  • 截至一九九八年底为止,本港有2220辆绿色专线小巴,经营299路线,每日载客986000人次。
    There were 2220 green minibuses operating 299 routes and carrying 986000 passengers every day in 1998.
  • 在入口处有两潜游线路。
    There are two fine routes for divers to take from the entry point.
  • 有人在议论,说要把英国海外航空公司的几有利可图的航线分出来,交给一家私营航空公司去经营。
    There were discussions about hiving off profitable BOAC routes to a private airline.
  • 还有数直通巴士线,直达广东省和华南各地。
    Direct bus services operate different routes into Guangdong and other parts of southern China.
  • 年内,本港有绿色专线小巴2107辆,经营路线287,每日载客970115人次。
    There were 2 107 of these operating 287 routes and carrying 970 115passengers a day in 1997.
  • 油麻地小轮拥有渡轮77艘,经营24渡轮航线,包括载客、汽车渡轮及持牌渡轮服务。
    HYF owned 77 vessels and operated 24 ferry routes, including passenger and vehicular services and licensed services.
  • 为方便游客,专门推出了5旅游精品线路:
    In order to provide convenience to the tourists, 5 tour routes are carefully selected as follows:
  • 例行程序或过程的一转移路径。
    One path in a branching routine or procedure.
  • 他游过了那条河。
    He swam across the river.
  • 渡船把我们送到对岸。
    A ferryboat get us across.
  • 在这条街的对面。
    It's across the street.
  • 在弄断线,长或粗纱的纺织过程中使结合在一起。
    join during spinning, as of broken pieces of thread, slivers, or rovings.
  • 两条线相交。
    The two lines cut across each other.
  • 播种子一排播下的种子
    A row of planted seeds.
  • 一条破旧的小划艇
    A crummy little rowboat.
  • 湖上有无甲板的划艇。
    There is an undecked rowboat on the lake.
  • 风暴把这小划艇抛到岩石上。
    The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks.
  • 他们租了一划艇,在湖上度过了一个下午。
    They rente a rowboat and spend the afternoon on the lake.
  • 出去野餐,租一划艇,玩玩滚轴溜冰。
    Go on a picnic, rent a rowboat, take up in? line skating.
  • 播(种子)成排播种
    To sow(seeds) in rows.
  • 这条船用六只桨划。
    This boat pulls [rows] six oars.
  • 这块地被犁成二十九英寸宽的垄,准备种大豆。
    The field was laid up in twenty-nine-inch rows for soybeans.
  • 在可能件下,棉花种植面积也将扩大。
    Cotton acreage may also be extended wherever this is feasible.
  • 磨碎通过在粗糙表面上磨擦使…成为碎片、细或粉末
    To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface.
  • 在圣马丁和圣德尼两街之间,是三一教堂的一片围墙。
    Between the Rue Saint-Martin and the Rue Saint-Denis, spread the enclosure of the Trinit?
  • 第一长街从圣雅各门至圣马丁门,在大学城称之为圣雅各街,在老城叫它为犹太街,在新城名为圣马丁街;
    The first of these streets ran from the Porte Saint-Martin: it was called the Rue Saint-Jacques in the University, Rue de la Juiverie in the City, Rue Saint-Martin in the Town;
  • 第二长街在左岸,名为竖琴街,在老城河洲上叫做箍桶街,在右岸叫做圣德尼街,在塞纳河两道河汊上各有一座桥,一座叫做圣米歇尔桥,另一座叫钱币兑换所桥,这长街起自大学城的圣米歇尔门,止于新城的圣德尼门。
    The second, which was called the Rue de la Harpe on the left bank, Rue de la Barilleri in the island, Rue Saint-Denis on the right bank, Pont Saint-Michel on one arm of the Seine, Pont au Change on the other, ran from the Porte Saint-Michel in the University, to the Porte Saint-Denis in the Town.
  • 他买了一粗毛毯子。
    he bought a shag rug.
  • 这条地毯多少钱?
    How much is this rug?
  • 用这毛毯盖在你的膝盖上。
    Cover your knees with this rug.
  • 这条地毯卷不起来。
    The rug won't double up.
  • 父亲估计这地毯有9尺长,6尺宽。
    Father estimated that the rug was nine feet long and six feet wide.