  • 翰鏟走了人行道上的雪。這就省了我的事。
    John has shoveled the snow from the sidewalk. That lets me out.
  • “裏甘的書暢銷全國,”道爾布迪出版公司的格羅斯說。“在紐、加利福尼亞和佛羅裏達尤其搶手,……”
    "The Regan book is jumping off the bookshelves across the country," says Sidney Gross of Doubleday. "It's especially hot in New York, California and Florida, …"
  • “每個公司最終都會得愚人奬,”紐席爾森—萊曼[財務公司]分析師海勒說。“布倫思威剋是今年得這種奬的公司。”
    "Every company eventually wins the prize for shooting itself in the foot," said Sidney J.Heller, an analyst at Shearson Lehman in New York. "Brunswick won it this year."
  • 紐約通常縮寫成n.y.
    "New York" is usually abbreviated to"N. Y.".
  • 剋茨族一支美洲土著人,以前居住在聖華金河𠔌南部和內華達山脈附近的山腳下,其後裔現仍居原地
    A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.
  • 來自泰國的寺院主持素察·奇諾拉索說,他所在寺院的僧侶中大四分之一的人都有吸煙的惡習。
    Dr. Suchat Chinoraso, a Buddhist abbot from Thailand, said about 25 percent of his fellow monks smoke.
  • 我不會依靠翰的,他健忘得很。
    I wouldn't depend on John. He's got a memory like a sieve.
  • 翰一直想得到比現在的工作更好的工作。
    John has set his sights higher than the job he has now.
  • 遊覽紐的全部名勝,三天時間太短了。
    Three days in New York is very little time to see all the sights.
  • 年內,環保署調查的投訴有2700宗,發出消減噪音通知書220份,定罪個案70宗。
    In 1997, the department investigated around 2 700 complaints and served some 220 abatement notices, which led to about 70 convictions.
  • 翰由於信號工作做得聰明靈巧而被升了一級。
    John got a stripe for clever signaling work.
  • 中國是該條首批簽字國之一。
    China was among the first signatory states.
  • 中國是1958年紐的簽署國。
    China is a signatory to the 1958 New York Convention.
  • 中國簽署了《關於禁止發展、生産、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此種武器的公》。
    China is signatory to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction.
  • 中國簽署了《關於禁止發展、生産、儲存和使用化學武器及銷毀此種武器的公》。
    China is also signatory to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction.
  • 中國於1993年1月簽署了《禁止化學武器公》,1996年12月批準該公並於1997年4月25日交存公批準書,從而成為公的原始締國。
    China signed the CWC in January 1993, ratified the convention in December 1996 and deposited the instruments of ratification on April 25, 1997, thus becoming an original signatory state to the CWC.
  • 1989年世界知識産權組織在華盛頓召開的外交會議上通過了《關於集成電路知識産權保護條》,中國是該條首批簽字國之一。
    The World Intellectual Property Organization adopted the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuit at a diplomatic conference held in Washington D.C. in 1989; China was among the first signatory states.
  • 由於中華人民共和國是《紐》的締國,公援引至香港實施,因此香港在一九九七年七月一日後繼續保留公成員的身分。
    The HKSAR's membership has, since July 1, 1997, been by virtue of the fact that the People's Republic of China is a signatory to the New York Convention and has applied it to Hong Kong.
  • 2000年9月,中國政府簽署了《〈兒童權利公〉關於買賣兒童、兒童賣淫和兒童色情製品問題的任擇議定書》,成為首批簽署該公的國傢之一。
    In September 2000, the Chinese government signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, becoming one of the first signatory countries to this Convention.
  • 在核出口方面,作為《不擴散核武器條》締國,中國奉行不主張、不鼓勵、不從事核武器擴散和不幫助別國發展核武器的政策,製定了核出口三原則,即:僅用於和平目的;
    Regarding nuclear exports, China, a signatory to the NPT, has pursued a policy of not supporting, encouraging or engaging in the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not assisting any other country to develop such weapons. It has laid down three principles regarding nuclear exports: They should serve peaceful purposes only;
  • 第五十一條 中華人民共和國締結或者參加的,與國際或者國境邊界河流、湖泊有關的國際條、協定,同中華人民共和國法律有不同規定的,適用國際條、協定的規定。但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。
    Article 51: Where an international treaty or agreement which is relevant to international and border rivers or lakes, and to which the People's Republic of China is a party or a signatory, has provided differently from the law of the People's Republic of China, the provisions of the international treaty or agreement shall prevail, with the exception of those clauses on which the People's Republic of China has declared reservation.
  • 在香港特區作出的仲裁裁决,可在超過135個簽署了《承認及執行外國仲裁裁决公》(《紐》)的司法管轄區執行。
    Awards made in the HKSAR can be enforced in more than 135 jurisdictions that are signatories to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
  • 在香港特區做出的仲裁裁决,可在超過120個簽署承認和執行《外國仲裁裁决紐》的其他司法管轄區執行。
    Awards made in the HKSAR can be enforced in more than 120 jurisdictions which are signatories to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
  • 中國是首批簽署《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公》的國傢之一,並按規定及時提交了執行“公”情況的報告。
    China was one of the first signatories to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and has submitted timely reports on its implementation in China as required.
  • 印度尼西亞是締國之一,其中六種海龜就生活在那裏。但在島上的商人遊說之後,印尼政府卻給予巴釐島特殊照顧──每年5,000衹海龜的配額。
    Indonesia, which is home to six of the seven species, was one of the signatories, but the government gave special dispensation to Bali--a 5,000 animal annual quo ta ?? after lobbying from traders on the island.
  • 為一簽字、條、遺囑簽字作證。
    Witness a signature, treaty, will
  • 在公元前1500年,希臘和埃及就在門外放有招牌,讓人們瞭解可以提供的服務,這也是一種廣告形式。
    Signboards that notified people of services available were placed outside doors in Greece and Egypt around l500 B.C.-- a form of advertising.
  • 他昨天跟阿塞納爾隊簽了
    He signed for Arsenal yesterday.
  • 他簽了三年的合約。
    He signed for three years.
  • 和約簽字了。
    The peace treaty was signed.
  • 他們簽訂了不侵略條
    they signed a nonagression pact.
  • 他簽受雇作一名水手。
    He signed on as a sailor.