  • 要避免做愚蠢的行为,狄克,这样一切就会好的。
    Bless yourself from madness, Dick, and all will be well.
  • 梅格决定大权独揽,她不想嫁……因此,她过着独身生活,并且用伊丽莎白女王的专制统治,用高压手段统治一切。
    Determined to ride the fore-horse herself, Meg would admit no helpmate…and so, in single blessedness and with the despotism of Queen Bess herself, she ruled all matters with a high hand.
  • 贫穷是福的议论常有人提
    The argument that poverty is a blessing has often been put forward.
  • 发的那天上午,向他的父亲请求为他祝福。
    On the morning of his departure, he asked a blessing of his father.
  • 报纸被风吹了出去。
    The papers blew out.
  • 在生长末期现症状的一种枯萎病。
    blight in which symptoms appear late in the growing season especially a disease of solanaceous plants caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans.
  • 触摸会辨别哪一颗是含羞草。
    peonies can be blighted by the laying on of a finger.
  • 他从出生就失明了.
    He was blind from birth.
  • 的水柱迎面打在他的脸上,使他睁不开眼睛,喘不过气来。
    The jet of water hit him full in the face, blinding and choking him.
  • 所谓独立自主就是不跟着人家跑,对世界有自己的见解,对国际和地区争瑞有自己的原则,根据事件本身的是非曲直作客观公正的判断。
    To be independent means not to blindly follow others, but to have our own point of view on world affairs and our own principles in viewing international or regional disputes to make objective and just judgements on particular issues .
  • 广泛分布于非洲的好斗的眼镜蛇;很少咬但吐引起失明的毒液。
    aggressive cobra widely distributed in Africa; rarely bites but spits venom that may cause blindness.
  • 回家的路上,西尔夫妇谈着谈着想起来在过去几个月里,他们实际看到过特克斯怎样生活在失明状态中,现在他们终于明白了为什么它有时候撞上正在开启的门,或把鼻子撞在铁丝围栏上,为什么它来进去总是沿着石子道走;
    As they talked on their way home, the Seals realized that over the last few months, they had watched Tex cope with his blindness. Now they understood why Tex sometimes missed a gate opening or bumped his nose on the chain-link fence. And why he usually stayed on the gravel walkways traveling to and from the house.
  • 你们同情见不到阳光的瞎子,同情听不到大自然音响的聋子,同情不能用声音来表达自己思想的哑巴;但是,在一种虚假的所谓廉耻的借口之下,你们却不愿意同情这种心灵上的瞎子,灵魂上的聋子和良心上的哑巴。这些残疾逼得那个不幸的受苦的女人发疯,使她无可奈何地看不到善良,听不到天主的声音,也讲不爱情、信仰的纯洁的语言。
    You pity the blind man who has never seen the light of day, the deaf man who has never heard the harmonies of nature, the mute who has never found a voice for his soul, and yet, under the specious pretext of decency, you will not pity that blindness of heart, deafness of soul and dumbness of conscience which turn the brains of poor, desperate women and prevent them, despite themselves, from seeing goodness, hearing the Lord and speaking the pure language of love and religion.
  • 我的电视机毛病了。
    My tv is on the blink.
  • 出毛病
    on the blink(not working properly, out of order)
  • 他们来迟了是因为车了毛病。
    They came late because their car was on the blink.
  • 抱歉,我忘了告诉你我的电脑毛病了。
    Sorry, I forget to tell you that my computer is on the blink.
  • 洗衣机又故障了;我要向制造商提意见。
    The washing machine has gone on the blink again; I shall complain to the makers.
  • 我无法用吸尘器把地毯吸干净,因为我的吸尘器毛病了。
    I haven't been able to hoover the carpet because my vacuum cleaner is on the blink.
  • 朱迪拼命地眨眼想挤掉眼泪,但汤姆还是看她哭了。
    Judy tried to blink back her tears, but Tom could see that she had been crying.
  • 莱尔,注意看着,你一看到前面的群山上现太阳的闪光就叫我。
    Keep your eyes peeled, Lill, and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead.
  • 她使劲地眨了眨眼睛,不让泪水涌,并努力将注意力转向别处。
    Blinking back tears,she forced her attention elsewhere.
  • 设备前方的闪光灯指示系统状态。
    The blinking light on the front of the unit indicate the system status.
  • 闪光信号灯闪光的事物,尤指发信号或警告的闪光灯
    One that blinks, especially a light that blinks in order to convey a message or warning.
  • 没人可以永远活下去;从天父的灯塔中永恒散播来的光辉的仁慈——p·p·布利斯。
    no one can live forever; brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore- P.P.Bliss.
  • 只有这样,每个人才能在一种自我发现和个人天赐的感召下创造他自己的“圣杯”。
    In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bliss.
  • 他的鞋子太重,脚上磨了水泡。
    His heavy shoes raised blisters on his feet.
  • 了火灾,仅仅是手上起泡了。
    escaped from the fire with only a blistered hand.
  • (植物学)叶子;现起泡、起皱的。
    (botany) of leaves; appearing puckered as if blistered.
  • 顶着酷暑,大卫·布莱克本和我的16人小组中的其他一些成员一步一步耐心地将这具保存完好的至尊鳄鱼骨骼挖了来。
    Undeterred by the blistering heat, he and other members of my 16-person crew were closing in on beautifully preserved pieces of SuperCroc's skeleton.
  • 普通的美国人……没有注意到他或者她的处境是个人的、经济的和社会的行为的综合结果……这种结果超了普通公民的理解和控制;对他朋友的处境漠不关心。
    the average American...is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control; blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight.
  • 海关亦增加非法转运纺织品活动的情报蒐集工作,并在各个进口管制站加强对纺织品进行突击检查。
    The department also strengthened its intelligence collation concerning illegal transhipment of textiles and stepped up 'blitz' check operations on textile consignments at various import and export control points.