| - 中央政府和西藏地方政府对这些问题高度重视,为了确保生态环境和自然资源的永续利用,防患于未然,西藏在中央政府的支持下,已经制定并于2001年开始实施了一项大规模的生态建设和环境保护计划。
All these things have attracted much attention from the Central Government and the local government of Tibet. In order to ensure the permanent stability of the ecological environment and natural resources and to guard against possible new threats to them, the Tibetan local government, supported by the Central Government, has set up and put into practice since 2001 a mammoth plan for ecological improvement and environmental protection. - 社会人与自然人
social man and natural man - 1997年9月,她毕业于曼彻斯特大学设计史专业,然后回到家乡哈特里普和她28岁的男友保尔一起生活。
In September 1997 she had graduated from Manchester Mettopolitan University in history of design and moved back to her home twon of Hartlepool to live with her boyfriend, paul, 28. - 中国话我自然会说。
Of course I can speak Mandarin. - 然而,我喜欢的东西却和cheenahs一样——听华语流行歌曲、到民谣餐厅听现场华语流行歌曲演唱、收看台湾综艺节目、阅读华文书籍……
Yet, I loved the things the cheenahs loved - listening to Mandarin songs, frequenting lounges where Mandarin songs were performed live, watching Taiwanese variety programmes, reading Chinese books. - 在得知我们发现了12个空的化学武器弹头后,伊拉克方面还通知我们该委员会已经将其管辖范围扩大至寻找任何仍然存在的被禁物品。
The Iraqi side also informed us that the commission, which had been appointed in the wake of our finding 12 empty chemical weapons warheads, had had its mandate expanded to look for any still existing proscribed items. - 那舞台有一百英里阔,三英里高,在这舞台上,大自然上演了一出长半小时的戏剧,有时是庞大的龙,恐龙和狮子,在天空移动着——狮头胀大起来,狮鬃伸展开去,龙背弯着,扭动着,卷曲着!—
The stage was a hundred miles wide and three miles high, and on it nature enacted a drama lasting half an hour, now with giant dragons, dinosaurs and lions moving across the sky how the lions' heads swelled and their manes spread and how the dragons' backs bent and wriggled and curled! - 一种锰的氧化物,作为黑锰矿天然存在。
an oxide of manganese found naturally as hausmannite. - 他显然是个说谎的人。
He is a manifest liar. - 我们封此事一目了然。
It was manifest to us at a glance. - 第三,既是几个革命阶级的联合专政,既是在政权中有各个抗日阶级抗日党派的代表参加,就必然在政权中反映出不同的利益、不同的政治立尝不同党派阶级的民主政治的斗争。
Third, since the political power we have established is a joint dictatorship of several revolutionary classes, with the participation of the representatives of all anti-Japanese classes and parties, the struggle for democracy is bound to manifest itself among the different parties and classes cherishing different interests and maintaining different political positions. - 事物本质或意义的突然显露
A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something. - 我们依然是一个弱国,我们在军力、经济力和政治组织力各方面都显得不如敌人。
We are still a weak country and manifestly inferior to the enemy in military, economic and political-organizational power. - 数据通过dna链上的成对分子表现,两种天然酶则会起到和电脑硬件类似的读取、复制和操作代码的作用。
Data is represented by pairs of molecules on a strand of DNA and two naturally occurring enzymes act as the hardware to read,copy and manipulate the code. - 然而我们必须清醒地看到,我们存在的一个最大问题,就是军队很臃肿。
However, we must soberly recognize that one of our main problems now is that the army is over-manned. - 他的举止很不自然。
His manner was strained. - 自然地以自然地方式地
In a natural manner. - 虽有领港员在场,唐太斯仍然克尽职守,直到这项工作完成,才喊“降旗,把旗降在旗杆半中央,把公司的旗也降一半致哀,“看,”腾格拉尔说,“他简直已自命为船长啦。”
Dantès continued at his post in spite of the presence of the pilot, until this manoeuvre was completed, and then he added, "Half-mast the colors, and square the yards!""You see," said Danglars, "he fancies himself captain already, upon my word." - 处在四面或三面被敌包围的中间,要建立长期支持的根据地,山地当然是最好的条件,但主要是须有游击队回旋的余地,即广大地区。
In places surrounded by the enemy on all sides, or on three sides, the mountainous regions naturally offer the best conditions for setting up base areas which can hold out for a long time, but the main thing is that there must be enough room for the guerrillas to manoeuvre, namely, the areas have to be extensive. - 如果避免了战略的决战,“留得青山在,不愁没柴烧”,虽然丧失若干土地,还有广大的回旋余地,可以促进并等候国内的进步、国际的增援和敌人的内溃,这是抗日战争的上策。
If strategically decisive engagements are avoided, then "as long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood", for even though some of our territory may be lost, we shall still have plenty of room for manoeuvre and thus be able to promote and await domestic progress, international support and the internal disintegration of the enemy; That is the best policy for us in the anti-Japanese war. - 然而即使在极深处,地幔仍保持非常粘滞的液态,即使是在极度的压力下流动也十分缓慢。
Yet even at great depth, the mantle remains an exceedingly viscous fluid, flowing ever so slowly even in response to extreme pressures. - 他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。
He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher. - 具有多种自然资源的国家
a country with many natural resources - 当然,毛泽东思想不是毛泽东同志一个人的创造,包括老一辈革命家都参与了毛泽东思想的建立和发展。主要是毛泽东同志的思想。
Of course, Mao Zedong Thought was not created by Comrade Mao alone -- other revolutionaries of the older generation played a part in forming and developing it -- but primarily it embodies Comrade Mao's thinking. - 然后他把地图卷了起来。·
Then he rolled up the map. - 然而,还没等水烧开,她的丈夫已把饼吃完了,搓着双手,对她说:“回到你父亲家去吧,你这女人!”。
But, before the water boiled, her husband finished the cake, rubbed his hands together and said to her, "Go back to your father's house, ya mara." - 玛格丽特的生活是完全按照时间表来安排的;没有手表她就会茫然若失,不知所措。
Margaret’s life worked to schedule; she would have been lost without her watch. - 然而,我非常渴望知道一些关于玛格丽特和阿尔芒之间的事。
But I would have been interested to learn a little about the affair between Marguerite and Armand. - 玛格丽特又拉了拉铃,然后她又坐到钢琴前弹奏,嘴里曼声低吟着一首轻佻的歌。
Marguerite rang again, then she turned back to the piano and began quietly crooning a squalid song? - 他暂停了一下,然后接着说道:“玛丽姬·德加斯。
He paused and then went on.“Maria Degardes. - 渔农自然护理署亦加强了红潮监察及管理措施,以期尽量减少红潮对海鱼养殖的影响。
The AFCD has also strengthened its red tide monitoring and management measures with a view to minimising the impact of red tides on mariculture. - 但是vivendiuniversal公司董事长法国人让·米歇尔却不然,他今年只有44岁,却已经在世界媒体咨讯业中崭露头角,成为该行业最年富力强的总裁。
Not Jean-Marie Messier. The 44 year-old French chairman of Vivendi Universal has emerged as the world's most dynamic media and communications executive.