  • …装枢轴装上或放置或提供一根或多根枢轴
    To mount on, attach by, or provide with a pivot or pivots.
  • 我儿子买了一个胳膊腿可移动的玩具兵。
    I bought a toy soldier with movable arms and legs for my son.
  • 残疾人或那些不能走动的人的可移动的椅子,通常由乘车者自己驱动。
    a movable chair for invalids or those who cannot walk, frequently propelled by the occupant.
  • 这场运动旨在妇女带来更多的自由。
    The movement towards greater freedom for women.
  • 搬家的人只通知我们短短的一小时,他们就来了)
    The movers gave me a scant hour's notice of their arrival).
  • 一部仍能人们带来愉快的旧片
    An old movie that still delights.
  • 夏天我们一周草坪刈草一次.
    In summer we mow our lawn once a week.
  • 亨利,不要因为让你草坪刈刈草,就满脸忧愁好像肩负着重担的样子。
    Don't look as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders, Henry, just because you have to mow the lawn.
  • 如果我能用你的电钻,那我就借你我的割草机,公平交换绝非强夺。
    I'll let you borrow my lawn mower if I can use your electric drill; after all, fair exchange is no robbery.
  • 不见得非是钱,或许简单到就借一台刈草机,或许一点同情心、一点理解、一点耐心。不管是什么,社区的人们,不仅是有关部门或公共机构,我们社会的每个个人都应站在受虐待妇女的身后帮她们一把。
    It doesn't have to be money.It could be something as simple as the loan of a lawn mower.Maybe some compassion,a little understanding,some patience,whatever it is,people in the community,not just agencies and institutions,but individuals in our society must be prepared to stand behind our women in trouble.
  • 我花了整整两个小时刈她的草地,而她我辛勤劳动的报酬只是一杯茶!
    I spent two hours mowing her lawn and all she gave me for my pains was a cup of tea!
  • 他们了穷人、寡妇和孤儿一种特权,使他们可以比旁人早三天割他们草场上的草料。
    They have conferred on the poor, on widows and orphans, the right to have their meadows mown three days in advance of every one else.
  • 我们再演奏莫扎特的乐曲吧。
    Play some more Mozart for us.
  • 这一堂课不清楚,把我搞糊涂了。
    The lesson was not clear and it has muddled me.
  • 你显然不大明白办事的手续,我很快就你解释清楚.
    You're clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out.
  • 我觉得我搞糊涂了。
    I'm feeling rather muddled up.
  • 了我那么多指示,把我弄得糊里糊涂。
    She gave me so many instructions that I got muddled up.
  • 你显然不大明白办事的手续,但是我很快就你解释清楚。
    You are clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I will soon straighten you out.
  • 你的确让办公手续弄糊涂了,我马上会你弄清楚。
    You are clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out.
  • 婴儿给裹得好好的。
    The baby is well muffled up.
  • 他要我他弄杯咖啡。
    He asked me to make him a mug of coffee.
  • 朋友提建议之前,我将先把这方面的规则记熟。
    I will mug up the laws on this subject before I advise my friends.
  • 用这个有柄大杯你倒咖啡你不介意吧?非常抱歉,我们办办公室里缺少杯子。
    Do you mind having you coffee in a mug? I'm afraid we don't run to cupsin this office.
  • 教育部并没有英文弱的学生安排英文b课程,英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把英文搞好。
    There is no English B course for those weak in the subject. Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.
  • 那个强盗胁迫我,所以我他钱。
    The mugger threatened me, so I gave him my money.
  • 法律似乎背后袭人者比遭背后袭击抢劫者的保护还多。
    the law seems to give more protection to the mugger than to the muggee.
  • 抢劫犯朝我要钱,我说不
    A mugger asked for my money, and I told him I wouldn't give it to him.
  • 他把被牺牲者投了泽鳄;每个人都是被掠夺对象。
    he fell prey to muggers; everyone was fair game.
  • 更糟糕的是,回家的路上,他把手表丢了!
    To make things worse, he got mugged on the way home and lost his watch!
  • 我小一杯劲很大的纯酒。
    He gave me a small glass of some raw spirit with a kick like a mule.
  • 主人将货物分成两份,平均分驴和骡。
    A donkey and a mule served the same master, who put equal loads on them for a trip.
  • 多产;多重所有权;演说做了多重备份;他在公众生活中的广泛成就;她的多重性格;凤梨是杂交水果。
    multiple birth; multiple ownership; made multiple copies of the speech; his multiple achievements in public life; her multiple personalities; a pineapple is a multiple fruit.