Chinese English Sentence:
  • 派尤特族住在南犹他州和内华达,亚利桑那的北部以及加利福尼亚东南的邻近地区的一群人
    A group occupying southern Utah and Nevada, northern Arizona, and adjacent areas of southeast California.
  • 莫哈维族美国土著民族,住在亚利桑那州—加里福尼亚州边界科罗拉多河下游地区
    A Native American people inhabiting lands along the lower Colorado River on the Arizona-California border.
  • 钱德勒美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东南。为一住社区和冬季度假胜地。人口90,533
    A city of south-central Arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. Population,90, 533.
  • 瓜坡族一支美洲土著人,原住在阿肯色州的阿肯色河流域的部分地区,现住在俄克拉荷马州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Arkansas along the Arkansas River, with a present-day population in Oklahoma.
  • 喀多族美国土著人联盟,由数个以前定在路易斯安那州、阿肯色州和东得克萨斯州的红河地区的小部落组成,现住俄克拉何马州中部地区
    A Native American confederacy composed of numerous small tribes formerly inhabiting the Red River area of Louisiana, Arkansas, and eastern Texas and now located in central Oklahoma.
  • 们结伙反对新来者。
    The neighbors banded against the new arrival.
  • 设立第二个新来港定人士就业辅导中心;
    setting up the second employment and guidance centre for new arrivals;
  • 西九龙填海区将为超过10万名民提供住所,并设有商业用地。该填海区也为连接九龙与新机场和新界西北部的重要道路及铁路干线,提供土地。
    The West Kowloon Reclamation will provide housing for more than 100 000 people, commercial space and vital road and rail arteries linking Kowloon with the new airport and north-west New Territories.
  • 许多所被遗弃,难民们大批地涌人美索不达米亚高原的南部。在其中的一个住地泰尔雷兰的挖掘工作表明,这次瓦解的特征是整个地区覆盖着厚厚的一层风刮来的尘土,里面没有任何手工艺品。
    Excavations at one of these settlements, Tell Leilan, show that the collapse is marked by a thick layer of windblown dust without any artifacts.
  • 司法宫宏伟的峨特式③正面的中央有一道高大的台阶,两股人流不停上上下下,这是因为人流在中的台阶底下碎散后,又以波涛翻腾之势,向两侧斜坡扩散开来。
    In the centre of the high Gothic facade of the Palais was the great flight of steps, incessantly occupied by a double stream ascending and descending, which, after being broken by the intermediate landing, spread in broad waves over the two lateral flights.
  • 早先住在高柱子顶端的基督教苦行修道者。
    an early Christian ascetic who lived on top of high pillars.
  • 火山连续28个小时喷发出岩石和灰烬,直到庞贝城及其不幸的民被埋在7米深的岩石和灰烬之下。
    For 28 hours the volcano continued to pour out rock and ash until the city of Pompeii and its unfortunate inhabitants was buried under 7 meters of rock and ash.
  • 他仅50岁,就终止了航海生涯,上岸住。
    At only fifty he swallowed the anchor and stayed ashore.
  • 一个亚洲本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Asia.
  • 亚洲乔治亚的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Asian Georgia.
  • 汉斯以为他家里人在一次空袭中被炸死了,就在五十里外的一个小村里定下来。
    Assuming that his family had been killed during an air-raid, Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away.
  • 汉斯以为他家里人在一次空袭中被炸死了,就在五十里外的一个小村里定下来。
    Assuming that his family had been killed during an air -raid, Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away.
  • 米堤亚亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于今天伊朗的西北处。该国民为一印欧部落。该国于公元前550年被鲁士大帝征服,从而被其并入波斯帝国之中
    An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c.550 b.c. by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire.
  • 许多在城里独的姑娘,由于没有父母的管教而误入歧途。
    Many girls living alone in the city, go astray for lack of parental control.
  • 许多在伦敦独的姑娘由于没有父母的管教则误入歧途。
    Many young girls, living alone in London, go astray for lack of parental control.
  • 那位天文学家一本正经地告诉她,说月球上有人住,她还不知道他在捉弄她呢。
    The astronomer told her with a perfectly straight face that the moon was inhabited; and she didn't even know he was putting her on.
  • 新加坡人还爱穿新衣,我的一位老师怀孕时,然孕妇装也换上十几套,让人目不暇接,眼花缭乱。
    And Singaporeans love new attire, too. A teacher of mine, when pregnant, changed out of one and into another of her dozen suits of expectant mother's wear in such quick succession that dazzled the beholder.
  • 他认为他的健康是注意饮食起的结果。
    He attributes his good health to careful living.
  • 现在已经进入社会主义时期,有人然对这些庄严的革命口号进行“批判”,而这种荒唐的“批判”不仅没有受到应有的抵制,然还得到我们队伍中一些人的同情和支持。
    We have now entered the socialist period, yet some people have had the audacity to criticize these high-minded revolutionary slogans. What is worse, this preposterous criticism, which should have been rejected, has found sympathy and support among some people in our own ranks.
  • 偶尔一阵香味飘过,隔壁邻已笑脸吟吟地站在门外,“来,试试我刚在联络所学会的咖喱鱼头。”
    Occasionally, an aroma wafted our way and presently we saw our next-door neighbour outside our flat."Come have a taste of my curry fish-head," said the auntie, smiling. "I've just learnt how to cook it at the community centre."
  • 殖民地民对皇家总督的暴虐行为极为不满
    Colonists were disaffected by the autocratic actions of the royal governor.
  • (四)在一个大的少数民族自治地方内,人口较少的少数民族聚区建立自治地方,如广西壮族自治区的恭城瑶族自治县等;
    4) autonomous areas are established within a larger autonomous area where people of an ethnic minority with a smaller population live in concentrated communities, such as the Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
  • (三)以多个少数民族聚区联合建立的自治地方,如广西龙胜各族自治县等;
    3) autonomous areas are established where several ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities, such as the Longsheng Ethnic Minorities Autonomous County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;
  • 民族自治地方的建立有以下类型:(一)以一个少数民族聚区为主建立的自治地方,如新疆维吾尔自治区等;
    1) Autonomous areas are established where people of one ethnic minority live in concentrated communities, such as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;
  • (二)以两个少数民族聚区联合建立的自治地方,如青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州等;
    2) autonomous areas are established where two ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities, such as the Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province;
  • 中国在少数民族聚地区实行民族区域自治制度。
    China practices ethnic regional autonomy in areas where minority peoples live in compact communities.
  • 各少数民族聚的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权。
    Regional autonomy is practised in areas where people of minority nationalities live in compact communities;