  • (用于男人)对人根深蒂固的不相信。
    (used of men) having deep-seated distrust of women.
  • 人生孩子应该坐着,体体面面地坐着。
    A woman should be seated, in a dignified position.
  • 侍者领班餐馆中管理侍者和招待的侍者,通常负责订座及把顾客领入就座位置的事务
    A waiter who is in charge of the waiters and waitresses in a restaurant and is often responsible for taking reservations and seating guests.
  • 西雅图太平洋大学里男孩子也不多,那里学生主体的65%是生。
    The boys are not at Seattle Pacific University, either, where the student body is 65 percent female.
  • 建国四十多年来,中国妇自尊、自信、自立、自强,不断提高自身素质,她们在经济建设中的历史功绩和伟大作用赢得了社会的称颂。
    In the 40-odd years since the founding of the People's Republic, Chinese women with a sense of self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-strengthening, have continued to enhance their own capabilities. Their historic accomplishments and significant role in the country's economic construction have won widespread commendation.
  • 这个社团公认的领导者;一个取得了世所公认的成就的人;他那为人共知的错误。
    the acknowledged leader of the community; a woman of acknowledged accomplishments; his acknowledged error.
  • 印度或穆斯林的妇蒙面的体制。
    the Hindu or Moslem system of keeping women secluded.
  • 过去在旧中国,妇不能抛头露面,深居于闺阁之中。
    In the past in old China, women were secluded from public view in the harem.
  • 隐居修道的人,隐士为了宗教原因而隐居的
    A woman who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons.
  • 修道院用于宗教隐居的地方,尤指修道院或修道院
    A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.
  • 深闺制度尤指使妇处于隔离状态的印度或穆斯林的性隔离系统
    The Hindu or Moslem system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion.
  • 她从未出家当修,可直到去世始终过着严格的隐居生活,奉行着罗马天主教的习惯。
    She never took the veil, but lived and died in severe seclusion, and in the practice of the Roman Catholic religion.
  • 不久,这个幻想破灭的少回到了马洛特村,阴郁地单独生活着,直到她那幼小干瘦的婴儿死去。
    After a while back to Marlott came the disillusioned girl, where she lived in a gray seclusion until her wizened little baby's death.
  • 简是总爱唠唠叨叨的贝茨小姐的外甥,貌美才淑,与爱玛不相上下。奈特利先生暗示,这就是爱玛从来不能与简友好相处的原因之一。
    Jane rivaled Emma in beauty and accomplishment, one reason why, as Mr. Knightley hinted, Emma had never been friendly with Jane.
  • 对男人或人来说学习一门技艺是明智的。
    It is advisable for a man or woman to acquire an accomplishment.
  • 根据美国肺器官协会的说法,估计有20%至30%的体重不足的婴儿,多达14%的早产以及约10%的婴儿死亡都是由于性在孕期吸烟引起的。吸烟的母亲还有可能通过喂母乳把尼古丁传给婴儿。
    According to the American Lung Association, smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20 to 30 percent of low birthweight babies, up to 14 percent of premature deliveries, and about 10 percent of all infant deaths.SECONDHAND SMOKE
  • 关于读书的乐趣,我在中国最伟大的诗人李清照(易安,1081—1141年)的自传里,找到一段最佳的描写。她的丈夫在太学作学生,每月领到生活费的时候,他们夫妻总立刻跑到相国寺去买碑文水果,回来夫妻相对展玩咀嚼,一面剥水果,一面赏碑帖,或者一面品佳茗,一面校勘各种不同的板本。
    The best description of the pleasure of reading I found in the autobiography of China's greatest poetess, Li Ch'ingchao (Yi-an, 1081-1141). She and her husband would go to the temple, where secondhand books and rubbings from stone inscriptions were sold, on the day he got his monthly stipend as a student at the Imperial Academy. Then they would buy some fruit on the way back, and coming home, they began to pare the fruit and examine the newly bought rubbings together, or drink tea and compare the variants in different editions.
  • 诚然,大多数妇从事“人的”工作(譬如文秘、护士或教师);
    It is true that most working women have “women's” jobs (secretarial, nursing, or teaching, for example);
  • 正如早川小姐所觉察到的那样,这种套路的言外之意,就是将性学生推到秘书或其他没有发展前途的工作上去。
    As Ms.Hayakawa discovered,an unspoken part of the ritual is the shunting of female students onto the secretarial track or other dead-end jobs.
  • 我的老板是个大男子主义者,认为人只能做办公室工作和秘书工作,因此从来不愿雇用妇经理。
    My boss is a male chauvinist pig. He thinks that women are good only for clerical and secretarial work and would never employ one as a manager.
  • 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇卖淫。
    It bans actions to organize, force, seduce, shelter or introduce women to engage in prostitution.
  • 洛斯里奥勾引人的男人
    A man who seduces women.
  • 这个道德败坏的人勾引我的儿。
    This degenerate seduced my daughter!
  • 我们的资产者不以他们的无产者的妻子和儿受他们支配为满足,正式的卖淫更不必说了,他们还以互相诱奸妻子为最大的享乐。
    Our bourgeois, not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other's wives.
  • (希腊神话)被宙斯诱惑的少;当赫拉快要发现他们的时候宙斯把她变成了一只小母牛。
    (Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus; when Hera was about to discover them together Zeus turned her into a white heifer.
  • 也许不该由这位评论家来说,因为他本人也出版了一本关于约翰逊的书,但是正如那位少所说的,那并不是什么大不了的事,是一个缺德的出版商诱惑我,而且我答应永远、永远再不做这种事了。
    Perhaps it is not for this reviewer to talk, since he produced a book on Johnson himself, but as the girl said, it was only a little one a wicked publisher seduced me, and I have promised never, never to do it again.
  • 被依法处理的信教的人中,有进行颠覆国家政权,破坏、危害国家安全活动的,有煽动群众抗拒执行国家法律、法规的,也有挑动群众互相殴斗、严重扰乱社会秩序的,还有假借宗教名义诈骗钱财、危害他人身心健康、诱奸妇的,等等,没有一个是因信教而被捕的。
    Among the religious people who were dealt with according to law, some were engaged in subversion against the state regime or activities endangering national security, some instigated the masses to defy state laws and regulations, others incited the masses to infighting that seriously disturbed public order, and still others swindled money, molested other people physically and mentally and seduced women in the name of religion. In short, none of them were arrested only because of their religious beliefs.
  • 一个成功的玩弄人的人(虚构的玩弄性的色情骗子之后)。
    a successful womanizer (after a fictional seducer).
  • 把他对那孩的诱惑叫征服并不为过。
    calling his seduction of the girl a `score' was a typical example of male slang.
  • 诱惑与浪漫:许多妇都很怀念自己跟丈夫恋爱的日子。
    Seduction & Romance: Many women long for the days when they and their husbands were courting.
  • 看起来非常有魅力或诱人的人。
    a very attractive or seductive looking woman.
  • 一个有诱引力和阴谋的被认为危险的
    A woman considered dangerously seductive and scheming.