  • 绒鸭一种大海鸭,尤指北部地区的欧绒鸭属,有柔的有商业价值的鸭绒,雄鸭毛主要为黑白色
    Any of several large sea ducks, especially of the genus Somateria of northern regions, having soft, commercially valuable down and predominantly black and white plumage in the male.
  • 此外,netscape的communicator和微的ie中的java虚拟机也支持对象签名检查。
    Also, Java virtual machines in Communicator and Internet Explorer support object-sign checking.
  • 今年6月,当netscape公司交付支持x.509三版数字证明标准的communicator4.0web客户机件时,数字证明向前迈进了一大步。
    Digital certificates took a big step forward in June when Netscape shipped the Communicator 4.0 Web client with support for X.509, Version 3, a digital certificate standard.
  • 计算机软件开发公司
    Computer Software Development Company
  • 列车员:第3号包房有一个席卧铺。
    There is a soft berth in Compartment No. three.
  • 而且,它还具有向下兼容性,使得以往在dos、windows3.x下开钱的各种应用件,甚至可以不加任何修改,就能在windows95中照常运行。
    Moreover, it has downward compatibility which makes all application software developed for DOS and windows3.x run even without any modification.
  • 而且,它还具有向下兼容性,使得以往在dos、windows3.x下开钱的各种应用件,甚至可以不加任何修改,就能在windows95中照常运行。
    Moreover, it has downward compatibility which makes all application software developed for DOS and windows 3. x run even without any modification.
  • 然而,为了保持件兼容性,当代芯片,如intel的奔腾ⅲ和amd的athlon芯片,仍然必然与80年代设计的所有讨厌的cisc指令一起工作,即使当初的优势——节省存储器——现已不太重要了。
    Nonetheless, to maintain software compatibility, modern chips such as Intel's PentiumⅢ and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.'s Athlon must still work with all troublesome CISC instructions that were designed in the 1980s, even though their original advantage -- memory conservation -- isn't as important.
  • 当您对该件完成安装及配置后,它会自动查询某个公共uddi站点来识别与该件相兼容的商业伙伴。
    As you installed and configured your new software, this software automatically consulted one of the public UDDI sites and identified compatible business partners.
  • 以前,为了架构一个具备兼容能力的件,两个公司唯一可以执行的方式是,就使用同样的规范达成协议,然后基于该协议架构件并测试。
    In the past, to build compatible software, two companies only had to agree to use the same specification, and then test their software.
  • 为了让两个或更多的件得以互相兼容,也就是说,为达到我们期望的互相交换数据的目标,他们必须共享一些设计目标和通用的规范。
    In order for two or more pieces of software to be compatible with each other – that is, compatible enough to be able to exchange data for the purpose of achieving a desirable result – they must share some design goals and specifications in common.
  • 而对于使用该件的企业来说,好处在于能够极大地缩短了识别特定服务是否与您的件兼容的工作过程。
    For businesses that use software, the benefit is greatly reduced work in determining which particular bindings exposed by a business partner are compatible with the software used in-house.
  • 件通过查询您所指定的那些商业实体,并定位那些已经发布了与您的件相兼容的电子商务服务的商业实体,来实现这个功能。
    It did this by looking up each business you identified, and located those that had already advertised support for electronic commerce services that are compatible with your own.
  • 这种设计与微公司的excel、word和powerpoint兼容,它从网络上下载件,允许访问声音邮件、电子邮件、web以及演示应用程序。
    The design is compatible with Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint;it downloads software from the network;and allows access to voice mail, e-mail, the Web, as well as, presentation applications.
  • 因此,国防工业非常迫切地要求进行人造卫星升级。国防工程师正在借鉴计算机科学,设计一种"即插即用"人造卫星,在轨道飞行中不仅可以对其进行检查、燃料补给和修理,还可以用新设计的件对其进行程序升级。
    That's why the idea of up gradable satellites is so compelling to the defense industry,whose engineers are borrowing ideas from computer science to design a"plug-and-play"satellite that could be re programmed with new software as well as inspected, refueled,and re paired while in orbit.
  • 这把微置于一种不舒适的追赶竞争对手技术的境地。
    This puts Microsoft in the uncomfortable position of playing catch-up with competing technology.
  • 件而言,一台计算机可以直接执行“为另一台计算机用机器语言编写的,或已经过编译汇编的”程序代码的能力。
    Of software, the ability of a computer to directly execute program code that was compiled, assembled, or written in machine language for another computer.
  • 一旦标准被批准了,使已安装的modem符合标准所要做的全部工作就是件升级。
    Once a standard was ratified, all that was needed to bring deployed modems into compliance was a software upgrade.
  • 有了符合wfm的桌面系统,管理员能在部署客户机件和硬件故障出现前的预防方面节省时间。
    With WFM-compliant desktops, administrators can save time in deploying client software and preventing hardware failures before they occur.
  • 然而,有些分析师认为,如果符合corba的对象技术供应商不能为其件制订出低级的互用性(标准),已有的领先地位可能会丧失。
    However, some analysts say this lead could melt away if the CORBA compliant object technology vendors cannot work out lower-level interoperability for their software.
  • wilgus警告说,光用ipsec是不够的。他说:"因为它只是一种标准,仅使用符合ipsec的件是不能解决安全问题的。"
    Wilgus warns that IPsec alone isn't enough."Simply because it will be a standard, merely using IPsec-compliant software will not solve your security problems," he says.
  • 目前的想法是要求internet装置通过符合java的浏览器运行java小应用程序,虽然微公司和其它厂家也在计划提供与之竞争的平台。
    The current thinking calls for the Internet device to run Java applets through a Java-compliant browser, although Microsoft Corp. and others are planning to offer competing platforms.
  • 去掉了使pc应用复杂化的硬件,只留下网络访问与显示功能,实际上,网络计算机在件、服务、处理、数据和资源上全部都依赖网络。
    Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data and resources.
  • 网络计算机提供了简洁性,去掉了使pc应用复杂化的硬件,只留下网络访问与显示功能,实际上,网络计算机在件、服务、处理、数据和资源上全部都依赖网络。这就消除了周而复始的台式硬件升级,而是把这个负担放到了网络上。
    The network computer offers simplicity. Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data, and resources. It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades, pushing that burden instead on to the network.
  • 件工程中,系统或系统组成部分的复杂程度由下述因素确定:接口的数量和错综程度、条件转移的数量和错综程度、嵌套的深度、数据结构的类型,以及其它一些系统特性。
    In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.
  • 趁着没忘,送给你一瓶柔调理剂,这是免费赠送的,这是为洗这种毛衣特制的。
    Before I forget, here is a bottle of complimentary wool softening conditioner. It's specially made for washing the sweater of this kind.
  • 骨构成的或有骨的
    Composed of or containing gristle.
  • 团一个压缩的球、卷或块状物,如烟草卷
    A compressed ball, roll, or lump, as of tobacco.
  • 木板用粒状化木压成并烧固制成的一种建筑绝缘片状材料
    A construction and insulating sheet material made of compressed and baked granules of cork.
  • 像海绵一样具有柔的质地和可以压缩的特点。
    resembling a sponge in having soft texture and compressibility.
  • 这又加快了件市场上租赁概念的形成;
    This elevates the concept of leasing in the software market;
  • 由于中国的特殊条件(资产阶级的弱和妥协性,无产阶级的强大和革命彻底性),中国从来也没有过土耳其的那种便宜事情。
    In the specific conditions of China (the flabbiness of the bourgeoisie with its proneness to conciliation and the strength of the proletariat with its revolutionary thoroughness), things just never work out so easily as in Turkey.