  • 她从不一看见做广告的东西就买;她总是花点时多走几家商店买最便宜的。
    She never buys the first thing that she sees advertised; she always spends a little time shopping round for the best price.
  • 在军队中短暂地呆了一段时后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。他购买了一家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传。
    After a brief spell in the armed forces,he ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business,purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it.
  • 教派的属于或包括不同教派的
    Of or involving different religious denominations.
  • 这两个设备之的其它所有设备只是中继正在传送的数据,一旦第一个设备放弃对环的控制,其它设备就能进行访问。
    All other devices in between simply repeat data being sent between the two controlling devices.Once the initial device relinquishes control of the loop, other devices can gain access.
  • 一种能动态重新安排存储器的处理技术,即把各连续已用的存储段移到存储器的一端,把未使用的存储空集中到存储器的另一端。
    A process of dynamic relocation in which contiguous segments are moved to one end of the memory to combine all unused storage at the other end.
  • 他们中有些人之所以暂时加入民族统一战线,是被迫的和勉强的。
    Some of them have joined the national united front for the time being under compulsion and with reluctance.
  • 这种比赛时的不定因素使新闻媒体,特别是电视,不太愿意报道它。
    The variance in time caused great reluctance on the part of the media, especially TV, to cover the event.
  • 她认为行故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。
    She think the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that david is reluctant to tell her.
  • 她认为行故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情
    She thought the deliberate blankness between the line represented the thing that David was reluctant to tell her
  • 这个家的女主人不情愿地把这两个难民安装在一个空出来的房里。
    The hostess of the house reluctantly installed the two refugees in a spare room.
  • 最后,我决定不租那房,并依依不舍地和他道别。
    Ultimately, I decided not to take the room and reluctantly bade him good-bye.
  • 建国三十一年来,我们确实犯过不少错误,包括严重的错误,其几经折腾,使人民受到了不少损失,也延缓了社会主义建设的进程。
    It is true that in the 31 years since the founding of the People's Republic we have made quite a few mistakes, including some serious ones, and suffered repeated setbacks that adversely affected the life of the people and retarded the progress of socialist construction.
  • 另一方面,在眼球速动睡眠期,人们很难被唤醒,对触摸和声音,反应也很慢。
    On the other hand, during REM sleep, people are very difficult to touch or sound rapildy.
  • 这天剩下的时我们到各处观光.
    We spent the remainder of the day sightseeing.
  • 他在乡间度过馀生。
    He spent the remainder of his life in the country.
  • 剩下的时他就到街上走走,去俱乐部读书看报。
    The remainder of the time he spent walking the streets and reading in the club rooms.
  • 到此为止对这一天的剩余时或至少是现在,停止正在做的一切事情
    To stop whatever one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the present.
  • 政府在一九九八年六月公布,在一九九八至九九财政年度余下的时,即时停止以拍卖或招标方式出售土地。
    In June 1998, the government announced an immediate suspension of all land sales by public auction or tender in the remainder of the 1998-99 financial year.
  • 只需要花一部分时来获取食物,其余时既毋须为将来担忧。也毋须用于劳累后的歇息。
    Only a portion of time is required for procuring food, and the remainder is not engrossed by anxious thought for the morrow, or necessary repose from muscular activity.
  • 无限期的长时保持不变。
    remaining the same for indefinitely long times.
  • 把客人都挤在剩余的几个房里了。
    Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
  • 一般情况下,短时的高负荷并不会影响工作质量,但是在持续的高负荷工作之后,对管制质量的不利影响就随之而来了。
    Higher-than-moderate workload can be maintained for brief periods of time without adverse effects on performance, but adverse performance effects will occur immediately following a period of high workload.
  • 他依然居於房间内。
    He remains secluded in his room.
  • 在寻找失踪的证人期,罪犯得被关押一周。
    The prisoner had to be remanded for a week while the missing witness was found.
  • 母女之非常亲密,彼此之毫不隐瞒。
    Mother and daughter are remarkably close and hide nothing.
  • 如此显著的不同、突然引起瞬的震惊或惊慌。
    so remarkably different or sudden as to cause momentary shock or alarm.
  • [地点, 原因, 比较, 比例, 条件, 让步, 目的, 结果]状语
    an adverbial of time [place, cause, comparison, proportion, condition, concession, purpose, result]
  • 在‘to’和动词之有副词的不定式(例如大胆地去)。
    an infinitive with an adverb between `to' and the verb (e.g., `to boldly go').
  • 我肯定您记得,但我还是要提醒您谈判在201房进行。
    I'm sure you've remembered/you'll remember, but the negotiation is in Room 201.
  • 请允许我提醒你,时快到了。
    May I remind you that time will soon be up?
  • 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个星期或更多时努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如一般人所说,有效率、勤劳但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三分钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。这一点,我们需要时常提醒自己。
    Statistically, I may be far from reality, but it helps by putting things in perspective. We could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that Singaporeans can be something else other than efficient, hardworking but ungracious.
  • 显然这在用电话做生意中是有用处的。它也能用于约会提醒程序一类的应用,或者确认或通知系统,在这些场合,不必一定需要两个人之的交互通信。
    It has obvious uses for telemarketing, but it can also be used for applications such as appointment reminders, or a confirmation or notification system, where live interaction between two humans is not necessary.