  • 最近,我與一個客戶共進工作午餐,他的餐禮儀實在讓人不敢恭維。
    I recently had a business lunch with a man who displayed objectionable table manners.
  • 那黑暗很難穿透,在羅瑞先生踩着破舊的土耳其地毯小心翼翼走去時,一時竟以為曼內特小姐是在隔壁的屋裏,直到他走過那兩枝蠟燭之後,纔發現這一位不到十七歲的小姐正站在他和壁爐之間的邊迎接他。那小姐披了一件騎馬披風,旅行草帽的帶子還捏在手裏。
    The obscurity was so difficult to penetrate that Mr Lorry, picking his way over the well-worn Turkey carpet, supposed Miss Manette to be, for the moment, in some adjacent room, until, having got past the two tall candles, he saw to receive him by the table between them and the young lady of not more than seventeen, in a riding-cloak, and still holding her straw travelling-hat by its ribbon in her hand.
  • 在一張臨時用的小子上放著一個盛著早餐及餐具的盤子。
    Upon a little occasional table is a tray with breakfast thing.
  • 上了油的鄉間小路;塗過油的鬍桃木子。
    oiled country roads; an oiled walnut table.
  • "玻璃杯碰到子角上,撞了個粉碎。"
    The glass hit the corner of the table and broke on impact.
  • 他跳上了桌子。
    He jumped onto the table.
  • 在桌上堆書
    Piled books onto the table.
  • 放到會議上,提上日程。
    place onto a board or committee.
  • 把書用力扔到桌上
    Plumped the books onto the table.
  • 貓跳到桌子上。
    The cat jumped onto the table.
  • 我們把他擡到桌上。
    We lifted him onto the table.
  • 信已經拆開了;上放着打開的包裹。
    the letter was already open; the opened package lay on the table.
  • 我知道他很強壯,但當我看到他舉起那張子時,真令我大開眼界。
    I knew he was strong, but it was an eye-opener to me when I saw him lift that table.
  • 他們面對面地坐在子兩旁
    They sat opposite at the table.
  • 一個幹淨整潔的男人;有序的頭腦;整潔的子。
    a clean orderly man; an orderly mind; an orderly desk.
  • 1997年12月2日至4日,中國政府派觀察員出席了在渥太華舉行的《關於禁止使用、儲存、生産和轉讓殺傷人員地雷及銷毀此種地雷的公約》簽約大會,並參加了同時舉行的關於國際掃雷問題的圓會議。
    The Chinese government also sent observers to participate in the Signing Ceremony of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction and the international demining roundtable (Mine Action Forum) held from 2 to 4 December 1997 in Ottawa.
  • 我們的東西在子上。
    Ours are on the table.
  • 在我們决定去哪兒遠足之前,讓我們先開個俱樂部全體成員的圓會議。
    Before we decide where to go for the outing let’s have a round table conference with all the members of the club.
  • 房間裏堆滿了桌椅。
    The room is overcrowded with desks and chairs.
  • 我偷聽到下一個餐上的談話。
    We overheard the conversation at the next table.
  • 安排計算機面上的窗口使互相重疊,標題欄可見。
    arrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible.
  • 因包裝而留在子上的痕跡可以刨平。
    The cuts and scratches that the packers made on the desk can be planed away.
  • 放在非常熱的盤、碟底下來保護子不受損害的小墊。
    a pad for use under a hot dish to protect a table.
  • 桌上有個桶。
    There is a pail on the table.
  • 這時,她已經走進了一間整潔的小房間,靠窗子有張子,子上正像她希望的那樣,有一把扇子和兩、三雙很小的白羊羔皮手套,她拿起扇子和一雙手套。正當她要離開房間的時候,眼光落在鏡子旁邊的一個小瓶上。
    By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table in the window, and on it (as she had hoped) a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white kid gloves: she took up the fan and a pair of the gloves, and was just going to leave the room, when her eye fell upon a little bottle that stood near the looking- glass.
  • 子上堆滿了一堆堆雜亂無章的文件。
    There are piles of papers all over the desk with no semblance of order.
  • 川流不息的交通;他辦公上永無休止的文件
    The flow of traffic; a flow of paperwork across his desk.
  • 不要把你的書堆放在我的書上!
    Don't park your books on my desk! (喻)
  • 邁剋爾和顧客一起坐在午餐旁,提到他的公司和産品他有些熱情-甚至有些激動。
    Michael sat at the table over lunch with the customer and was just enthusiastic--passionate even--about his company and products.
  • 子上撒些面粉把餡餅皮擀得很薄。
    Spread some flour on the table and roll the pastry out very thin.
  • “為什麽他們不在這兒擺餐呢?”帕特裏剋問道。“我不清楚,不過我看那些餐擺在這兒是好處不足,麻煩有餘。”
    "Why don't they have tables here?" Patrick asked. "I'm not sure, but I fancy they were more trouble than they were worth."
  • 顧客經常預訂子,但是沒有打電話通知取消,最後也沒有來。
    Patrons frequently reserve a table but, without notice, fail to appear.