intermolecular forces.
  • 水池在夜间结冰了。
    The pond iced over during the night.
  • 苔原北极地区冰盖和乔本植被线之的无树地区,有永冻底土,并支撑低的植物,如苔藓、地衣和发育不全的灌木
    A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs.
  • 寒流期池塘都封冻了.
    The pond (was) iced over during the cold spell.