  • 邓:很遗憾地,在卡特执政的后期,美国国会通过了《与台湾关系法》,这就变成了中美关系的一个很大的障碍。
    Deng: Most regrettably, during the latter period of the Carter Administration, the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan Relations Act, which has become an immense obstacle in Chinese-U.S. relations.
  • 一位作家:如果那些窟窿碰巧是非常圆的,那么,我们应该把一些小圆石塞进去,以破坏那些圆圈的有规则的线条。
    One writer suggested that if the perforations happen to be perfectly round, some little pebble should be inserted to break up the regularity of the circle.
  • 远的不,与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件,当地的土著对外来移民可谓赶尽杀绝,遭殃的不只是一向推动国家经济发展却遭妒嫉的华人,连和他们肤色相若但非属同族中人的移民亦遭仇视杀害,杀人手法之残酷教人作呕反感。
    Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country, separated from us by only a body of water. The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants. The victims were not only the Chinese, envied for their contribution towards the development of the national economy. Immigrants who were of similar skin colour but who belonged to a different race were also killed in a brutal and gruesome manner.
  • 村委会的选举愈益规范,村民的提名权得到尊重,预选产生正式候选人、正式候选人的平等竞争、差额选举、发表演、秘密划票间、公开计票、当场宣布选举结果等确保选民权利的程序逐步走向规范化。
    The election of villagers' committees has been increasingly standardized, and villagers' right to nominate candidates is respected.The election procedure, which guarantees the rights of voters, has been gradually regularized.The procedure involves the methods by which villagers select formal candidates through preliminary elections, formal candidates run for the election on an equal footing, voters choose from among a large number of candidates, candidates make speeches, voters mark their ballots in specially-designated rooms, ballots are counted openly, and the election results are announced on the spot.
  • 村委会的选举愈益规范,村民的提名权得到尊重,预选产生正式候选人、正式候选人的平等竞争、差额选举、发表演、秘密划票间、公开计票、当场宣布选举结果等确保选民权利的程序逐步走向规范化。
    The election of villagers' committees has been increasingly standardized, and villagers' right to nominate candidates is respected. The election procedure, which guarantees the rights of voters, has been gradually regularized. The procedure involves the methods by which villagers select formal candidates through preliminary elections, formal candidates run for the election on an equal footing, voters choose from among a large number of candidates, candidates make speeches, voters mark their ballots in specially-designated rooms, ballots are counted openly, and the election results are announced on the spot.
  • 他有恒地练习英语。
    He practise speaking english regularly.
  • 国务院一智囊机构的教授李树广(音):“政府应该限制自己的职责,变成中立的管理者。
    "The government should limit its responsibility and become a neutral regulator," says Li Shuguang, a professor at a state council think-tank.
  • 作者用一种有服力的口语体使他的文章显得生动。
    The writer aerateed his writing with a persuasive colloquialism.
  • (罗马神话)提尔的公主,她是迦太基国的创建者和王后;维吉尔她被阿流斯抛弃后自杀而死。
    (Roman mythology) a princess of Tyre who was the founder and queen of Carthage; Virgil tells of he suicide when she was abandoned by Aeneas.
  • 中的迦太基女王迦太基的创建者和王后,与埃涅阿斯坠入情网,在被抛弃后自杀
    The founder and queen of Carthage, who fell in love with Aeneas and killed herself when he abandoned her.
  • 在大义堂感化一个儿童一年耗费一万二。将一个成人收监一年的费用地两万五。可是口口声声“钱要有效使用”的政客们自己去不管轻重缓急。
    It costs $12,000 a year rehabilitate a kid at Daytop. It costs $25,000 a year to warehouse an adult in prison. Yet the politicians who babble about "more bang for the buck" don't confront their own absurd priorities.
  • 而那一个用一双强有力的手使劲地把欧罗巴往她那边拽,而欧罗巴竟也有些不能自持,那女人还欧罗巴命里注定是她的战利品,这是身穿胸铠的朱庇特的意旨。
    But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; declaring that, by the will of aegis-bearing Jupiter, Europa was destined to be her prize.
  • 他诉了他在狱中的疾苦。
    He rehearsed all his sufferings in prison.
  • 晚上,孩子向他的爸爸诉了这一天发生的一切。
    The child rehearsed the happenings of the day to his father in the evening.
  • 吟诵重复或大声出(预演的东西或记忆的东西),尤指面对一群观众或听众的这种行为
    To repeat or utter aloud(something rehearsed or memorized), especially before an audience.
  • "没什么不同,"安德森,"唯一的不同是汤姆和我必须多花时间演练,找到一个我和其他演员已经有的共同语言。
    "Not at all," Anderson says. "The only difference was Tom and I had to spend more time rehearsing to find a vocabulary, which I already had with other actors.
  • 他每一个动作姿态,话的声调,都经过事前严格的预习,他举止敏捷,反应灵活,分秒不差。
    Everything he did, every gesture, every intonation of his voice, every lifting of an eyebrow had been carefully rehearsed in advance, and his actions were timed to split seconds.
  • 千禧年宣称耶稣统治地球一千年的教义
    The doctrine stating that Jesus will reign on earth for1, 000 years.
  • 近日,一位英国教区牧师的一句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。
    A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
  • 近日,一位英国教区牧师的一句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。
    Several hundreds of students dressed as Santa Claus A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
  • 李·雷菲尔德是教区的替补牧师,他在颂歌布道时开玩笑,为了给9180万家庭送去礼物,圣诞老人驾着驯鹿的飞行速度必须是音速的3000倍,如果真是那样的话,他早就着火烧起来了。他的话粉碎了许多孩子的梦想和寄托。
    Stand-in vicar Lee Rayfield shattered the illusions of dozens of kids when he joked in his carol service sermon that Santa and his reindeer would burn up doing 3,000 times the speed of sound as they delivered gifts to 91.8 million homes.
  • 律师他将用事实来加强他的辩词。
    The lawyer say he will reinforce the argument with fact.
  • 他用事实明其论点。
    He reinforced his argument with facts.
  • 我们提倡和实行这些原则,决不是可以不注意个人利益,不注意局部利益,不注意暂时利益,而是因为在社会主义制度之下,归根结底,个人利益和集体利益是统一的,局部利益和整体利益是统一的,暂时利益和长远利益是统一的。
    Our advocacy and practice of these principles in no way means that we can ignore personal, local or immediate interests.In the final analysis, under the socialist system there is a unity of personal interests and collective interests, of the interests of the part and those of the whole, and of immediate and long-term interests.
  • 并且因其对中国力量的估计不足和日本军阀的内部矛盾,产生了许多指挥的错误,例如逐渐增加兵力,缺乏战略的协同,某种时期没有主攻方向,某些作战失去时机和有包围无歼灭等等,可以是他的第三个弱点。
    Moreover, its underestimation of China's strength and the internal contradictions among the Japanese militarists have given rise to many mistakes in command, such as piecemeal reinforcement, lack of strategic co-ordination, occasional absence of a main direction for attack, failure to grasp opportunities in some operations and failure to wipe out encircled forces, all of which may be considered the third weakness of Japanese imperialism.
  • 国家精神病联合会是精神不正常的人的亲友的辩护团。该会的执行主任劳里·m·弗林:“在美国,患精神病就意味着有可能被关起来。”
    "Part of mental illness in America now is that you are going to get arrested," said Laurie M. Flynn, executive director of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, an advocacy group of relatives and friends of people with mental disorders.
  • 才不过四天,葛市长已在参加第二个执法人员的丧礼。他一个对犯罪软弱的政府应对这种杀戮分担责任——他呼吁恢复死刑。
    Mayor Koch, attending his second funeral for a law-enforcement officer in four days, said a government that has gone soft on crime shares the blame for the slaying – and he called for reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • 她对mtv她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。
    And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder.
  • 佩特于1873年出版的论列奥纳多的文章描写《蒙娜·丽莎》时用了壮丽散文中的庄重语调,在开头部分,他:“如此神奇地在水边出现的仪态表达了千百年来男人所追求的东西。”《蒙娜·丽莎》被重新塑造成了浪漫主义中引诱男人堕落的“妖冶女人。”
    Pater's great essay on Leonardo, published in 1873, describes the Mona Lisa in grand tones of magnificent prose beginning: The presence that rose thus so strangely beside the waters is expressive of what, in the ways of a thousand years, men had come to desire, Mona Lisa is reinvented as the femme fatale of Romanticism.
  • 由宗教热诚劝的转变行为。
    conversion resulting from the zeal of crusading advocacy of the gospel.
  • 昨天,丁勤时市长在一次记者招待会中,对几位商界领袖们:“曼哈顿南部是推动本市经济的发动机,”并宣布研究改善此一地区的计划,设法使其复苏,并研拟本地的长期发展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • 现在所以仍然需要加以着重明,是因为:第一,群众路线是我们党的组织工作中的根本问题,是党章中的根本问题,是需要在党内反复进行教育的。
    There are several reasons why the mass line must again be explained with great emphasis: First, the mass line is of fundamental importance in the Party's organizational work and in the Party Constitution and therefore needs constant reiteration in Party education.