  • 他讲语带有外国口音。
    He speaks English with a foreign accent.
  • 他讲语带有汉语口音。
    He speaks English with a Chinese accent.
  • 假装带有英国口音
    Put on an English accent.
  • 假装英国口音
    Affected a British accent.
  • 说法语带有英语口音
    speaking French with an English accent
  • 他说话带着美国语口音。
    He spoke with an American accent.
  • 请把这个句于泽成语。
    Please turn the sentence into English.
  • 美国人对国人挺有感情。
    Americans feel sentimental about England.
  • 重力加速度的符号与地球表面重力加速度相等的加速度符号,约为9。8米(32尺)每秒每秒
    A unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration caused by gravity at the earth's surface, about9.8 meters(32 feet) per second per second.
  • 另一方面,merriam-webster字典认为,vampir一词来源于塞尔维亚语,匈牙利语的这个词则是循塞尔维亚之路径,穿过德国而进入匈牙利的,这一词进入语也是通过德语而来的。
    Merriam-Webster, on the other hand, contends that vampir is originally Serbian and that the Hungarian word traces a path from Serbia, through Germany, to Hungary. The word entered English through German as well.
  • 为把卫星发射到轨道,火箭必须以每秒44尺的速度加速10分钟。
    In order to put a satellite into orbit, the rocket must be accelerated at the rate of 44 feet per second for ten minutes.
  • 这将进一步加强网络语的扩张和发展,并将使语部落化。
    This will accelerate further the expansion and evolution of e-English, and will tribalise the language.
  • 关于48尺高、搅动着大海的奇丑魔鬼的故事;扭曲成奇形怪状的样子。
    tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas; twisted into monstrous shapes.
  • 在播种的时候,我的主要工作是在老板向地上喷洒种子和黏胶混合物的时候,拖着200尺长的沉重的蛇形管。
    In hydroseeding, my main responsibility is to guide 200 feet of heavy, serpentine hose while the boss sprays the slime.
  • 我的新车的优点是跑10,000里仅需维修一次。
    The beauty of my new car is that it only needs servicing every ten thousand miles.
  • 加拿大沿海的省,包括新斯科舍半岛和布雷顿角岛;法国殖民者于世纪年代被国人放逐到路易斯安娜的后裔就叫作阿卡迪亚人。
    the Canadian province in the Maritimes consisting of the Nova Scotia peninsula and Cape Breton Island; French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns.
  • 过失杀人罪;无意的奴隶状态;无意的发抖;它(成为雄)是无意的,他们沉了我的船-约翰.f.肯迪尼。
    involuntary manslaughter; involuntary servitude; an involuntary shudder; It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat- John F.Kennedy.
  • 特里,赫伯特・比尔博姆1853-1917国演员和戏剧制作人,他创立了皇家戏剧学院(1904年)
    British actor and theatrical producer who founded the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art(1904).
  • 美国队教练阿里·塞林格指出:美国队的顶尖选手正受伤病困扰,5尺8的主攻兼拦网手丽塔·克罗盖,几周前才做了膝部手术:全队最好的二传手戴碧·格林脚腕脱落,正在恢复;朱莉·瓦勒斯坦也做了膝部手术。
    U.S. coach, Arie Selinger, pointed out that top line American players were injured, including Rita Crockett, a 5′8″hitter/blocker who only weeks earlier had undergone knee surgery; Debbie Green, the team's best setter who was recovering from a dislocated ankle; and Julie Vollersten, who has also undergone knee surgery.
  • 国人殖民于新格兰。
    The English settled New England.
  • 布拉德福,威廉1590-1657美洲的国清教徒殖民者。五月花密约的签署人和普利茅斯种植园的开拓者,被推选为30个一年任期的总督之一,领导殖民地度过了艰难的早期岁月
    English Puritan colonist in America. A signer of the Mayflower Compact and a settler of Plymouth Plantation, he was elected governor for30 one-year terms and led the colony through its difficult early years.
  • 国帮助解决劳资纠纷的政府机构
    Government body which assist in settling industrial and employment dispute
  • 一九五四年,年仅十七岁的我前往伦求学,先父对我说:「吸收西方文化及价值观之馀,千万别忘记自己中国人的身分。」
    As I set sail for the UK at the age of seventeen, my father said that you probably will be acquiring western culture and values, but you should never forget you are Chinese.
  • 他的日记使人了解17世纪格兰的生活情况。
    His diary cast light on life in England in the seventeenth century.
  • 在十六,十七世纪时的国,鸡蛋白是对洗衣清洁剂的一种流行说法。
    Egg whites were a popular form of "laundry detergent" during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in England.
  • 根据1991年4月初步的人口调查,国的人口是55,500,000,名列世界排名第七位。
    According to preliminary results of the April 1991 census,Britain's population is 55.5 million. It ranks seventeenth in the world in terms of population.
  • 国,17到18世纪期间,化妆成了惯例。所有上流社会的妇女脸部都化了妆,眉毛画黑。
    In England it was the custom, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for all ladies of fashion to paint their faces and to bracken their eyebrows.
  • 在十七世纪,国人知道了五十年来的学说争论和内战;牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。
    in the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used.
  • 但是将荷兰人与不应该做的事——尤其是卑鄙虚伪的行径——联系起来,则要追溯到17世纪。当时荷兰与国是商业和军事上的竞争对手。
    But the linking of the Dutch with things that shouldn't be done---and specifically with cheapness and sham—goes back to the seventeenth century, when the Dutch and the English were mercantile and military rivals.
  • 共产党人把自己的主要注意力集中在德国,因为德国正处在资产阶级革命的前夜,因为同17世纪的国和18世纪的法国相比,德国将在整个欧洲文明更进步的条件下,拥有发展得多的无产阶级去实现这个变革,因而德国的资产阶级革命只能是无产阶级革命的直接序幕。
    The Communists turn their attention chiefly to Germany, because that country is on the eve of a bourgeois revolution that is bound to be carried out under more advanced conditions of European civilisation, and with a much more developed proletariat, than that of England was in the seventeenth, and of France in the eighteenth century, and because the bourgeois revolution in Germany will be but the prelude to an immediately following proletarian revolution.
  • 黄山上有一些山峰是由整块的花岗石造成的,由看得见的基础到峰尖共有一千呎高,而且有半里长。这些东西鼓动了中国艺术家的灵感;这些山峰的静默、伟大和永久性,可说是中国人喜欢画中的石头的原因。一个人未旅行过黄山之前,是不易相信世间有这么伟大的石头的;十七世纪一些黄山派的画家,从这些静默的花岗石山峰得到了他们的灵感。
    There are peaks in Huangshan or the Yellow Mountains which are formed by single pieces of granite ; thousand feet high from their visible base on the ground to their tops, and half a mile long. These are what inspire the Chinese artists, and their silence, their rugged enormity and their apparent eternity account partly for the Chinese love of rocks in pictures. It is hard to believe that there are such enormous rocks until one visits Huangshan, and there was a Huangshan School of painters in the seventeenth century, deriving their inspiration from these silent peaks of granite.
  • 国人有了这个共识,政治上也就没什么包袱了。
    Given this understanding, the British people feel little burden in keeping the Corner abuzz with speeches.