  • 专辑共收录了14首新歌,罗比出的是他和盖伊·钱伯斯的作品。
    Album itself contains 14 new tracks,where Robbie presents his and Guy Chambers'compositions.
  • 1995年8月,希尔的第2张专辑《对我很重要》大张旗鼓地出了。
    Hill released her second album,It Matters to Me,to great fanfare21 in August of 1995.
  • 当探测到入侵时,入侵探测系统以多种方法作出反应--从警告系统管理员和荐不同的动作,到自动打掉网络入侵者。
    When an intrusion is detected, the intrusion-detection system can react in a number of ways -- from alerting a systems administrator and recommending various actions to automatically kicking the intruder off the network.
  • 近来委员会主席缪里斯正频频与媒体巨头会面,希望他们能做到行业内的自我规范。缪里斯认为市场上虚假的减肥广告数量有增无减,相比之下,法律法规的贯彻不足以与之抗衡。因为有许多广告是美国境外人士出的,有些则采用匿名或中间人的方式发行。
    FTC Chairman Timothy J. Muris has been meeting with media industry leaders to encourage self-regulation, saying that law enforcement can't keep up with the growing number of phony weight-loss schemes - many run by people outside the United States or hiding behind aliases or middlemen.
  • 第二十条各级人民政府应当加强对农业环境的保护,防治土壤污染、土地沙化、盐渍化、贫瘠化、沼泽化、地面沉降和防治植被破坏、水土流失、水源枯竭、种源灭绝以及其他生态失调现象的发生和发展,广植物病虫害的综合防治,合理使用化肥、农药及植物生长激素。
    Article 20. The people's governments at various levels shall provide better protection for the agricultural environment by preventing and controlling soil pollution, the desertification and alkalization of land, the impoverishment of soil, the deterioration of land into marshes, earth subsidence, the damage of vegetation, soil erosion, the drying up of sources of water, the extinction of species and the occurence and development of other ecological imbalances, by extending the scale of a comprehensive prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, and by promoting a rational application of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and plant growth hormone.
  • 根据事实可以断出被告过失的证实规则。
    a rule of evidence whereby the negligence of an alleged wrongdoer can be inferred from the fact that the accident happened.
  • 本年精彩节目包括谭盾的原创歌剧"马可波罗"、蒙特利尔交响乐团的两个演奏会、翩娜.包殊取材自香港的新编舞蹈作品、皇家莎士比亚剧团上演举世崇的"仲夏夜之梦"、马克.莫里斯舞团的"欢笑、忧伤、悲喜之间",以及中央实验话剧院的"棋人"。
    Highlights from this year's festival included Tan Dun's boldly original new opera Marco Polo, two programmes by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, a new dance piece by Pina Bausch inspired by Hong Kong, the acclaimed production of A Midsummer Night's Dream by the Royal Shakespeare Company, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ed il Moderato by the Mark Morris Dance Group and Chess Man by Beijing's Central Experimental Theatre.
  • 以缓解苦难的关注为特点或者由这种关注所动的。
    marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering.
  • 进扶贫开发的规范化建设。
    Standardizing the work of development-oriented poverty alleviation. The responsibility system has to be carried out earnestly in this sphere of work.
  • 该理事会将特别扩展其提高公众对饮水、卫生设备和卫生作为减缓贫穷与可持续发展的关键的认识广活动。
    In particular, it will be expanding its outreach to increase public awareness of water,sanitation and hygiene as keys to poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
  • 基金在一九九八年一月成立,获政府拨款50亿元,为动香港优质学校教育的计划提供另一个资助途径。
    Established in January 1998 with an allocation of $5 billion, the QEF provides an additional channel to finance projects for the promotion of quality school education in Hong Kong.
  • 在有土葬习俗的少数民族中,政府不行火葬,并采取划拨专用土地、建立专用公墓等具体措施予以保障;
    Ethnic minorities which traditionally practice inhumation are exempt from the government requirement of cremation, and are allotted special land for cemeteries.
  • 飞行器一种形状类似于飞机、通过翅膀运动动且上升的机械
    A machine shaped like an aircraft that is held aloft and propelled by wing movements.
  • 指示不切合实际,大家积极荐前一选择方案,否则会失去客户。
    Instructions impracticable strong recommend previous alternative otherwise may lose customers
  • 继浏览器ncsamosaic后,网景1.0出。
    Netscape1.0 was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic.
  • 专家系统中关于待解决问题的一种假定。断言成立的可能性通过向用户提问来确定,或者,可以利用从其它断言或存储数据根据规则来断其可能性。
    In expert systems, a hypothesis about the problem to be solved. The likelihood of an assertion is established by asking the user questions or, alternatively, rules may be used to deduce the likelihood from other assertions or stored data.
  • 作为一个音乐迷,jimkelly感觉朋友荐的歌曲和在cdnow和amazon.com这样的网站听音乐都像是在碰运气。
    As an avid music fan, he knows that recommendations from friends and music Web sites like CDNow and Amazon.com are often "hit or miss."
  • 位于西雅图的amazon.com公司把书与cd荐给可能购买的用户的能力就是一个例子,这是根据用户在此网站注册时列出的兴趣作出的。
    An example is Seattle-based Amazon.com Inc.'s ability to suggest books or CDs users may want to purchase based on interests they list when registering with the site.
  • 协作过滤软件将它获得的有关用户习惯行为的信息与有相似兴趣的其他客户的数据进行比较,这样,用户就能获得类似amazon的“购买此书的人也买了……”一类的荐意见。
    Collaborative-filtering software compares the information it gains about one user's behavior against data about other customers with similar interests.In this way, users get recommendations like Amazon's "Customers who bought this book also bought..."
  • 基金主要资助基础教育范围内(即学前、小学、中学及特殊教育)值得行的非牟利创新计划。
    The fund mainly caters for worthwhile non-profit making initiatives within the ambit of basic education, i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary and special education.
  • 我们把人群往后开,让救护车过去。
    We bore back the crowd to let the ambulance pass.
  • 过去人们常说,中国人信奉一种友好文明的习俗——逢雨天便将战斗迟,或许这只是一种无稽之谈,没有可信的根据。
    Is used to be said, perhaps on no better authority than the notoriously flimsy evidence of travellers' tales, that the Chinese followed the amiable and eminently civilized custom of postponing their battles if the weather was wet.
  • 要把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可承受的程度统一起来,把不断改善人民生活作为处理改革发展稳定关系的重要结合点,在社会稳定中进改革发展,通过改革发展促进社会稳定。
    We should take into full consideration the momentum of reform, the speed of development and the sustainability of the general public. Continued improvement of people's lives must be regarded as an important link in balancing reform, development and stability. We should press ahead with reform and development amidst social stability and promote social stability through reform and development.
  • 该科正行一项计划,向警队各成员广健康生活和家庭价值观的信息。
    The branch has also pursued an initiative in promoting a healthy life style and family values amongst members of the Force.
  • 因此本土研发、终身学习等都值得全力动。
    Therefore, domestic R & D and life-long education must receive ample emphasis.
  • 因此本土开发、终身学习等都值得全力动。
    Therefore, domestic resources development and life-long education must receive ample emphasis.
  • 你能荐一家阿姆斯特丹的好旅馆吗?
    Can you recommend a good hotel in amsterdam?
  • 如今,好莱坞越来越精益求精,不会再出只会令人发笑的低劣片子了。
    Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days.
  • 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来理解释法律问题。
    As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets, Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues.
  • 我的理论适用於你, 照此类, 也适用於像你这样的其他人.
    My theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you.
  • 他根据你的理论类得出这个结论。
    He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours.
  • 刑事类推
    analogy in criminal law