  • 脱口而出;急促地说
    To utter impulsively; blurt.
  • 通过吹哨发出信号或表达。
    utter or express by whistling.
  • 阿利坎特西班牙东南部一城市,位于瓦伦西亚以南的地中海沿岸。为港及旅游中心。人253,722
    A city of southeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea south of Valencia. It is a port and tourist center. Population,253, 722.
  • 巴伦西亚委内瑞拉北部加拉加斯西南偏西部的一座城市,位于巴伦西亚湖的西部海岸上,建于1555年,它是一个主要的工业中心。人523,000
    A city of northern Venezuela west-southwest of Caracas on the western shore of Lake Valencia. Founded in1555, it is a major industrial center. Population,523, 000.
  • 站在家门,狗也雄纠纠。
    Every dog is valiant at his own door.
  • 辩方要求额外的资料如其他自动射线照相、确认研究、人资料数据和原始数据等则面临着苛刻的详细审查,并经常被拒绝。
    Requests for additional materials such as other autoradiographs, validation studies, population data bases, and raw data face harsher scrutiny and often were not honored.
  • 该城堡控制著峡谷的入.
    The castle commanded the entrance to the valley.
  • 二零零一年,港产品出仍以成衣为主,总值达722亿元,占港产品出总额的47.1%。
    Clothing continued to be the largest component of domestic exports, valued at $72.2 billion or 47.1 per cent of the total value of domestic exports in 2001.
  • 她总能编出某种新的借为其迟到辩解。
    She can always vamp up some new excuse for coming late.
  • 不过,个人品茶的味却不尽相同;有人喜欢中国茶,有人喜欢印度茶;
    Individual taste, however, often varied: for China or India tea;
  • 每个地方对于巧克力味的偏好各不相同。
    But tastes vary widely.
  • 自治区加拿大的高级自治城市,通常依人而定,但因省而异
    A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province.
  • 由于万能服务器编程接工作在高级开发工具集的同一高水平上,开发大规模数据密集型应用程序的程序员生产率可以大大提高。
    Because Universal Server programming interfaces operate at the same high level as advanced development toolsets, programmer productivity on large-scale data-intensive applications can be vastly improved.
  • 〔7〕抗日战争发展的经验,证明了平原地区能够建立长期的而且在许多地方能够成为固定的根据地,这是由于地区的广大,人的众多,共产党政策的正确,人民动员的普遍和敌人兵力的不足等等条件所决定的。
    [7] Experience gained in the War of Resistance proved that it was possible to establish long-term and, in many places, stable base areas in the plains. This was due to their vastness and big populations, the correctness of the Communist Party's policies, the extensive mobilization of the people and the enemy's shortage of troops.
  • 从今年1月1日起,中国对国家鼓励和支持发展的投资项目的进设备,兔征关税和进环节增值税。
    Starting on January l, 1998, the Chinese government has exempted equipment imports for foreign-funded projects encouraged by the state from import tax and VAT.
  • 从今年初开始,对鼓励投资行业的设备和高技术进,实行减免关税政策。
    At the beginning of this year, the government put into practice the policy on reducing or exempting the import tax and VAT on equipment imported by sectors encouraged by the state and high-tech industries.
  • 这辆汽车在十字路突然转向;这辆摩托车转向了右边。
    The car cut to the left at the intersection; The motorbike veered to the right.
  • 在机动车辆里通用接允许主动轴上下移动。
    in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps.
  • 非洲国家的许多所谓自由主义独裁者们往往采用蜜腹剑的方法进行统治。
    Many of the so-called liberal dictators of African nations rule using an iron hand in a velvet glove.
  • 马拉凯委内瑞拉北部一城市,在卡拉加斯西南偏西方。它是一个产牛中心。人355,000
    A city of northern Venezuela west-southwest of Caracas. It is a cattle center. Population,355, 000.
  • 圭亚那城委内瑞拉东部城市,位于奥里诺科河畔,1961年建成为规划社区。人212,000
    A city of eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco River. It was founded in1961 as a planned community. Population,212, 000.
  • 出路逃跑或退出的通道;出
    A passage for escape or exit; a vent.
  • 通气一个开,特别是身体上的洞或通路;嘴或者通气
    An opening, especially to a cavity or passage of the body; a mouth or vent.
  • 技表演者用来处理声音的一种木制雕塑。
    a wooden figure into which a ventriloquist projects the voice.
  • 假人,动物布偶技表演者操纵的假人或假动物
    A figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist.
  • 攻击,抨击武力或头上的攻击
    A violent physical or verbal attack.
  • 口令;口令或暗号
    A verbal signal; a password or watchword.
  • 作为学习的主题的头交流
    Verbal communication as a subject of study.
  • 互相信任的双方当事人之间的头协议。
    Verbal agreement between two parties who trust each other.
  • 互相信任的双方当事人之间的头协议
    A verbal agreement between two parties who trust each other
  • 头上的或者别的表达来表达某人的感情。
    give verbal or other expression to one's feelings.
  • 谨于此确认我今晨的头订货。
    I have much pleasure in confirm my verbal order of this morning.