  • 有柔滑的色长毛的家养兔。
    domestic breed with long white silky hair.
  • 南非的一种小乔木,叶长而有银色绢毛。
    small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage.
  • 一种生长于落基山脉的长有丝绸般叶片和略带兰色花的草本植物。
    silky-foliaged herb of Rocky Mts with bluish-white flowers.
  • 一个粗糙的草本属,色盘状的头状花序,具绢毛状的冠毛。
    coarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus.
  • 一种小狗,具有丝状长而直的毛。
    breed of toy dogs having a long straight silky white coat.
  • 大型獚犬,波浪的皮毛如丝状并通常为黑色或肝褐色和色。
    a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white.
  • 马耳他狗一种具有丝状长毛的玩赏狗
    Any of a breed of toy dogs having a long, silky white coat.
  • 非常小的阿根廷铠鼹,头部和颈部有柔滑的毛和粉红色的甲壳。
    very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck.
  • 产于马达加斯加的短尾大狐猴,毛厚而如丝,有黑色、色和浅黄色。
    large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn.
  • 中国黄金和白银工业
    gold and silver industry in China
  • 她的头发已变成银色。
    Her hair had silvered.
  • 年老使他的头发变
    Age has silvered his hair.
  • 雪为树林披上了银装。
    The trees were silvered with snow.
  • 岁月使他的头发变了。
    The years have silvered her hair.
  • 不知不觉中他的头上已生出了发。
    His hair had silvered before he realized it.
  • 一种色的或是镀银的平面,我们可以把图片投射到上面来观看。
    a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing.
  • 大西洋和太平洋海岸水域中银色的鲻。
    silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
  • 有暗斑纹和细触须的银色鱼。
    silvery-bodied with dark markings and tiny barbels.
  • 新西兰的假山毛榉属的一种植物,通常有银色树皮。
    New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark.
  • 加利福尼亚远海的银色小食用鱼。
    small silvery marine food fish found off California.
  • 长有银叶子和显著的银色的苞的单期花的长青乔木和灌木的大的属。
    large genus of evergreen trees and shrubs having silvery white leaves and solitary terminal flowers with conspicuous silvery bracts.
  • 欧洲的一种桦树,有银色脱落树皮和下垂的枝条。
    European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches.
  • 一种有银色毛的欧洲灌木,具有常绿叶和淡黄色花。
    silvery hairy European shrub with evergreen foliage and pale yellow flowers.
  • 美国东部河流中银色食用和猎用小鱼。
    small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams.
  • 冷杉属中长有色或银色叶子的植物。
    any of various true firs having leaves white or silvery white beneath.
  • 大西洋沿岸温暖水域特别是远离佛罗里达水域所产的大型银色猎用鱼。
    large silvery game fish of warm Atlantic coastal waters especially off Florida.
  • 稀土属的三价金属元素,一种可延展的银色铁磁体。
    a ductile silvery-white ductile ferromagnetic trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group.
  • 澳大利亚的一种常绿树,树皮银色或色,叶子幼嫩,花黄色。
    evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers.
  • 外形与美洲鹈鹕相似。
    similar to American white pelican.
  • “洁如雪”是明喻。
    "As white as snow" is a simile.
  • 伊丽莎时代一种优雅的散文文体;特点是布局协调使用对偶、头韵、大自然和神话里的比喻和典故。
    an elegant style of prose of the Elizabethan period; characterized by balance and antithesis and alliteration and extended similes with and allusions to nature and mythology.
  • 在发生公开或热化冲突时,联合国采取一系列手段,从调解一直到派遣维持和平部队。
    In situations of manifest or simmering conflict, the UN employs tools ranging from mediation to the dispatch of peacekeeping forces.