  • 错义一个rna螺旋体中包含的一个因突变而改变密码子的部分,它能编码成为另一种不同的氨基
    A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a codon altered through mutation so that it codes for a different amino acid.
  • 突变,变种突变发生的过程,是通过基因的脱氧核糖核密码的核苷顺序的改变或者通过染色体内部的物理重新排列
    The process by which such a sudden structural change occurs, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome.
  • 三核苷酸,密码子
    A triplet of nucleotides; a codon.
  • 兼并密码子的有不止一个密码子来指定同样的氨基。用于一种遗传基因
    Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. Used of a genetic code.
  • 反密码子在蛋白质合成过程中,传送者rna中的相关密码子与某种氨基结合,在传送rna过程中出现的三个相邻的核苷序列
    A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in transfer RNA designating a specific amino acid that binds to a corresponding codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis.
  • (商标)一种硼硅盐玻璃,膨胀率低,用于制烹饪和化学用抗热玻璃器具。
    (trademark) a borosilicate glass with a low coefficient of expansion; used for heat-resistant glassware in cooking and chemistry.
  • 来自维他命b烟的辅酶。
    a coenzyme derived from the B vitamin nicotinic acid.
  • 脯氨氨基,化学式为c4h8ncooh,存在于大多数蛋白质中,是胶原蛋白的主要成分
    An amino acid, C4H8NCOOH, that is found in most proteins and is a major constituent of collagen.
  • 盐质地藏品保护技术
    Technique of Silicate Collection Conservation
  • 焦木素,木棉一种极易燃的硝纤维素,用于制造股棉,塑料和漆
    A highly flammable nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion, plastics, and lacquers.
  • 硝化纤维素一种柔软的或类似棉物的聚合体,由经硫和硝处理过的纤维素获得,用于炸药、胶棉、塑料以及固体燃料的生产中
    A pulpy or cottonlike polymer derived from cellulose treated with sulfuric and nitric acids and used in the manufacture of explosives, collodion, plastics, and solid monopropellants.
  • 谷酰胺一种非必需的氨基,c5h10n2o3,大量的含于动植物组织,大量生产用于医药和生化研究
    A nonessential amino acid, C5H10N2O3, occurring widely in plant and animal tissue and produced commercially for use in medicine and biochemical research.
  • 一种水杨盐药物(包括许多一般的药剂)。
    a salt of salicylic acid (including several commonly used drugs).
  • 的氮的、由氮组成的或含氮的,尤指化合价状态高于其他相似的含氮化合物的
    Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state higher than that in a comparable nitrous compound.
  • 含(三价)氮的氮的,由氮衍生的或含氮的,尤指在其化合价低于其相应的硝化合物的情况下
    Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state lower than that in a comparable nitric compound.
  • 除了探索新的脱氧核糖核(dna)个体识别系统外,该组并继续增加其dna分型的资料库,希望在一九九八年中,聚合?链反应的技术,可以广泛地应用于所有涉及生化检验的案件中。
    Compilation of databases continues as does development of further systems. It is hoped that the PCR technique will form the basis of all biochemical casework by the middle of 1998.
  • 回文结构含有双股脱氧核糖核的一部分,其中的核苷系列的一股颠倒顺序来读取即为互补的一股
    A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand.
  • 作为汗的一种成分的
    an acid that is a component of perspiration.
  • 酸性的含高浓度酸的
    Having a high concentration of acid.
  • 染色质,核染质细胞核中由核与蛋白质组成的核复合物,容易被基本染料染色,在细胞分裂期会浓缩而形成染色体
    A complex of nucleic acids and proteins in the cell nucleus that stains readily with basic dyes and condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.
  • 过少食用鱼的妇女可通过少量摄入鱼或鱼油中所含的ω-3脂肪来防止早产和初生婴儿体重过轻。
    In women with zero or low intake of fish, small amounts of Ω-3 fatty acids provided as fish or fish oil may confer protection against preterm delivery and low birth weight.
  • 一种粘性的多糖,存在于体内的连接组织和润滑液中。
    a viscous polysaccharide acid found in connective tissues and in lubricating fluids in the body.
  • 医生告诉查尔斯每天喝一大杯梅汁能改善便秘。
    The doctor told Charles to drink a large glass of prune juice every day to help his constipation.
  • 脱氧核苷一种核苷,含有构成dna的成分——脱氧核糖
    A nucleotide containing deoxyribose that is a constituent of DNA.
  • 一种钙的磷盐,是动物骨的主要成分。
    a phosphate of calcium; a main constituent of animal bones.
  • 在众多的河流、湖泊、小溪和海洋的污染物中,雨和重金属只是其中的少数几种。
    Acid rain and heavy metals are only a few of the many pollutants that contaminate rivers, lakes, streams, seas, and oceans.
  • 一种有机化合物,c4h10n3o5p,常见于肌肉组织,可以为肌肉收缩存储和提供能量
    An organic compound, C4H10N3O5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction.
  • 一种含氮的有机,c4h9n3o2,主要以磷的形式发现于脊椎动物的肌肉细胞组织中,并可为肌肉萎缩提供能量
    A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and supplies energy for muscle contraction.
  • 肌肉细胞中的核苷,对新陈代谢有重要作用,能可逆地转化为adp和atp。
    a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP.
  • 铜溶液是什么颜色?
    What color is copper sulfate solution?
  • 一种铜盐,由硫作用于氧化铜而生成。
    a copper salt made by the action of sulfuric acid on copper oxide.
  • 大多数人都知道,硫与铜化合起反应,生成硫铜。
    That sulfuric acid reacts with copper, forming copper sulfate is known to most people.