  • 那么你的意思是说,d.c司在财务方面不可靠?
    So what you intend to say is(that) D.C.company is not reliable financially?
  • 司的客户在财务上实力如何--他们有可能改变消费习惯吗?
    How financially strong are the company's customers -- are they likely to change their spending habits?
  • 那么你的意思是说,d。c。司在财务方面不可靠?
    So what you intend to say is( that) D. D. company is not reliable financially?
  • 耶基斯,查尔斯·泰森1837-1905美国金融家,他拥有已发展的芝加哥运输系统的企业联合的
    American financier who owned the syndicate of companies that developed the Chicago transit system.
  • 发行债,发行股票发起或创立的行为或事例,尤指流动股票、债券或由流动股票、债券支持的商业资金
    The act or an instance of launching or initiating, especially the floating of stocks or bonds or the financing of a business venture by floating stocks or bonds.
  • 你在草案中建议的你方融资的利息计算式。
    The formula you proposed in the draft to calculate the interest of your financing.
  • 司直接从敝分司获得订单,而付款是由总司支付的。
    You're. getting orders directly from the branches, with financing done by our head office.
  • 我能够理解,跨国司的财务和记帐都要单独进行核算的。
    I can understand that the branches of a transnational corporation should be independent in their financing and accounting.
  • 香港开进修学院在一九九六年获授自行评审资格,一九九七年升格为大学,由一九九三至一九九四年度开始财政自给。
    It was granted self-accrediting status in 1996 and then university status in 1997. Since 1993-94, OUHK has become self-financing.
  • 有关协议规定每家司须就其财务计划的某些项目,包括预测电费调整幅度,向政府申请批准。
    The agreements require each company to seek the approval of the government for certain aspects of their financing plans, including projected tariff levels.
  • 出乎意料,他很快将要布他的发现。
    Surprisingly he will publish his findings very soon.
  • 法庭的裁决将於星期三布。
    The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.
  • 这些都是一家民意测验司所得出的调查结果。
    These are the findings of a survey by a pollsters company.
  • 调查结果会透过传媒或该局的刊物布。
    Results and findings would be announced through the media or the council's publications.
  • 有人建议这个实验室不要开它的发现。
    The laboratory has been advised to hold back any announcement of its findings.
  • 研究结果会于一九九九年年中布。
    Its findings will be presented to members of the public and interested parties in mid-1999.
  • 这套寓适合两个人住。
    This flat's fine for two people.
  • 此外,该处也负责保护消费者免受欺骗,防止有关货品数量及黄金和白金成色方面的不平交易。
    It also has responsibilities to protect consumers from fraudulent or unfair trading practices related to quantities of goods and the fineness of gold and platinum articles.
  • 主身穿最高级的丝绸衣服
    The princess is wearing a dress of the finest silk
  • 现在认他是该国最佳的男高音歌手.
    He's generally considered to have the finest tenor voice in the country.
  • 因此,dna指纹鉴定正迅速成为用于人类个体之间鉴别和区分的主要方法,井受到了强烈的众关注,律师、犯罪调查者和科学家一直在讨论其优点和缺陷。
    Consequently, DNA fingerprint is rapidly becoming the primary method for identifying and distinguishing among individual human beings, and has entered an intense public spotlight, where lawyers, crime investigators, and scientists constantly discuss it s merits and pitfalls
  • 司被罚1000英镑, 论者称惩处过轻.
    The company was fined 1000, which critics said was too light.
  • 医护改革谘询文件在二零零零年十二月发表之后,当局就共医护服务的现行收费架构进行全面检讨,目的是研究如何使帑用得其所,务求把帑投放在最有需要的地方,即用于资助低收入人士和那些会对病人构成沉重经济负担的服务。
    Subsequent to the release of the Consultant Document on Health Care Reform in December 2000, a comprehensive review of the existing fees structure in the public health care sector has been commissioned. The objectives of the review are to better target and prioritise finite public subsidies to areas of most needs, i.e., lower income groups and services that pose major financial risks to patients.
  • 我在饭店的房间里都找不到。我记得昨天最后使用护照是在这百货司。
    I can't fink it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.
  • 面积为1090平方里的派延奈湖是芬兰第二大湖。
    With an area of1090square kilometers,Lake Paijanne is Finland's second biggest.
  • 然而,在过去的25年里,芬兰职业卫生研究所米卡·基维迈基和他的同事们对芬兰一家金属司的812名健康芬兰职工进行了长期的病史跟踪研究。结论是:工作压力过大同样也是导致心脏病发作的重要因素之一。
    But Mika Kivimaki, of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and his colleagues, who studied the medical histories of 812 healthy Finnish men and women in a metal industry company over 25 years, said job stress also plays an important role.
  • 1993年至1996年,安部部署在西南边境地区开展了“三年缉毒缉枪专项斗争”。
    From 1993 to 1996, in the southwest border areas, the Ministry of Public Security launched a three-year campaign against drugs and firearms.
  • 其次,宪法保障每个民为防身而携带武器的权利,从而使武器交易合法化。
    Secondly, the constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to carry weapon for his own protection, thus legalizing the transaction of firearms.
  • 中国积极参加了《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪约》所附“枪支议定书”的谈判,为达成议定书做出了贡献,目前正积极研究签署该议定书的问题。
    China has actively participated in the negotiations of the Firearms Protocol to the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crimes, making its contributions to the conclusion of the Protocol. China is positively considering signing the Protocol.
  • 城市当代舞蹈团在一九九七年上演了多出本地舞蹈作品,包括"糊涂炮竹贺新年"、"革命京剧──九七封印"、"三七.三八.三九"及"白胡和他的彩虹堡垒"。
    The City Contemporary Dance Company staged several performances by local choreographers in 1997, including The Firecracker, Revolutionary Pekinese Opera (Millennium Mix), Thirty something and Papa White-beard and his Rainbow Castle.
  • 使办室做到完全防火是不可能的。
    It is impossible to make the office completely fireproof.
  • 费尔斯通,哈维·塞缪尔1868-1938美国工业家,建立了费尔斯通轮胎和橡胶司(1900年),首制充气轮胎
    American industrialist who organized the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(1900) and first manufactured the balloon tire.