  • 到2003年,根据实际制定、加强或实施有关立法、规定和其他措施,以消除针对艾滋病病毒携带者/患者和脆弱群体成员的各种形式的歧视,确保他们充分享有各项人权和基本自由,尤其是确保他们有机会享受教育权、遗产继承权、就业权、医保健权、社会和健康服务权、预防、支持和治权、信息权以及法律保护权等。
    By 2003,enact,strengthen or enforce as appropriate legislation,regulations and other measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against,and to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by people living with HIV/AIDS and members of vulnerable groups; in particular to ensure their access to,inter alia education,inheritance,employment,health care,social and health services,prevention,support,treatment,information and legal protection.
  • 旧中国,少数民族医卫生状况十分落后,地方病、传染病流行蔓延,人口锐减。
    In old China, the medical and health conditions in ethnic minority areas were extremely backward.Endemic and epidemic diseases ran rampant, and the population declined steadily.
  • 旧中国,少数民族医卫生状况十分落后,地方并传染病流行蔓延,人口锐减。
    In old China, the medical and health conditions in ethnic minority areas were extremely backward. Endemic and epidemic diseases ran rampant, and the population declined steadily.
  •  ——民族自治地方的自治机关自主地决定本地区的医卫生事业发展规划,发展现代医药和民族传统医药,加强地方病防治和妇幼卫生保健,改善卫生条件,使少数民族的健康水平得到提高(见表二)。
    Organs of self-government of autonomous areas make their own decisions concerning medical and health work. Modern medicine and traditional ethnic minority medicine are promoted, prevention and cure of endemic diseases and maternal and child care have been improved, with the result that the health standards of the ethnic minorities across the country have markedly improved ( see Table 2).
  • 器官法或内脏制剂法服用动物内脏或其提取物如胰岛素与甲状腺素的治疾病的方法
    Treatment of disease with animal endocrine organs or extracts such as insulin and thyroxin.
  • 新时代农民将种植和饲养经过基因工程改造的作物和家畜,生产出具有效的蛋白质。
    New- age Old MacDonalds will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic proteins.
  • 为维持队员熟练的灾难医技术,辅助队重新设计了技术提升训练课程,在常规训练时使用。
    In order to maintain their DMAT proficiency, a newly designed Enhancement Training Programme has been introduced into the regular training of the members concerned.
  • 参与比赛;参与协议;参与一个药物治程序;参与谈判。
    enter a race; enter an agreement; enter a drug treatment program; enter negociations.
  • 根据在多哈举行的wto第四届部长会议发表的《部长宣言》,新多边知识产权谈判将主要集中于公众健康议题和建立一个葡萄酒和烈性酒地理标识的多边通报和登记体系。其中,倍受艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾和其它流行病折磨的发展中国家和最不发达国家以及拥有治上述流行病方法专利权的发达国家对公众健康议题非常重视。
    According to the Ministerial Declaration of the 4th WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Doha, the new multilateral talks on intellectual property rights will mainly focus on public health and the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits, among which, the issue of public health has been given great attention by many developing countries and least-developed countries heavily afflicted with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, and the developed countries in possession of the patents directly related to the treatment of the above-mentioned epidemics.
  • 洛杉矶监狱精神病治计划的前医主任尤金·孔兹曼医生说:“今天我们在监狱中看到的囚犯与我过去在精神病医院里看到的是同一些人。”
    "The inmates we see in jail today are the same people I used to see in psychiatric hospitals," said Dr.Eugene Kunzman, the former medical director of the mental health program at the Los Angeles jail.
  • 臣务救助和撤退用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治的地方;医务救助
    Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care; medical evacuation.
  • 这项工作是制定对这些异常疾病进行最后的遗传学治方案中必要的第一步。
    This work is a necessary first step in designing an eventual genetic cure for these disorders.
  • 【医】自然[期待]疗法
    an expectant method [treatment]
  • 院外治;校外学习。
    extramural hospital care and treatment; extramural studies.
  • 当局提供的甄别评估服务,可以识别学龄儿童有没有听觉、视力、言语、学习或行为上的问题,并在问题发展成障碍之前,及时采取适当措施,提供矫正治
    Screening and assessment services identify hearing, eyesight, speech and learning/behaviour problems among school-age children so that appropriate follow-up action can be taken and remedial treatment given before the problems develop into handicaps.
  • 又经过一次手术后,他的视力恢复了。现在克罗斯一周3次接受理,以使他神经受损的双足逐渐恢复力量,能够沿走廊漫步,进而实现波夫莱特的另一个梦想。
    His eyesight has been restored, following a separate operation, and now Cross is undergoing physical therapy three times a week to rebuild the strength in his nerve-damaged feet. That should allow him to walk down the aisle and to fulfil another dream of Poblete's.
  • 医院和其它的医保健设施
    Hospitals and other health care facilities.
  • 综合性医院,多科联合诊所治各种类型的疾病和创伤的诊所、医院或保健设施
    A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries.
  • 抗生素有助於治许多以前会是致命的疾病。
    Antibiotics help to cure many disease that are formerly fatal.
  • 喉科学专门研究并治喉、咽和咽门的一个医学分支
    The branch of medicine that studies and treats the larynx, pharynx, and fauces.
  • 维多利亚时代的人最喜欢去的一个矿泉养地
    One of the favourite watering-places of the Victorians
  • 医疗研究的联邦资金
    Federal grants for medical research.
  • 生物法一种治方法,通过协调呼吸、运动、体操、心理法,以及自如表达感情以增强自我意识和健康快乐并减轻肉体与情感上的紧张状态
    A therapeutic approach that incorporates breathing, movement, body exercises, psychotherapy, and free expression of feelings to enhance self-awareness and well-being and relieve physical and emotional tension.
  • 虽然多余的基因只是生育治产生的附带产品,并不能治愈疾病或改变基因序列,但却使改造精子的设想离现实更近了一步。
    While these extra genes were a side effect of a fertility treatment and didn't cure disease or alter traits, they made ideas like designer sperm seem less fanciful.
  • 纤维蛋白溶解药物已经被用于临床治
    drugs causing fibrinolysis have been utilized therapeutically.
  • 瘢痕瘤一种红的、隆起的纤维状疤痕组织,是在治损伤中由于过度的组织修补或外科伤口而引起的
    A red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.
  • 最近,他从医行业意外地得到了援助,而这个行业刚刚开始生产一种具有很小且尺寸极为精确的小孔的塑料材料,用以过滤血液。
    He recently received unexpected assistance from the medical industry, which has just Started manufacturing plastic materials with tiny, very precisely sized pores for filtering blood.
  • 虽然只不过偶尔让她做些听听心跳这类事情,但她却学到了小镇医所使用的更巧妙的方法。
    Although qualified to do little more than listen to an occasional heartbeat, she learned the finer points of small-town medicine.
  • 他伤得很厉害,只有通过最好的治才有可能脱险。
    He was badly injured; only the very finest treatment would have brought him through.
  • 对治时间少于5年的妇女的研究并未发现不可接受的风险。而且专家也承认目前还没有更好的办法治许多妇女绝经前后的阵发性发热感、情绪波动和失眠症。
    The study didn't turn up unacceptable risks among womentreated for less than five years,and experts agree there is still no better treatment for the hot flashes,mood swings and insomnia that many women experience around the time of menopause.
  • 地震灾区的伤员们被迅速空运出去,进行治
    The injured in the earthquake-stricken area were quickly flown out for medical treatment.
  •  中国重视不断改善儿童的营养状况,采取了多种医保健措施:建国初期政府在部分地区发放婴儿食品;
    China has paid great attention to improving children's nutritional status and various medical and health measures have been adopted. In the early period after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government handed out infant foodstuffs in some areas.