  • 基里巴斯太平洋中西部靠近赤道的一个岛国。它包括以前的吉尔伯特岛,大洋岛,菲尼克斯岛和莱恩岛。1979年该国从大不列颠中独立出来。位于塔拉瓦环礁上的拜里基是行政中心。人口56,213
    An island country of the west-central Pacific Ocean near the equator. It includes the former Gilbert Islands, Ocean Island, and the Phoenix and Line islands. The country became independent from Great Britain in1979. Bairiki, on Tarawa atoll, is the administrative center. Population,56, 213.
  • 烯醇一种有机化合物,包含有与碳原子键连的羟基,该碳原子反过来又与另一个碳原子双键连接
    An organic compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom, which in turn is doubly bonded to another carbon atom.
  • 我记得在一次国际会议上,有一名日本发言者的英语糟糕透顶,惹得一看来英语说得不错的本地人和马来西亚人笑得个不亦乐乎。
    I remember a group of locals and Malaysians, apparently competent English speakers, having a whale of a time laughing at a Japanese speaker's atrocious English at an international conference.
  • 一大求婚者向漂亮的姑娘们献殷勤。
    A swarm of would-be suitors danced attendance on the bestlooking girls.
  • 经过巧妙安排的一人(就像在油画中一样)。
    a group of people attractively arranged (as if in a painting).
  • 有相同性质的一类、一或一类
    A class, group, or kind with common attributes.
  • 你自己认为的(不管是有意识地还是没有意识地)其他人(或某个人)所具有的特性。
    attribution to yourself (consciously or unconsciously) of the characteristics of another person (or group of persons).
  • 一群观众
    A poll of the viewing audience.
  • 挤得礼堂无法容纳。
    The crowd overflowed the auditorium.
  • 使孩子成地进入礼堂
    Herded the children into the auditorium.
  • 还有,随处可见人拥挤的十字路口,某街角的耻辱柱,菲利浦——奥古斯都时代留下来的一段漂亮的石板路,正中划明供驰马的箭道,不过到了十六世纪改成乱七八糟的碎石路,名为同盟路;
    and then, in places, a square crowded with people; a pillory, erected at the corner of a street; a fine fragment of the pavement of Philip Augustus, a magnificent flagging, grooved for the horses' feet, in the middle of the road, and so badly replaced in the sixteenth century by the miserable cobblestones, called the "pavement of the League;"
  • 孩子聚集在一起,请求得到他的亲笔签名。
    a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph; a great congregation of birds flew over.
  • 通过诸如件、内部网、工作流和文档管理系统等技术,中间层实现了自动化。
    Intermediation is automated through technologies such as groupware, intranets, workflow and document management systems.
  • 这种向下发展的趋势始于八十年代中期,当时dec公司开始在其vax/vmx计算机上提供集的高可用性解决方案。
    This downward trend began in the mid 1980s when Digital began offering clustered high-availability solutions on its VAX/VMS computers.
  • 众只担心将来处理太宽,放虎归山,罪犯又来报仇。
    They had been worried that if criminals were dealt with leniently and released like tigers sent back to the mountains, they might come back to avenge themselves.
  • 这个地区的大街上挤满了参观的人
    The avenues of the area were crowded with visitors.
  • 普通人落;中等视力
    A poll of average people; average eyesight.
  • 西藏现有电影院436个,基层电影放映队650个,放映点9300多个,年放映13万多场,观众达2850万人次,农牧民众人均每月至少能观看一场电影。
    Tibet now has 436 cinemas, 650 grassroots film projection teams and over 9,300 projection centers, giving more than 130,000 movie shows to 28.5 million people annually, averaging at least one show per farmer or herdsman per month.
  • 对人群形成反感
    Formed an aversion to crowds.
  • 这种作品能唤起众,使他们振奋起来。
    Such works awake the masses and fire them with enthusiasm.
  • 文艺就把这种日常的现象集中起来,把其中的矛盾和斗争典型化,造成文学作品或艺术作品,就能使人民众惊醒起来,感奋起来,推动人民众走向团结和斗争,实行改造自己的环境。
    Writers and artists concentrate such everyday phenomena, typify the contradictions and struggles within them and produce works which awaken the masses, fire them with enthusiasm and impel them to unite and struggle to transform their environment.
  • 我们怀着敬畏的感情观看雄伟的古建筑
    We looked with a sense of awe at the enormous ancient buildings.
  • 她挤过了人。他被推到了一个责任艰巨的职位上
    She thrust herself through the crowd. He was thrust into a position of awesome responsibility.
  • 分布在北非、亚速尔和加那利岛的蕨类。
    fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands.
  • 原产于卡纳利岛和亚述尔岛;以叫声受人喜爱的笼中鸟,通常为黄色。
    native to the Canary Islands and Azores; popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song.
  • 如我们3月16日在亚速尔岛会谈时所说,我们将坚持承担我们的责任,帮助伊拉克人民建立一个完整、自由、实现内部和平并与邻国和平相处的国家。
    As we said at our March 16 meeting in the Azores, we will uphold our responsibility to help the people of Iraq build a nation that is whole, free and at peace with itself and its neighbors.
  • 犹他人所使用的犹他-阿兹特克语的语言
    The Uto-Aztecan language of the Ute.
  • 精心策划和构筑包括王府井、朝阜路、琉璃厂、大栅栏、潘家园在内的重点特色文化街
    The streets of particular cultural importance, such as those at Wangfujing, Chaobu Road, the Azure Stone Workshop, Dashanlan and Panjiayuan are to be elaborately designed and carefully constructed.
  • 当一狒狒糟蹋庄稼,横穿公路或四处活动时,据说都有一两只负责“放哨”,有危险时就发出警告。
    When a baboon group is raiding crops, crossing roads, or even simply moving across country, it is said to have one or more animals "posted" to give the alarm to the others of any approaching danger.
  • 热爱巴赫,特别是他的变奏曲;特别推荐了一本书;特地研究了普韦布洛体的人口发展的主要情况。
    loves Bach, particularly his partitas; recommended one book in particular; trace major population movements for the Pueblo groups in particular.
  • 那人大喊大叫,设法把一小好奇的过路人聚集在戏台周围。
    The backer managed to gather a small group of curious passersby round the platform.
  • 西藏人民众享有充分的生存权和发展权的情况,与旧西藏贫穷、落后,广大众生存权得不到保障的悲惨状况形成了鲜明的对比。
    The fact that the Tibetan people fully enjoy the rights to existence and development presents a sharp contrast to the miserable conditions in old Tibet where poverty and backwardness prevailed and the people's right to existence was not guaranteed.