  • 同胞将与祖国其他地区人民一道共享一个伟大国家的尊严和荣誉。
    Taiwan compatriots will share the pride and glory of a great nation with their kith and kin from the other parts of the motherland.
  • 有力的组合:台的资本和技术及管理的诀窍,中国的廉价劳动力和资源,以及香港的娴熟的金融和商业中介人形成了有力的组合。它们是由强有力的家族和文化联系聚合在一起的。
    Potent mix: Taiwan's capital and technical and managerial knowhow, China’s cheap labor and natural resources and the skilled Financial and commercial middlemen of Hong Kong all held together by strong family and cultural ties make for a potent mix.
  • 摩尔曼斯克苏联欧洲部分西北部城市,临科拉北部,位于巴伦支海的入口处。它是个主要的无冰期港口,在两次世界大战中是苏联重要供给线的集散港。人口419,000
    A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the northern Kola Peninsula on an inlet of the Barents Sea. A major ice-free port, it was the terminus of an important supply line to the U.S.S.R. in World Wars I and II. Population,419, 000.
  • 亚洲东部的一条河流;发源于北朝鲜,向西南流至朝鲜海,形成了北朝鲜和中国的部分边界。
    river in eastern Asia; rises in North Korea and flows southwest to Korea Bay (forming part of the border between North Korea and China).
  • 老师将台和南韩加以比较。
    The teacher drew a comparison between Taiwan and South Korea.
  • 中国政府历来反对用处理德国问题、朝鲜问题的方式来处理台问题。
    The Chinese Government has always opposed applying the German or Korean formulas to Taiwan.
  • 科威特市科威特首都,位于该国中部偏东地区、波斯沿岸。人口60,365
    The capital of Kuwait, in the east-central part of the country on the Persian Gulf. Population,60, 365.
  • 在海战争中,中国使馆帮助滞留在科威特的台劳务人员安全撤离险境。
    During the Gulf War, the Chinese Embassy helped Taiwanese labour service personnel stranded in Kuwait pull out of dangerous places safely.
  • 她的生活始终受到政治的影响。巴勒斯坦解放组织在海战争中支持萨达姆·候塞因,使她家被迫离开科威特,这是她受到的最大政治影响。
    Politics affected her life throughout, but rarely more so than when her family was forced to leave Kuwait after the PLO backed Saddam Hussein in the gulf war.
  • 军方已经使用机载雷达探测地面移动目标———例如在海战争中监视科威特和伊拉克之间号称“死亡高速路”的这条主要公路。
    The military already uses airplane-mounted radar to spot moving ground targets--such as during surveillance of the“Highway of Death, ”the main road between Kuwait and Iraq during the Persian Gulf War.
  • 阿比让象牙海岸的首都和最大城市。位于该国的南部,几内亚的一个封闭的礁湖上。1983年将亚穆苏克罗定为未来的首都。阿比让人口为1,500,000
    The capital and largest city of Ivory Coast, in the southern part of the country on an enclosed lagoon of the Gulf of Guinea. In1983 Yamoussoukro was designated as the future capital. Abidjan's population is1, 500, 000.
  • 屯门位于新界西部,发展主要集中在青山填海区及青山与大榄山之间的谷地,发展用地大约已有1200公顷。
    Tuen Mun, in the West New Territories, is developed mainly on land reclaimed from Castle Peak Bay and on platforms formed in the valley between Castle Peak and the Tai Lam Hills. About 1200 hectares of land have been provided for development.
  • 在九龙西南部、薄扶林、仔、港岛中西区、将军澳、上水、屯门、天水围及元朗增建的配水库、抽水站和供水网络的建造工程继续进行。
    Construction continued of the additional service reservoirs, pumping stations and water supply networks in Kowloon West and South, Pok Fu Lam, Wan Chai, Western and Central areas on Hong Kong Island, Tseung Kwan O, Sheung Shui, Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long.
  • 大型设计工作主要为九龙东部、西九龙填海区、薄扶林、港岛中西区与仔区、油塘、屯门、元朗及大埔增建配水库、抽水站和供水网络。
    Major design work mainly concentrated on the provision of additional service reservoirs, pumping stations and water supply networks in Kowloon East, West Kowloon Reclamation, Pok Fu Lam, Western, Central and Wan Chai areas on Hong Kong Island, Yau Tong, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tai Po.
  • 大部分被陆地包围的大面积的海或大洋,尤指有海峡与之相通的被陆地环绕的海洋的一部分
    A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.
  • 遇到农历新年这种大节庆,更是正正当当地从除夕放到初三,再加上前后周末加补假,台人过年非要拜过初九的天公生、逛完十五的元宵灯市才算落幕。
    For Chinese New Year - the most important festival, Taiwanese get four off days straight, starting from the eve of the Chinese New Year season. The stretch of holidays is in fact longer if the weekends before and after are included. Some people also clear their accumulated off days during this time.Indeed, for Taiwanese, it is only after celebrating the birthday of the "Ruler of Heaven" on the 9th day and the Lantern Festival on the 15th day that Chinese New Year festivities are considered over.
  • 尽管纬度很高,挪威的海洋性气候却是十分湿润,由于受来自墨西哥的暖流影响,沿海终年不结冰。
    Despite its northern latitude, the Norwegian climate is essentially maritime and damp, because it is influenced by the mitigating action of the warm Gulf Stream, originating from the Gulf of Mexico, which flows up the coast preventing the formation of sea ice.
  • 中国政府一贯致力于维护台同胞在国外的正当的、合法的权益。
    The Chinese Government has always worked for safeguarding their justified and lawful rights and interests abroad.
  • 中国政府保障台同胞在国外的一切正当、合法权益。
    The Chinese Government safeguards all the justified and lawful rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots abroad.
  • 加拿大东部的一个半岛,位于芬迪和圣劳伦斯河之间。
    a peninsula in eastern Canada between the Bay of Fundy and the Saint Lawrence River.
  • 北美洲的一条河流;流入圣劳伦斯和北大西洋。
    a North American river; flows into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the North Atlantic.
  • 从“台人的悲哀”到“台人出头天”,李登辉在已故蒋经国总统晚年开放“报禁”和“党禁”的基础上,启动了一股新的“去中国化”、民粹主义化的台本土意识思潮。
    He played up the "sadness" of being a Taiwanese, and called on people to fight for a new era in which the indigenous Taiwanese would take the reign of power.This way, taking advantage of the liberalisation of the press and legalisation of political parties other than KMT as initiated by the late President Chiang Ching-kuo in his final years, Lee Teng-hui started a wave of localisation featuring populist appeals and attempts to make the island "non-Chinese".
  • 从“台人的悲哀”到“台人出头天”,李登辉在已故蒋经国总统晚年开放“报禁”和“党禁”的基础上,启动了一股新的“去中国化”、民粹主义化的台本土意识思潮。
    He played up the "sadness" of being a Taiwanese, and called on people to fight for a new era in which the indigenous Taiwanese would take the reign of power. This way, taking advantage of the liberalization of the press and legalization of political parties other than KMT as initiated by the late President Chiang Ching-kuo in his final years, Lee Teng-hui started a wave of localization featuring populist appeals and attempts to make the island "non-Chinese".
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,虽然让台社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精英体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society.Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,虽然让台社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精英体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society. Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 在海底部有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐,在这我们见过成群的圣海伦海?,数量可达上千只。
    ). At the bottom of the bay, in the sandy area, occasionally, huge Manta Rays, and often, leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats. We've seen schools of opelu here that numbered in the thousands.
  • 班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海。自从古希腊、罗马时代即有居民,是主要港口,1951年至1972年是利比亚首都。人口367,600
    A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra. Inhabited since Greek and Roman times, it is a major port and was a capital of Libya from1951 to1972. Population,367, 600.
  • 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港.
    Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour.
  • 此外,需要在茶果岭预留40公顷土地,以重建现有的九龙避风塘。
    A further 40 hectares would need to be reserved at Cha Kwo Ling to re-provision the existing Kowloon Bay typhoon shelter.
  • 青屿干线采用双层结构,其组成部分包括连接青衣与马的青马大桥、跨越马的高架道路,以及采用斜拉桥设计、连接马与大屿山的汲水门大桥。
    The double-deck Lantau Link consists of the Tsing Ma Bridge linking Tsing Yi to Ma Wan; a viaduct over Ma Wan; and the cable-stayed Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Ma Wan to Lantau.
  • 反对派正在北京讨论直接三通。
    Taiwan opposition parties in Beijing discussing direct links.
  • 《远见》杂志曾以国际都市发展协会的200名会员为调查对象,新加坡在全球宜人城市上排名第六。该协会拥有千余名会员,他们是47个国家和地区的都市规划专业人士、建筑师、设计师和政府官员。
    Leading Taiwanese magazine Global Views once conducted a survey on the most livable city in the world and Singapore was ranked 6th.The monthly polled 200 members of The International Network For Urban Development, which has a membership of more than 1,000, comprising city planners, architects, designers and government officials from 47 countries and territories.