  • 1999年他推出了一张名为《内心的倾诉》的专辑唱片,专辑里大部分的歌曲都是他充满活力、执认真的个人独唱,也收录了几首由乐队伴奏的歌曲。
    In 1999 he released Inside Wants Out, an album consisting mostly of solo acoustic renditions of his energetic, earnest songs, as well as several tracks recorded with a full band.
  • 这象征一个结束,也象征一个开端;意味延续也意味看变革。
    Symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning, signify- ing renewal, as well as change.
  • 内地正式加入世贸组织,过往因美国按年延续给予内地正常贸易关系地位的安排所引起的不明朗因素,已经不复存在。
    With the Mainland formally joining the WTO, the uncertainty caused by the annual renewal mechanism has been brought to an end.
  • 我发射出第二颗炮弹,随爆炸声又响起一阵喝彩声。
    I sent up the second shell. Its explosion was followed by renewed cheers.
  • 而我不是在这里哭泣的仅有的波伦亚人:不,这地方是这样地充满我们,在萨维拿河和累诺河之间也没有这么多的人说‘西巴';
    I'm not the only Bolognese who weeps here - hardly! This place is packed with us; in fact, there are more of us here than there are living tongues, between Savena and Reno, saying"Sipa";
  • 苦行者一个放弃物质享受,过严格自律生活的人,尤指作为虔诚的宗教行为
    A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.
  • 他以所的小说闻名。
    He is renowned for his novels.
  • 沿蛇行轨迹单列前进的一列队伍。
    a group advancing in a single-file serpentine path.
  • 他周围的一切都充斥她过去的存在,不时地刺痛伤口。因此,他决定移居国外。
    Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. wound. So he decided to emigrate.
  • 我拿锄头,战战兢兢地重新打开地窖的门,下到楼梯的底部,心里一个劲地祈祷,但愿这一切是一场恶梦,毒蛇已经不见了。
    Hoe in hand, I reopened the basement door with dread. I reached the bottom of the stairs hoping it was all a bad dream and the snake would be gone.
  • 况且,对于希拉里来说,这个职位只能算是她的暂时歇息。"让我们瞧吧,"共和党员彼得·金说,"与她过去所经历的那8年相比,议员只能算是一次热身。
    Still, for Hillary, that role must seem a respite of sorts, "Let's face it, "says Rep. Peter King. "After what she's gone through the last eight years, the Senate is a cakewalk."
  • 一旦天气合适,我将手重新粉刷房子。
    I'd like to get at repainting the house as soon as the weather is suitable.
  • 侵入向某地具有侵犯性质地前进;侵入
    To make intrusive advances toward; intrude on.
  • 几台拖拉机闲置等候修理。
    A few tractors were idle awaiting repairs.
  • 他们朝着城堡前进。
    They advanced towards the castle.
  • 现在借钱越来越流行,很多学主毕业时都是一手拿学位证,一手拿相当于抵押了一所房子的账本。
    Borrowing the money is increasingly popular, and many students emerge from the university clutching their degree in one hand and the equivalent of a home mortgage repayment book in the other.
  • “现在全好了。”他向小姑娘重复说。
    "All better now."he kept repealing to the little girl.
  • 请跟着我说。
    Please repeat after me.
  • 跟着我念这些句子。
    Repeat these sentences after me.
  • ‘对不起。’她嘲弄地重复
    `Sorry,' she repeated derisively.
  • 最新事态的发展预示一场全球性的计算机技术革命。
    The recent development adumbrate a world-wide revolution in computer technology.
  • 国会新大厦的启用,也显示新加坡的议会民主制度,已经臻于成熟的阶段,今天,各阶层的人民对自由民主政治的认识,已经大大的提高,加上国人大多数有机会接受较高教育,资讯的发达等,对政治的觉醒开拓了更大的视野,对民主自由有更实际角度的看法。
    As symbolized by the new building for the House, Singapore's parliamentary democracy has grown into adulthood. Today, blessed with better opportunities of education and easier access to information, people have gained a wider and more realistic understanding of politics, freedom and democracy.
  • 可能是因为16岁标志我们行将成年,这是童年和成年之间的过渡期。
    Perhaps because sixteen marks our coming of age,which is the interim period between childhood and adulthood.
  • 小报始终进行追踪报道:先是夫妇二人的分居,随后是双方竟相努力赢得公众的支持,接下来是戴安娜和查尔斯双双在电视上对婚外恋供认不讳。
    The tabloid fodder kept coming: There was the royal separation, the two camps' attempts to woo the public, the televised admissions by both Charles and Diana of adultery.
  • 奸淫的行为是由于虫啃我们的内脏,使人不能不想法子满足他的欲望。
    Adultery is a matter of worms gnawing our intestines and impelling the man to satisfy his desire.
  • 诗人们,只要是真正的诗人,也一定在不断地重复“我不知道”这句话。
    Poets, if they're genuine, must also keep repeating "I don't know".
  • 听到约翰逊因通奸而被其妻子离弃,我大吃一惊。我原以为他一向过来淡而正派的生活呢。
    I was surprised to hear that Johnson had been divorced by his wife on the grounds of adultery. I thought he always kept to the straight and narrow.
  • 这些球是经过磁化的,它们一直在互相排斥或互相吸引
    The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time.
  • 澳大利亚东海岸的大堡礁常有鲨群出没。3月27日,澳大利亚的一个科技公司宣布他们成功发明了一种驱鲨器。只要潜水者在腿上穿这种驱鲨器,驱鲨器产生的某种电场会使鲨鱼觉得“避之则吉”。
    An Australian firm unveiled on March 27, 2002 an electronic shark repellent unit which when attached to a swimmer's leg,it will emit an electronic field to warn of sharks.
  • 这习惯到了成年还保留
    The habit continued into adult life.
  • 多伦多大学的生物物理学家布赖恩·威尔逊将适用于软组织的激光治疗技术扩展到严重的牙龈疾病的治疗上,这种牙病影响5%到20%的美国人,尤其是少年和青年人。
    Brian Wilson, a biophysicist at the University of Toron to, is expanding the repertoire of soft-tissue lasers to include applications for severe gum disease, which affects 5 to 20 percent of all Americans, especially teenagers and young adults.
  • 他们中的一部分将蓝调与摇滚、民谣及乡村音乐等风格融合,而同时期的其他艺人则如护卫珍宝那样尝试保留蓝调乐中的精髓部分。
    Some incorporated it with rock & roll, pop, folk, and country music, while others faithfully covered gems of the classic blues repertory.