  • 120度相互方位在占术中,两天体相距120度的相互方位
    In astrology, the aspect of two planets when120= apart.
  • 我一直认为占学是他的特殊爱好。
    I have always supposed that astrology is his particular hobby.
  • (占术)展现黄道十二宫和它们的迹象的一种循环图。
    (astrology) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs.
  • 宿占学中将天空分成十二个部分
    One of the12 parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology.
  • 三宫组在占术中,黄道四个组中的每一个都包括三个互相隔为12度的宫
    In astrology, one of four groups of the zodiac, each consisting of three signs separated from each other by12=.
  • 我当然是不会相信「相学」上那类的见解,可是我见了朋友,就问他们是否相信人的生日,跟每个人的性格、个性有关?
    Although I haven’t the foggiest bit of faith in astrology, I began by asking the other party whether he believed the date of one’s birth has anything to do with character and disposition.
  • 然而,在1959年前,西藏的医疗机构仅有拉萨“门孜康”(即藏医算学院)和药王山医学利众院两所,门诊建筑面积总共才500平方米,从业人员不足50人,条件十分简陋,日门诊量30-50人次,主要是为贵族、领主和上层喇嘛服务的。
    However, there were only two medical organs in Tibet before 1959--the "Mantsikhang" (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology) and the "Chakpori Zhopanling" (Medicine King Hill Institute for Saving All Living Beings) in Lhasa, the conditions at which were very simple and crude. They had a combined floor space of only 500 square meters for the outpatient clinics and a total staff of fewer than 50. They handled 30-50 outpatients a day, and mainly served the nobles, feudal lords and upper-strata lamas.
  • 号太空计划中,每次飞行只有一名宇航员。
    under the Mercury program each flight had one astronaut.
  • 开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行围绕太阳转的理论
    German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.
  • 汤博,克莱德·威廉生于1906美国天文学家,他于1930年发现了冥王
    American astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto(1930).
  • 第一个阐述行运动定律的德国天文学家(1517-1630)。
    German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630).
  • 坎农,安妮·江普1863-1941美国天文学家,以其对恒光谱的分类工作而出名
    American astronomer noted for her work on classifying stellar spectra.
  • 这位天文学家将他对的观察所得按次序编列。
    The astronomer arranged in a series his observation on the stars.
  • 这位天文学家看著满天斗的天空,试著找到半人马
    The astronomer looks at the starry sky, trying to locate Centaur
  • 比尔,威廉1797-1850德国银行家与天文学家,他发表了火月图
    German banker and astronomer who published maps of the moon and Mars.
  • 西易,托马斯·杰斐逊·杰克逊1866-1962美国天文学家和数学家,他观测了双座并发展了万有引力波理论
    American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.
  • 纽科姆,西蒙1835-1909美国天文学家,它更新了用来指示月球、行和重要体位置的表格
    American astronomer who updated the tables indicating the position of the moon, the planets, and important stars.
  • 哈雷,埃德蒙1656-1742英国天文学家,1705年运用牛顿的运动定律准确预测了一颗彗的出现周期
    English astronomer who applied Newton's laws of motion to predict correctly the period of a comet(1705).
  • 哥白尼,尼科劳斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系
    Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
  • 因为我时常陪他们看闪亮的,我的孩子可能对天文学产生兴趣,甚至在若干年后成为天文学家。
    And who knows, my child may become an astronomer years down the road. All because of the nights I spent with him watching the twinkles in the sky.
  • 天文学家能以绝对的精度预言每一颗于今晚十一时半的正确所以。他对自己的年轻女儿,却无法作出这样的预言。
    An astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the heavens will be at half past eleven tonight. He can make no such prediction about his young daughter.
  • 测量恒距离的天文学长度单位;一秒差距等于三十万亿公里。
    a unit of astronomical length based on the distance from Earth at which stellar parallax is 1 second of arc; equivalent to 3.262 light years.
  • 说明所有行的运行周期的平方(年)和轨轴的三次方(天文单位)的比例都一样的定律。
    a law stating that the ratio of the square of the revolutionary period (in years) to the cube of the orbital axis (in astronomical units) is the same for all planets.
  • 天文学是研究太阳、月亮、和其他天体的科学。
    Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies.
  • 的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点。
    (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane.
  • (天文学)关于太阳系起源的云假说。
    (astronomy) the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system.
  • 天体物理学天文学的一个分支,从事球现象的物理研究
    The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena.
  • 事实上,中国在发射铱前,就多次成功地进行了多发射。
    In fact, before launching an iridium satellite, China had succeeded many times in launching multiple satellites atop a single rocket.
  • 具有基生草状叶,在无叶的茎干顶部长着窄的、张开的、形、淡桔黄色的花;生长于美国西南部;在北美生长的一个安寿属的品种。
    plant having basal grasslike leaves and a narrow open cluster of starlike yellowish-orange flowers atop a leafless stalk; southwestern United States; only species of Anthericum growing in North America.
  • 你要参加下期的会议吗?
    Are you attending the conference next week?
  • 这些特点也是使乔丹成为如此吸引人的超级球的部分原因。
    Those attributes, too, are part of what makes Jordan such an engaging superstar.
  • 如果有两个期或者更多时间,游览这个国家的最好行程是从北岛的奥克兰出发,然后驱车到达惠灵顿,再经码头乘船到达南岛。
    With two weeks or more, a good way to see the country is to start in Auckland on the North Island, then drive to Wellington, crossing by ferry to the South Island.